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Jennie's Pov

"Eonni do we have a guest tonight? i don't think you cooked only two for person."
Liana asked as she set the table.

"Put another mat there next to you because we're expecting someone tonight."
I told her, she looked at me with a frown.

"did you and ivan, get back together? don't worry I'll support you just in case you get back together again, as long as you're happy eonni."
She replied, I'm still hurt, but I'm trying not to show it to Liana that I'm weak. I want to show her that I am strong and resilient.

"no, why would i do that? Like what i've said he doesn't deserve us."
I replied to her with a smile but the truth is that my heart is breaking with extreme pain.

I wanted to shed my tears , I felt my tears already dripping from my eyes Luckily , there was a knock on the door and Liana immediately left to open it . I had a chance wiped it  and  I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Lisa oppa."
I heard her shout and noticed in her voice that she was surprised when Lisa arrived.

I followed her and saw Lisa looking around the house.

" lisa oppa, why are you carrying so many suitcases?."
She asked her, Lisa was about to answer but i cut her off.

"welcome, did you like your new home?"
I told her, I saw Lian's eyes widen when she heard what I said.

After we talked earlier, the owner of the unit she was renting called her and told her that  she need to leave the unit because there was a new tenant,  so Lisa decided to move .

"You will live here with us oppa. "
Liana suddenly asked, I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Let's talk about that while  eating,"
I told her, we help Lisa with her luggage to put it inside her room.

I noticed that she keep on rooming her sight around the house.

"lisa oppa, is it true that you will live here with us"
Liana asked again, lisa and i looked at each other while smiling .

"yes, she will live here with us is there any problem with that."
I asked her and saw how her face lit up when she heard what I said.

"really eonni, No no no we won't have any problem .Thank you eonni I'm happy and Lisa oppa is here too."
She shouted and she ran closer to me and gave me a tight hug.

I looked at Lisa and she give me a shy smile as I hugged Liana back. I want to cry when I see the interaction between the two of them, I think I have a competitor for Liana's attention, but I'm not jealous, I'm actually happy that other than me, there is someone who truly cares for her.

As I lay on bed next to Liana I was quietly crying, I couldn't sleep because I was still hurting i want this pain to stop but i dont know how.

I Get up as I wiped away my tears and came out of the room, I went to the kitchen to get a beer from the fridge i went to the living room and set on the couch.

While I was in my  deep thoughts , the door of Lisa's room suddenly opened and she was surprised when she came out that I was still in the living room.

" Why are you still awake ?"
I asked her .

"I just finished arranging my things."
She answered as she approached me.

"How's your new room?"

"its way more better than the old one that i rented, thank you very much jen."
She replied.

"your welcome, you saw how happy Liana  earlier right . That's my goal  to give her a happy life to make her happy so thank you for making her happy."
I answered her  she smiled at me.

"You're drinking?."
She asked.

"yeah, but i only drink here at home when something's bothering ,me when i can't sleep and i when have a problem.  don't tell me  you don't drink."
I asked her.

"I used to drink before but I stopped because except that I don't have time for such things .I need to work ,i also need to save money so instead of buying alcohol  I save it to pay my rent."
She explain to me.
"so you're drinking now because you have a problem?"
she added.

"Sit down, come and join me so I have someone to talk to ."
I invited her and she sat next to me but there was a small space between us.

I got up and to get a beer and immediately went back to the living room and handed it to her and she immediately accepted it.

"Have you ever felt  your heart broken."
I asked her before I went back to sit next to her

She looked at me and drank the beer I gave her.

"yeah Many times already, the first time when my Brother died because he saved me , next when my best friend also died without me knowing it . I didn't see her  even for the last time,  I just heard the news from our teacher at school . l felt like all the important person in my life is taken away for me at that time ."
I could see the sadness in her eyes as she said that to me.

"The last time was when my long time girlfriend broke up with me because I could no longer provide for her material needs,  I almost committed suicide that time. Luckily God still loves me that   he didn't let me take my own life just for the worthless person."
She look at me and smile
" I know you're heart broken right now ,you know . You can share it  with me to make you feel better. "
She replied, I looked at her and my tears flowed spontaneously.

I immediately wiped it and  breathe deeply before I  speak.

"my first heart break was when I saw my father killed right in front of me, and at the same day my heart crush into piece because I also need to leave one of the most important person in my life because of what happened to my father . I felt the same pain when my mother died carrying the fear and trauma  because of my father's death. And only yesterday me and my boyfriend separated. "
I replied to her.

I am not angry with Lisa because I know that  it was not her fault what her father had done to us, I know she knows nothing of what had happened in the past .

She looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"I feel sorry for the loss of your parents."
She replied to me, I smiled at her.
"and I already know that you broke up with your boyfriend because Liana told me, she blames herself."

"I broke up with him not  because of Liana. i broke up with him because of the bad things he said to Liana. so even though I love him I chose to end our relationship"
I told her honestly as my tears flowed.

"Liana is lucky that she has a sister like you."
She replied I smiled at her.

" no ....you don't have any idea how lucky i was to have her Lisa,   she's my strength. without her i don't think i can survive ."
I told her and we finished the beer we were holding we decided to end our conversation .

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now