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Boun lost his stability upon hearing those words...the floor opened up under his feet and a great abyss sucked him in...his breath practically stopped...a pain in his chest made him fall to his knees , the hot tears that came out of her eyes burned her skin.....everything started to spin.......she was about to collapse.....

Y/N looked at him without a single inch of regret... seeing Boun suffer for a few minutes filled her with satisfaction, seeing him on his knees and crying... it was a great reward for her... internally she knew that his plan with Prem, it was over.....now he had a new goal in sight....and he smiled as he watched him suffer.....his plan B.....was on the way.....

Boun tried to get up from the floor.....but his legs weren't responding.....he made a second attempt....and managed to stand.....he staggered towards the door and the path seemed to take forever, like He was able to get to his car and before he could get into it ..... I watch Saint, Perth and Nana Patty arrive....

Saint ran towards his friend and held him.....

*"Boun what's going on..... Boun... tell me what happened???"...

Boun was still in shock..... so Y/N came out to tell them what had happened....

*"Apparently Prem. He fell down the stairs and was taken away by the ambulance very badly. ... he seemed dead"..... And he began to cry....

The Persons present were very surprised.....extremely worried......Perth.....begged Saint to take him to see his friend....

*"Saint..... I have to go to the hospital..... I have to see him... know he's okay"....,.... Boun said between tears....

*"You can't drive in those conditions....it would be dangerous...get in the car...I'll take them.....Nana....stay with Y/N.....I'll call you to give you more details..... stay calm Prem will be fine".... Saint commented

Upon reaching the place, Boun ran through the hospital next to Saint and Perth looking for Prem......his nervousness and fear could be seen for miles....... Saint tried to reassure them both..... one his best friend... the other the person he loved.... along the way they met Brigth.....

*"Where is PREM......tell me please where is he.....I want to see him....I want to know he's okay.....TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!!!... ..TELL ME HE IS ALIVE!!!!!...I beg you....Boun yelled in desperation.....

*"I'm sorry Boun....for now you can't see him.....of course he's alive....just now they're doing an MRI.....I want to make sure everything is okay.. ...may he be well.....if you allow me.....I will go to his side"....

Boun stared sadly. .he wanted to be by her side... he should be the one to hold her hand... but he couldn't... he knew he should wait patiently...


In the mansion, Y/N was so calm and carefree.....that she caught Nana's attention.....

*"I'm starving...make me something to eat...and take it up to my room"....

*"How can you be so calm and hungry after what happened to Prem...the boy can be seriously ill and we are here with no news"....

* "And what the hell do you want me to do? .... I'm not a doctor, I can't do anything ....... do what I asked you and stay with Win".....

*"You're a bad woman... someday you're going to regret everything you do, you're not even capable of loving your own son.... you can't take care of him"....

*"In case you didn't know...I have a syndrome of I don't know what.....that doesn't allow me to be with my son for now....that's why I can't take care of him..... .and that's what they get paid for"...

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