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Third-person's Pov.

After months   Lian and Lisa became close to each other.

They are always together ,and the abandoned classroom has become their hangout place where they eat lunch and where they spend time when their time is free.

Lisa was happy because she had a new  friend who was willing to give her time to listen to her problems and was willing to hug and stay with her when she needed someone to calm her down.

Tomorrow is Liyan's Thirteenth birthday  but lisa can't attend because she knows that even if she will ask permission, her father won't let her.

So she  just prepared a surprise for her friend, she save her allowance for more than a week and before she went to school she asked their driver to buy  flowers and cake first.

She also brought the old laptop of her late brother because she knew that there were many movies there.

When she arrived at school she did not attend the morning class because she had prepared her surprise for Lian.

She laid a white cloth on the floor and she took two pillows from their car and she put the cake in the middle with her  lunch box that their helper prepared and then she put the laptop on the chair because she wanted to they watch a movie while eating.

When she felt that someone entered the room she immediately took the flower and when Lian arrived she was surprised when lisa handed the flower to her and she noticed what was set up on the floor.

"wow thank you, what is the occasion why is there something like this here."
She asked while inhaling the smell of the flower that lisa gave her.

Lisa smiled and pulled her to sit on the pillow.

"I can't attend to your birthday tomorrow so I want to celebrate your birthday  in advance ."
She replied before she lit the candle on the cake he had bought.

"your so sweet thank you Lisa i love it  ."
Lian smiled and hugged her.

happy birthday to you

happy birthday to you

happy birthday

My friend Lian

happy birthday to you .

Lisa sang, Lian closed her eyes.

if  by any chance that my path and Lisa's path go in different way , I hope we can still find each other.

Lian wish silently before she blew out the candle.

"what did you wish ."
Lisa asked before she put down the cake.

"I shouldn't tell because it might not come true."
Lian replied to her.

"ok, but promise me that when your wish come true you will tell me."
She said, Lian smiled at her and nodded.

After they ate they continued watching the movie .

  At the end of the movie the characters kissed and they both felt a strange feeling that they knew in themselves that such a feeling was new to them.

They both looked at each other but neither of them spoke so lisa averted her eyes.

"Lisa, I'm just curious how it feels to kiss."
Lian bluntly said, lisa looked at her again.

" me too."
Lisa's shy response.

"Maybe we can try to do that."
Lian asked.

lisa asked.

"Let's kiss and imitate what they did."
Lian replied.

They approached each other and slowly pressed their lips together.

At first they both had difficulty because they both had no experience in such a thing but as time went on they both learned to follow the movement of each other's lips.

Their eyes are closed as they feel their desire to experience what a kiss feels like.

Their lips parted and they rested on each other's foreheads as they both gasped for breath.

"how is it."
Lisa asked, Lian smiled at her and lisa couldn't help but smile at Lian's reaction.

"I don't know, but it feels good."
Lian said while blushing.

"You blushed because of me."
Lisa asked her, Lian look down as she covered both her cheeks.

"stop that, I didn't blush ."
She replied as she still looked down.

Lisa laughed at her reaction,   Lian  noticed the bulge on lisa's skirt.

Lisa noticed where Lian was looking when she followed his gaze.

" ohh sorry ."
Lisa said in embarrassment and she immediately covered her cock that bulge from her skirt.

"Can you show me what a real penis looks like? Is that the same as what our teacher shows picture when they teach us about sex education ?."
Lian asked curiously, lisa's eyes widened as she heard what her friend said.

"what .... no."
Lisa replied with extreme embarrassment on her face.

"please,,,,, I just want to see, I'll show mine too."
said Lian as she begged with puppy lisa scratched her nape because she couldn't resist Lian .

"Fine, but promise me you won't laugh or be scared when you see it."
lisa replied.

Lian's immediate response was obviously eager to see it.

Lisa stood up and took off her skirt and she took off her tight boxer shorts and her cock sprang out proudly   because she had already turned on earlier when they kissed.

Lian couldn't help but amazed  at what she saw, lisa breathed a sigh of relief at her reaction because she thought her friend would be scared.

"wow I didn't expect that big, can I hold it."
Lian asked, lisa did nothing but nod.

Lian knelt down from sitting in front of lisa and she slowly wrapped her finger around lisa's cock.

lisa couldn't stop herself from moaning as she could feel Lian's skin touching her cock.

Lian smile when she heard lisa's moan and she immediately stood up.

" you want to see mine ."
Lian said while smiling.

even though she was  shy lisa was also eager and curious to see what Lian's private part looked like so she nodded.

Lian smiled and she immediately took off her undergarment that made  lisa swallowed a hard lump when she saw that Lian was half naked body .

"I think my vagina is pretty small for your penis."
Lian said while looking at lisa's cock.

"I think so."
lisa's short answer.

"You think it fits."
Lian curious question.

"I don't think so ."
lisa replied.

" Let's try ."
Lian said that made Lisa shock.

"no, you might get hurt."
Lisa's nervous response.

"They said it only hurts  at  first ."
Lian replied.

" are you sure."
lisa asked ,she was afraid that she might hurt her friend but there's a part of her that she want to try it.

"i want to try it with you how about you."
Lian asked her and Lisa nodded.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now