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Jennie's Pov

"Liana Kim wake up  if you don't want me to bite your ass "
I shouted at her but she didn't answer but I knew she was  already awake.

I jumped on the bed and lightly bite the cheek of her ass so she got up immediately while laughing.

"good morning eonni i love you .."
She greeted me tenderly before she hugging me.

"good morning, move move take a bath so we can eat breakfast and I can take you to school."
I told her  and she pout.

"eonni, do I really need to go to a regular school? Can I  just do it at home ? I'm really shy"
She replied.

"baby, listen to me. You need to socialize yourself not all the time I'm the only person you can be with."

"eonni first of all i'm not a baby anymore and they don't want to talk to me no one wants to be friends with me."
I pulled her before kissing her on the forehead.

"excuse me even if you grow old you are still my baby,  and so they don't want to be friends with you because the way you look at them looks like you want to fight them "
I explain to her.

"Eonni, I wish I was just as friendly like you."
She replied sadly.

I cup her face and kiss her quickly on her lips i look at her while i'm fixing her hair.

"You have to smile always and you won't notice that you have a lot of friends already."
I told her.

"ok fine eonnie I'll do it for you."
She replied.

"You're going to do that for yourself Lian not for me, so stand there and take a bath because the breakfast I prepared for us will be cold."
I told her and she stood up and took her towel and went to the bathroom.

I feel bad for her . because of the trauma that happened to me and my mother before, it really affect her.

When Lian was born, it was only time  that I saw my mother's behavior improved.

I am thankful that Lian came into our lives, she became a ball of sunshine and hope for me and my mom.

But it hurts me now to see Lian having a hard time getting along with the people around her because all her life she has only been at home because that's what my mother wants, she's afraid that something bad will happen to her.

I don't blame my mom for doing that because even me i have a hard time forgetting what happened before.

The night before we flew to New Zealand my mother and I were hidden by my father under the bed before an armed man entered our house , Me and Mom witnessed how my father was shot.

It was painful for us but we obeyed his orders. before that night my father prepared all our papers so that my mother and I could fly to New Zealand
to start a new life there,  as if he already know what will going to happen to him.

And that same night my mother and I flew with a heavy heart because we left my father lifeless inside our house.

Before he lost his breath he told us to leave because the man who killed him will came back and killed us too the last word he said was the  name of a person . 

At my young age i already suspected that that was the  name of the person who killed him .

I know that that man is so powerful and I know that he has a motive for killing my father so I have a strong feeling that he is  the mastermind.

We lived in fear of the New Zealand but I tried to get past that trauma and I survived but sad to say that  my mother just died carrying her  fear .

It's been six months since I came back here in Korea . One of the biggest company here offered me a job and it was a good opportunity for me so I decided to live here with Lian.

It's a good thing and my mother taught her to speak and read Korean so i never had a hard time when we moved here.

I'm still afraid that the person who killed my father might come back to us but i know my father already take care of everything before he died ,if ever i will meet that person  my father was referring to  i know i could recognize him, but he will no longer recognized me .

I  need to fight of my fear because  nothing will happen  if i will continue to live in fear , especially now that Lian only depends on me.

This is the first time she went to regular school because when Mom was still alive, she let Lian study at home so that she can be with her all the time .

I know she's having a hard time getting along now but I know she'll get used to it too.

"eonni can you add more to my lunch because I want my friend to taste your cooking, please put it in a separate container."
She said as she continued to eat.

"I thought you had no friends."
I asked her.

"I forgot that i already have but only one."
she said as she scratched her head, I smiled because somehow she's improving.

"All right, I want you to give it to her and say that I said Hi to her ok."
I told her I was surprised when she smirked.

"why are you smirking."

"Nothing eonni, don't worry and your Hi will get to her."
She said, I smiled at her .

When we left the house and I was about to get in my car, Ivan came.

"hi Hon."
Ivan said before he gave me a kiss on the lips and hugged me.

I saw Lian's eyes roll as she acted Like she was about to vomit when she saw Ivan kiss me.

"Eonni, I'm late."
She shouted as she crossed her arms inside the car.

"sorry Hon we have to go  Lian will be late for school."
I told him before I kissed him again and got into the car.

"bye hon see you later ilove you."
He shouted.

"i love you too see you."
I replied before continuing to leave.

"You didn't even greet your Oppa Lian,  where is your manners."
I asked her while driving.

"He is not my Oppa and he didn't greet me either so we were just the same."
She answered sarcastically.

"why are you acting like this again Liana Kim "
I asked her.

"because you're the only one he like. he doesn't like me I'm sure when you get married he won't let you take me with you."

"baby I won't allow you not to be with me."

" I dont like him ."
She said boldly.

we arrived at her school and I was supposed to kiss her on the lips when she suddenly turned away and it landed on her cheek.

"why is it you don't want me to kiss you in the lips now."
I asked her, because she always the first one to kiss me.

"Isn't it disgusting that you kissed that man on the lips and then you kissed me too,  Bye eonni i love you."
She said she hugged me before getting out of my car and left me speechless at what she said.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now