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Jennie's Pov

The three of us went home together after I went to Liana's school, i was surprised when the school principal called me because  Liana had a fight with her fellow students and the parents complained because their daughter  has so many  scratched because of what Liana did.

I wonder why she fought with someone older than her . I thought her enemy was just the same age as her .

I was surprised that it's a  senior student while she was just a freshman. it's a good thing the Senior didn't fight back to  her ,  because by chance she might be beaten by now .

The school principal asked her why she did that she didn't answer, it was a good thing and the senior student forgave her so we didn't have a problem the school principal just let me signed that if that incident happened again she would be expelled .

We rode home quietly because I was angry with what Liana did, it was good thing that the principal give her another chance and didn't expel her what she did, when we entered the house, Liana sat on the couch she was obviously nervous because she keep on playing with her fingers.

I crossed my arms in front of her while lisa was standing behind her , I knew that she would be on her side when my anger got too much.
Liana consider her as her hero,  because she always stop me everytime i'm scolding and nagging Liana.

"why did you do that Liana Kim, when did you learn to fight."
I seriously asked her.

She didn't answer and just looked at  her fingers.

"are you deaf Liana."
I shouted so loud that surprised her.

Lisa approached me and held me with both arms to calm me down but i remove her hands.

I’m  angry I don’t know why this is the first time that i feel this kind of this kind of feeling. I heard her crying in fear, Lisa sat next to her to calm her down.

"tell me why you fought Liana, don't waste my time."

"Jen, look she's already cryi ......"
I didn't let lisa finish what she was saying and I cut her off.

"Shut up, you're always taking her side that's why she had the courage to do this kind of thing  she always thought that you are always there to stop me ,when i'm scolding and nagging at her."
I shouted at her and she immediately fell silent but she still stroked Liana's arm to comfort her.

"sorry eonni, I cant stop myself because."

"because  what ."
I asked her because she didn't finish what she was saying.

"I heard that she were talking to her friends  about Lisa oppa, that she allegedly forced her parents to pay lisa oppa to teach her and that she would seduce her ."
She explained, my eyes widened at what I heard and so did Lisa.

"Whatever the reason you have you still dont have  right to hurt anyone Liana"
I replied to her.

I looked at Lisa and she averted her eyes from me.

"but eonni I'm just protecting what's yours."
Her complaint.

Is this how she really  ship  me and lisa  that she  got to the point that  she's hurting someone   who try to seduce lisa ? i still can't believe that she  did this.

"Stop Liana, what you did  wrong,  end of  conversation. Now fix yourself, take a bath, change your clothes and go study, i won't allow you to use your phone, no television for a week, you understand."
I firmly said, she didn't answer and she just pouted as she walked towards her room.

I went to the kitchen to get some water because I felt my throat was dry because of my anger, I was guilty because that was the first time I scolded Liana  like that for raising my voice so much but I couldn't control the anger I felt like  I will explode if I don't let that out.

As I drank the water I felt Lisa's hand wrap around my waist from my back and she leaned her chin on my shoulder.

She said in her baby voice.

I finish the water  and put the glass in the sink before I removed her hands from my waist and faced her.

"For what Lisa, can you please be specific. Sorry for  for being in Liana's side even if what she did is wrong, or  sorry for flirting with that student that's why she want to be with you."
I asked her

She cupped my face and pressed her lips to mine.

"I'm sorry, first you know that I can't bear to see Liana is crying right, And  let me correct you i don't flirt. I'm just too handsome that's why even though i'm not doing anything they still want me . but don't worry baby  i'm not attracted to anyone other than you."
She's teasing me while smirking.

"stop fooling yourself lisa, if that's a joke it's not funny."

" i'm not kidding it's true that i'm just into you, "
She said while wiggling her eyebrows, 
I rolled my eyes and left her but she hugged me again.

"Lisa let me go."
I told her , she kissed me on the neck i felt my knee become weak when she did that.

"forgive me baby please"
She whispered to me I closed my eyes before I faced her.

She kissed me quickly on the lips before she kissed me on the forehead.

"fine, now let me go because I need to change my clothes."
I replied to her, she smiled at me before she let me go.

"you want me to help you to change your clothes."
she said.

" No."
i said firmly.

"why ."
she asked me while laughing.

" because i know that we will be both naked first for how many minutes before i can finally get dressed."
I tell her before i finally  leave her in the kitchen, i can hear her laughter while i'm on our way to my room.

I shook my head while smiling, I couldn't believe that with only  a hug and a kiss, my anger and annoyance disappeared.

But I still can't deny that I'm worried about what Liana said and I'm annoyed because I found out that that's what the students  does to get lisa's attention.

When I found out that was the plan of that student, I felt like I wanted to add the scratch that Liana made to her and now I get anxious thinking  that those she teaches are tempting her.

Oh God please guide me not to throw a hand to those girls who want to try take Lisa away from us.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now