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The next morning, Boun and Prem met in the hallway ..... the black-haired man saw the blonde come out of another room ...... but he just didn't stop to think ...

Both boys looked at each other for a couple of seconds ... until one decided to speak ...

Boun: "Hi Prem ...... did you sleep well ??"

Prem: "yes, Mr. Guntachai .... thank you" .... and he walked away ...... as he passed Boun's side, he held him by the hand ...

And again it was there ..... that electric current that tortured their body and skin ...

Boun: "stop calling me Mr. Guntachai ...... just tell me Boun" ..... "or ... love" ..... said the blonde mentally ..... looking into his eyes. without even blinking ...

Prem didn't let go of the grip and that made Boun move a little further .....

Prem: "I can't just call him ... Boun ..... it would be inappropriate" ..... said the boy with a tender look .... "You are the mr of the house and husband of ....

Boun didn't let him finish the sentence ...

Shhhh !!!

Boun: "you don't know how things are .... you don't know my situation ...... maybe one day I'll show you reality ...... for now .... just let me dream .... .Let me create this dream, like this .... close to you ...

Boun walked small steps forward and Prem took small steps backwards ..... until Prem's back touched the door of his room and Boun skillfully opened it .....

They entered the bedroom without losing eye contact .... by then .... Prem was already hypnotized ...... the blonde slowly cupped the boy's cheeks and getting closer and closer ..... looked at his lips fixed and uncontrollable desire engulfed him ..... he couldn't help biting his lower lip ...... and the memories of the night before came to his minds ..... when two lovers had given each other so much pleasure thinking of the other ...... so deliciously hot ...

Prem knew he was lost ... that he had no escape ..... the memory of last night under his sheets made him fill that empty space between his pants .... "it's a morning boner" .... he said in his mind trying to justify his excitement ...

Boun was still taking small steps forward trying to direct Prem towards the bed ... when he "accidentally" brushed against the younger boy's crotch ...

A long sigh and a slight whimper left Boun's throat as he felt the boy's erection against his leg .....

A hiss from Prem made him go crazy when the black-haired man felt Boun's hard erection against his ... both members were alive ...

The blonde hugged the youngest and whispered in his ear ...

"Ahhhh ..... Prem ..... I want you !!!"

The boy closed his eyes and had to squeeze his thighs to control his ecstatic erection ...

Boun felt the boy tremble in his hands ...... and tasting his lips became irresistible ..... he knew he could get slapped again ... but taking that risk was totally worth it ...

Without stopping to think, Boun's lips went directly to Prem's ..... and a sea of ​​emotions invaded them ...... that kiss was a mixture of feelings, between joy, desire, fear, lust. ..... everything filled that void .....

Boun's hand was on the boy's cheek to draw him closer to him .... while the other hand held the boy tightly around the waist and pressed him against his own body ......

The boy's breathing shortened and Boun didn't want to stop him ... he was afraid that if he pulled away to breathe he would lose precious seconds ......

THE SILENCE OF MY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now