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Lisa's Pov

I left the room after I was ready to go to the cafe but when I came out we saw Liana in front of the door of my room smiling she's already  in her school uniform I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me.

"good morning oppa"
She greeted me , she didn't let me to response and she pulled me towards the dining area.

"Good morning Lisa."
Jennie greeted me with a smile as she put the food on the table i smile at her .

"good morning, sorry but  I need to leave."
I told them but Liana didn't let go of me and she pulled me and made me sit on the chair in front of the table.

"you need to eat breakfast oppa, look at yourself. you're so skinny."
She said before she sat down next to me, I looked at Jennie I saw that she shook her head while smiling.

"If you're stuborn Lisa, I'll tell you that Liana is more stuborn than you, so just sit down and eat  because in this house, She is the boss."
Jennie said and before she sit in front of us.

Honestly I'm really shy even if we say that they are nice to me,  I'm  still ashamed because I feel I'm a burden to them  . 

It's already a big help that they  they allow me to ren the vacant room in this house but  Jennie is right Liana really persistent so i don't have any choice but to follow.

"thank you."
I gave a short answer and we started eating.

"lisa oppa don't be shy because from now on you're our family, right eonni."
She said, I looked at jennie and she smiled at me.

"yeah lisa, please consider us as your new family."
She replied,  i want to be emotional at this moment but I restrained myself.

After we had breakfast they also forced me to go with them in the car because Jennie would also take Liana  to school, I didn’t know what I had done in my past life that  God let me to be with them.

When I entered the cafe, Jisoo immediately approached me with a teasing smile, I know she saw me get out of the car but she didn't know Jennie, she only knew Liana.

"Whose car is that."
She asked.

" my friend."
I reply to her.

"oh come on stop fooling me we have the same circle of friends Lisa and I know that none of them have that car."
She replied, I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, that's Liana's sister."
I said and walked towards the locker room and she followed me.

"I'm sure Liana's sister is beautiful as Liana .am i  right."
She asked and I smiled.

"see, you're smiling."
she's teasing me.

"yeah she's as beautiful as Liana."
I reply shortly .

"why are you together."
She asked, this is what i hate about her she will never stop asking until she'll know all the information.

" I live with them."
I answered as I put on my apron, her eyes widened when she heard what I said.

"oh my God lisa, that fast you didn't even introduce her to me now you're going to inform me that you are already living together."
She asked,  I looked at her and hit her on the head.

"stupid, she only let me rent the vacant room and their house she only need someone to help her for her rent , i need also to save so i accept her offer"
I explained to her, I knew in her dirty mind that she would not believe me.

"really , I'll bet a month from now on Liana's sister will be your girlfriend."
She replied, I ignored her and left her alone in the locker room.

Actually that's what I'm scared of now because I can't deny to myself that I like her , for me she is  perfect that her ex boyfriend is so stupid that she let go a type of women like her. I'm scared that i might fall for her deeply and  I know that in my current situation I don't deserve her.

Jennie's Pov

As I was entering the company when I met Rosie and she greeted me with a hug.

Rosie and I have been friends since my first day here at the company, she is also the one who contacted me when we were still living in New Zealand.

I don't know how they found out that I was looking for a job that time and all of a sudden they offered me to work for the company even though I had no experience.

At first I was skeptical because at first I thought it was just a trap so that the man who killed my father could catch us , But when I searched about the company I found out that this company is the strongest competitor of the Manoban Group of Companies so I know I'm safe here.

And when i'm already  here I felt that Rosie  and her father the CEO of this company treated me so well, sometimes I wondered why they seemed to treat me differently just like when they offered me a nice house that owned by the company but the rent at very cheap rates.

But I'm tired of thinking why,  so I just enjoy the good benefits they give me and I try to reciprocate it with good work performance.

"Jen, are you coming to your department's victory party later? You're the head so you should be there."
She asked as we walked towards the elevator together.

"I guess I won't come because it's Liana's birthday tomorrow and I need to prepare a surprise for her birthday. And by the way Tomorrow night there will be a simple dinner at home maybe you want  to join us dont worry it's just us,  you know Liana doesn't want a lot of people . "
I reply.

"ok expect me tomorrow."
She replied, the elevator opened and we entered immediately.

The elevator was about to close when it suddenly opens again because someone else is coming in,  I was surprised to see Ivan clinging to a woman i used to be jealous with when we are still in a relationship .

He ignores me as if he didn't see me at all and he just kept flirting with his woman

I smirked because the woman  looked like a snail and I didn't even know why did i feel jealous with her before.

I'm hurt but I'm proud of my decision  to break up with him because seeing him right now he doesn't seem to be affected by our break up, And I'm stupid to the point that i wasted so many tears for a stupid person like him.

"Jen isn't he your boyfriend."
Rosie whispered to me.

"No, we already broke up "
I also whispered to her, I saw the shock on her face.

" since when ."
She whispered.

"two days ago."
I whispered to her , the elevator opened and we reach to the floor where our department was.

"Excuse us, you two ugly creatures  and the two goddesses will pass by."
Rosie said as she separated Ivan and the woman so that we can pass in between them.

I wanted to laugh because of the reaction on their faces as Rosie pulled me out of the elevator.

I wasn't surprised by what rosie did because I knew from the beginning that like Liana she also didn't want Ivan for me.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now