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Jennie's Pov

"yahhhh, dada give me back my phone."
Liana cried as she chased after lisa.

"who is Carl why is he asking you if you have eaten already , mommy look our Liana already have a boyfriend"
lisa teasingly said  while she was raising the phone of our daughter for her not to reach it .

" no mom i dont have a boyfriend."
She defend herself.

Time flies, I've been pregnant for nine months and a few weeks have passed since Lisa and I got married.

The wedding was just simple because I don't want it to be too grand, the only important thing for me is that Lisa and I get married before I give birth to our second child.

We also moved to a new house because lisa wanted everyone to be comfortable especially since i was about to give birth. Liana, on the other hand, became even closer to lisa but   they  always fight sometimes I get annoyed because it seems like I have two nasty children  when they are fighting .

I was happy that I noticed that liana finally accepted our family situation.

We also finished all the documents of liana's she was so very happy when she found out that she is already a Manoban.

I left the management of the company to rosie's father because I felt that I still lacked the ability to manage the company that my father left me.

But every day I still go there to find out about the company up to.

And to the extreme shame of my stupid ex  Ivan he resigned from his job when he found out that I was the owner of the company. good thing he himself left because I will still forced to fire him because I don't want to see his face every day.

Our life is not perfect but i know that we are genuinely happy and i have nothing more to ask for.

I came back from the deep thought of Liana approaching me.

"Mom, Dada won't give me my phone."
She complained.

"who is Carl "
I asked her
I know that my daughter is beautiful and it is not possible that many boys will try to get her.

But i always  remind her that she is too young to have a relationship, she is only thirteen years old, turning fourteen in the next few months and I try to make her aware she is still not allowed to be courted .

I know that  she is listening and I know that she is afraid to do something that will make me angry.

"She's just my friend, mom, I know that i'm not allowed until i'm 18."
She said.

I smiled at her as I fixed her hair.

"Promise me that you won't hide anything from me , in case you like someone tell mommy so I can guide you I promise I won't scold you as long as you're honest with me."
I told her she nodded and hugged me.

" can i join."
said Lisa.

"no dad go away."
liana said that made  lisa pouts and she shows liana's phone and before running because she know that  Liana will take it from her.

I shook my head because sometimes I don't know which of them is older because of lisa's naughty behavior sometimes she won't stop teasing her daughter until she cries.

I stood up to get some water when suddenly the water flowed down my legs and I felt a little pain in my tummy.

"love, Liana help."
I shouted, they both approached me.

"Love why do you pee on the floor what if  you slip."
said lisa as she helped me not to step on the water, while liana suppressed her laughter.

I hit Lisa on the head.

"Take me to the hospital I'm going to give birth."
I cried because I already felt too much pain.

Lisa's eyes widened at what she heard.

"I'll take the baby's stuff."
said Liana and she ran upstairs .

lisa carried me to the car she held my hands obviously scared  because i was crying in extreme pain when liana got into the car with the baby stuff the driver immediately drove to the hospital.

"Love, what am I going to do."
lisa cried as she squeezed my hand.

"Calm down and stop squeezing my hand because it hurts."
I told her and he immediately loosened his grip.

"hello my dear Claris i am your very beautiful eonni, i love you."
said Liana as she held her sister's little fingers.

"helow baby i'm your dada your so cute you look like me."
lisa said as she squeezed our baby's face.

"yahhhhh dada she looks like me and stop squeezing her face."
laiana scolded her.

"You two, stop if baby Claris will cry because of your noise. I won't let you two get close to her."
I said and they both covered their mouths.

They both approached me lisa sat next to me and liana went up in bed and she hugged me.

"Mom does it hurt to give birth."
Liana asked, I smiled at her.

"yes it's very painful, do you know when I gave birth to you it was very hard because I was a young that time but when the doctor gave you to me I feel like I'm the happiest person in the whole world. I feel the same way now with baby Claris even though it's hard I'm happy because Claris  added our family, and do you know that your dada's dream was when she was the same age as you is to have a big family. "
I explained to her I looked at Lisa and she kissed me on the lips.

"What if I don't meet Liana ? You think we can be together agian ."
She asked.

"yes, do you remember on my thirteenth birthday you asked me what is my birthday wish"
I asked her, she looked at me and smiled, remembering that that was the time that we had our first.

"Of course  i remember . you don't want to tell me because it might not come true."
her reply.

" my wish that time is if by any chance that our path path go in a different way, I hope we can still find each other .."
I don't know why I asked for that before, maybe I'm not just aware but I already feel that lisa is destined for me.


one more chapter left and this story  will end , thanks to your support readers.🤗😉

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now