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Lisa's Pov

I thought that after the pile of trouble i went through this past few months , from  jezel to my dad and about me Jennie.

it's amazing how things in my life suddenly change, i feel like it is already my reward.

My father doesn't bother me anymore and I don't even know what happened to Jezel why she suddenly disappeared and the best thing  is that Jennie and I are back in our happy relationship, she is already five months pregnant and there are only a few weeks left and we will  know the gender of our baby and I have never been so exited  like this all my life.

And all of that just vanished they only made me feel a little bit of happiness then I will face another blow of life that I don't know if I can get through it.

Now I don't know what to do , it's been 2 days since Jennie and Liana is no longer to be found and even the police are having a hard time following every scene because after CCTV footage of someone abducting them  in front of the school where Liana studies they no longer have a trace where they were brought by those who kidnapped them.

I am ready to sacrifice everything even if I become a beggar after I will give everything just to save them, but we have been waiting for two days for someone to call to ask for the ransom but we dont received anything.

I don't know if I can handle when something bad happens to one of them.

I still have so many plans for them I want to give them everything that the world could offer,  and I'm still going to marry Jennie , i still want to fulfil my promise to Liana that when Jennie and I get married she wants me to adopt her and she wants me to change her last name to my last name.

Its  funny to think that at the age of 13 she still wants me to be her dada , yes we are so close to each other but I did not expect her to reach the point that she wants me to be her father figure.

And I don't know  if Jennie will allow what she wants to happen but that's not my problem right now , I'm afraid I might not be able to do that knowing that they  are no longer to be found.

"lisa you need eat first  you haven't eat since yesterday you need to be strong and resilient for them. you think jennie will be happy when she finds out that you don't take care of yourself."
Jisoo said worriedly, she never leave me after she found out what happened.

"what am I going to do, what if something bad happens to them I promised myself that I would protect them Jisoo , but here I am doing nothing but cry."
I replied to her, she stroked my shoulder to calm me down.

"Lisa, don't think negatively, everything will be ok."
her reply.

" what should i do Jisoo , i need to do something ."
I cried.

"all you have to do is take care of yourself in case you need strength to save them.what if it's not about money lisa."
She said suddenly.

" What do you mean."
i asked her.

"I'm just thinking  if they need money, they should have demanded it already , but why until now there is  nothing."
She replied that suddenly the pounding of my heart as i remember my mother's warning about my Father.

Is it  possible that my father was involved in the disappearance of jennie and Liana, I asked myself.

but but i don't think he could do that. he had no motive to do so, I don't know what to think anymore, I can't think of a reason for my father to do that but I have a strong feeling that he is involved With  what happened.

I rubbed my face with so much stress . I was tired of crying, I was tired of thinking I wanted to rest but I couldn't because I was afraid that when I woke up it would be too late already for everything.

"I don't know jisoo, I can't think straight right now."
I reply to her.

"lisa in this situation we must consider all possibilities."
She replied and she was right when she said that we should consider all the possibilities.

I know that there is a hidden meaning in the words my father said the day he hurt me and my mother's warning added to it.

I left jisoo in the living room and I quickly entered the room. I tried to call my mother's phone but she didn't answer, so I had the courage to call my father and in a few seconds he answered it immediately.

"oh my dear daughter, why did you  called. did you miss me."
he asked on the other line, I clenched my fist I tried to try calm down.

"what did you do to Jennie and Liana ?"
I asked boldly and he suddenly laughed.

"It's good that you asked because they were waiting for you  for you to save them."
he replied while laughing.

"You demon. If something bad happens to them, even if you're my father, I won't hesitate to kill you."
i bluntly said while i was shaking with anger.

" oh come on don't scare me like that like that my  daughter, don't worry too much ok. I just tied them up but they're still breathing."
he said seriously as if it were just a normal thing for him to tie them .

"Where did you take them."
I asked him angrily.

"They are here in our old house Lisa, we will wait for you, remember don't report to the authorities if you still want to see the love of your life alive."
he replied before he turned off the call.

I threw away the phone and ran my finger through my hair while crying out of anger and fear.

I need to save them, God help me save them.

I left the house and got in my car to go to them., jisso called me I ignored he and drove quickly towards our old house.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now