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Third person's  Pov

When lisa arrived at their old house, she immediately entered the house with fear and trembling and as if her heart was broken and her tears flowed spontaneously when she saw that Liana and jennie were tied to two chairs.

liana shouted while crying  when she saw Lisa.

Jennie said softly as she smiled but she was obviously getting weaker in her situation.

Lisa was about to approach them when her father suddenly came out holding a gun and pointed it at Jennie.

"No, dad please don't."
Lisa begged, while Liana struggled while shouting when she saw a gun was pointed to her sister Jennie  and Jennie  closed her eyes in fear.

"I thought you were brave Lisa, this is the first time that i saw you scared like that my daughter."
her father said while smirking .

"why are you doing this . what did they do to you for you to do this to them."
lisa shouted as she knelt and begged.

"They didn't do anything, but their father committed a great sin, do you know that their  father killed your brother."
He replied while still pointing the gun at Jennie's head.

Lisa was surprised by what she heard because what she knew that the driver of the car that crashed into her brother was already in jail.

"It was an accident and it wasn't my father who was driving the car at that time, if there was a criminal here, it was you. You were the one who ordered my father to be killed."
Jennie was forced to speak even when she getting weak , lisa's dad laughed out loud.

While Lisa is having a hard time processing the information she hears she knows that her father is bad but she doesn't expect that he will be able to order the killing of people.

"Dad what happened is just an accident i'm the one who supposed to be hit by that car but oppa save me . please stop it."
Lisa Said as she begged while she was on her knees.

"You'd think I'd believe it was an accident, I'm not stupid. I know that your father has a secret hatred and envy towards me because he never experienced the success I achieved so he killed my son."
he shouted.

" No it's not........"
Jennie didn't finish what she was going to say when lisa's father suddenly laughed out loud again .

"so i pay for someone to kill your father and his whole family because one life is not enough for my son's death . You should all die together but i didn't expect that your father also have a great plan to save you and your mother, but now I will make sure that i will get the justice i want for my son's death. and I want to thank you Lisa because you are was the way for me to find them. "
Lisa's father said while laughing like crazy.

"Dad please."
Lisa pleaded in extreme fear, while Liana continued to cry and Jennie showed her resilience even though she could see the tiredness on her face.

"oh you're so sweet my Daughter, ok because i love you i will make you choose who I will kill in exchange for your brother's life, but i want some  twist . You will be the one to shoot the one that you choose , I promise you I will let you live in peace if you do what I want ."
her father said and he placed one of his guns on the floor and kicked it closer to lisa while his other gun was still pointed at Jennie's head.

"Just shoot me Love , Save Liana. Please, she's very  young, She still has many dreams in life."
Jennie said .

"oppa  you promise me that no matter what happens you will choose eonni.  save her oppa I am ready to sacrifice for her and your future baby."
Liana shouted.

Lisa knelt on the floor as her tears flowed from the extreme stress and she didn't know what to do.

She slowly picked up the gun while her hands was shaking.

"I'll give you two minutes to choose. If you don't. I'll kill them both, including the child Jennie is carrying, and don't make the mistake of pointing the gun your  holding at me if you don't want me to blow this woman's head off."
her father explained as he grabbed jennie by the neck and stuck the tip of the gun to her temple.

"lisa I'm begging you to save Liana."
Jennie pleaded.

"Forgive me Love but I can't ."
Lisa's trembling response.

"no, lisa please."
Jennie shouted Lisa looked at Liana and Liana smiled her before she averted her gaze and look to her sister.

"I love you so much eonnie thank you for all your love and sacrifices
and thank you for being a Mom and a good sister for me , it's time for me to sacrifice for you please tell your baby that she has a beautiful auntie show my pictures to her so that when she saw me on the next life he/she will recognize me already"
said Liana while looking at Jennie.

"No baby don't do this to me ."
Jennie said crying in fear but Liana just smile at her and she look to lisa .

"thank you for keeping your promise oppa, and thank you for being the best father figure that i never had. take care of my sister and your baby ok .And for the first and last time let me call you this Dada . please don't feel bad with your decision , you made the right choice dada i love you"
Liana  replied and lisa became even more emotional.

"lisa No, love, please."
Jennie shouted.

"I'm sorry babby Liana i want you to know that you will always be my first baby. and i'm so sorry for what i'm about to do,  I love you so much remember that, I love you."
lisa's emotional response and Liana nodded.

" i know dada, and i'm proud of you are making the best choice."
Liana response

Even if it's against Lisa's will but she couldn't do anything she need to do it to save one of them.

"That's enough drama. Do it."
her father said angrily.

Liana fainted because she was so scared,
while jennie continued to cry.

Lisa slowly lifted the gun and pointed it at Liana as she closed her eyes, she was about to pull the trigger of the gun when Jennie shouted loudly.

"Nooo.... No no ..Please don't kill your daughter, she's your daughter Lisa please i'm Lian lisa ,she's your daughter  "
Jennie shouted repeatedly.

Lisa was stunned by what she heard Jennie say and she suddenly let go of the gun she was holding.

"if you can't I'll do it."
her father Said and before he fired his gun which he aimed at Liana lisa run to hugged Liana tightly and she was the one hit by the bullet.

jennie shouted
at the same time a series of gunshots and lisa's father fell to the floor bloody because lisa's mother shot him.

Jennie cried because of the pain in her tummy while the blood was flowing in her legs and she lost her consciousness.

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