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Jennie's Pov

While I was busy with the paperwork I had to work on, Ivan suddenly came into my office with flowers, which annoyed me because he did this every day and I also rejected him every day because I already clear to him that there is no hope for us to get back together.  

First it's because  I love Lisa, second I am pregnant and third I don't love him.

"How many times do I have to reject you for you to stop ."
I asked him as I continued with what I was doing.

"I won't give up jen, I don't care if you're pregnant i will accept your baby , i will take responsibility for your pregnancy just come back to me jen ."
He replied, I looked at him with a frown.

"i have a girlfriend and you know that ,  do you think Lisa will allow you to be responsible for her child."
I asked him as I raised eyebrow.

"impossible for you to get pregnant with her You're both women."
He replied.

"OK,  if that's what bothering you i undergo IVF ."
I answered him, I saw the sadness on his face when he heard what I said.

I lied to him about IVF because I don't know if Lisa is open of telling other people about her condition.

He left without saying  goodbye  as he  throw the flower that he was about to give me in trash bin.

Even though me and lisa are not good terms  now it is clear to me how I feel for her there is no doubt that I love her .only her .

And I'm not angry with her anymore, I'll admit that I was very hurt when I found out what she did, even if she said that her anger just brought her into that situation, it still hurts for me that what she did.

God knows how much I miss her how much I want to hug her and kiss her to the point that I wait for her to fall asleep before I enter to her room so I can kiss her because I can't sleep if I don't do that.

I ignore her not because I hate her, I do it to make her feel the consequence of her action.

I know that she is struggling and hurt every time I ignore her, I don't want to make her feel that way but it is necessary for her to learn to be careful with her actions.

In the depths of my thoughts I almost tore the paper I was holding in shock when my phone rang.

When I looked at who was calling I saw Liana's name. I looked at the clock and wondered why she was calling because it was only nine o'clock in the morning i know her class schedule and she has a class at this time , I answered the call but I didn't say a word.

"eonni are you there."
She said on the other line I felt nervous because it was obvious that she is panicking.

"what happened to you, where are you."
i asked her .

"Oenni I didn't go to school today because when I called Oppa in her room earlier to leave I saw that she wasn't feeling well, and now I don't know what to do because her whole body was shaking and she has a high fever. Eonni what should I do."
My eyes widened when I heard what she said.

"Wait for me , i'm on my way home."
I didn't wait for her to answer, I immediately turned off the call and took my bag and left the company .

I don't know how fast I drive because I'm so nervous.

When I got home, I immediately went to lisa's room and saw that Liana was wiping her face with a wet towel while lisa was wrapped in a thick blanket.

She shouted and ran to hug me.

I immediately approached lisa and touched her forehead and I felt the heat of her body.

" come out first."
I told her and she immediately followed what i said.

I wiped her whole body to reduce the heat  and I put on a new clothes on her before I wrapped her again  in a thick blanket.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that her trembling had stopped.

After I cooked the hot soup, I immediately went back to her room, she had to have at least a little fullness in her stomach before she took the medicine.

When I entered the room, I was not surprised to see her already  sitting on the bed because I knew that the bad feeling would quickly subside as long as she was well taken care of.

When she noticed my presence she was shocked, I approached her and I put the tray of food on the side of the table and I touched her forehead and I felt that she still have a fever but it's not as hot as earlier.

"Eat ...so you can take medicine."
I told her as I put the full spoon in front of her mouth.

" I have no appetite ."
She replied shyly, I put the spoon back in the bowl and I couldn't help myself and I slapped her on her shoulder.

" Ouch ."
She shouted.

"not because I'm not reminding you to take care of yourself, you just let yourself to get sick. are you trying to kill yourself little by little, what about me, what about Liana, what about our baby, did you ever  think that if you don't take care of yourself  and you died what will happen to us. "
I shouted at her as my tears flowed.

She wiped my tears before She hugged me and I couldn't stand myself anymore and I hugged her back.

"shhhh I'm not going to die ok, sorry if I always make you cry."
she said and I knew she was crying too.

I broke the hug and wiped away her tears.

"Promise me you'll take care of yourself dont get sick agian"
I replied to her, She smiled at me and nodded.

"please forgive me Love ,i won't do that again i promise"
she said sincerely. i think she already learned her lesson so i need to stop ignoring her .

" let's forget about it just please don't do it again , ok ."
I said to her , she smiled at me as her tears flowed.

" thank you Love , I miss you."
She said to me and I couldn't help myself anymore and I kissed her on the lips but I was surprised that she slowly pushed me.

" what "
I ask annoyingly because i badly want to kiss her.

"love, even if I want to kiss you right now, I wont do it.  you might get  my fever. You're not allowed to get Sick we sould think about our baby."
She said and I smiled before I hugged her again I feel so happy that I felt her hug again.


Made my day . Lalisa  must be so tired finding this photo from her gallery  😭

 Lalisa  must be so tired finding this photo from her gallery  😭

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Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now