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The days went by fast...a couple of weeks and everything got worse and worse....

Prem continued to put up with Y/N's bad mood and revenge every day... each day was worse than the previous... between humiliations and offenses... Prem put up with the situation less each day....

Boun preferred to stay away from home so as not to listen to the girl's complaints... Prem was completely away from him...he didn't even receive her calls or answer her messages...Prem locked up at night his door from the inside to prevent him from entering..... there was no point in being in his house....

Siwaj was godlike with his grandson and his daughter....who would basically suffocate anyone....except the girl...she was happy having her father at her disposal.....

Saint and Perth each day more together and in love....they had made a long trip out of Thailand during Saint's vacation....they really looked happy and in love.....

Over the last few days, Mali had been looking for Boun insistently, calling him, going to the company and harassing him even in the restaurant where he ate...

Brigth continued in his conquest with Prem without success... but he would not give up so easily... in fact he was the only person who was with Prem in the most difficult moments... the black-haired man he always supported Brigth when he felt he couldn't take it anymore..... but he couldn't give him his heart..... simply because he already had an owner.....

Nana Patty was taking care of Prem and Boun the best she could....she felt frustrated that she couldn't do anything to help them....she needed proof to unmask Y\N....this house was turning into a real hell.... you felt the tension and the bad vibes... something that had never happened before....

And finally....Y/N.....this girl knew no limits when it came to grudges.....the hatred she had towards Prem....led her to make up the cruelest and harshest of the revenge against him.....from insults, offenses, to physical abuse.....he knew perfectly well that he had a secret weapon.....his son....and he would use it at the right time... ..

After a few weeks...the day came...little Win was discharged...he could finally go home...with some care and a lot of love...he would come out go ahead soon..... while he was in the hospital..... Prem was undoubtedly the one who took care of him the most, hidden from his mother... ...Boun visited him every day in the company of Y/N... ... who supposedly she, the little one should grow up in a good family to be happy.....

Boun and his mother went to pick him up at the hospital to take him home... upon arrival he was received by the people who lived in it and by the happy grandfather... little Win was received with great care and love from of all.... Nana Patty approached to see the little one but was stopped by the mother.....

*"Have you washed and disinfected your hands????"....

Everyone was silent.....until Boun spoke...

*"What are you talking about???....nothing will happen to him if they look at him.....nobody seeks to harm the child....stop being absurd"....

*"You don't realize that he just got out of the hospital...he's still in a delicate condition...his health is the most important thing to me...and I'm going to protect him from one will come near me son if it has not been disinfected before ...... that is my decision "...

*"By God you're listening to yourself.....what you say is should be more aware of your attitude".... Boun said

*"Perhaps my daughter is right... we must protect my grandson's health above all else..... she, as his mother, knows what is best for him... and I hope you respect her decision Boun".. ..

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