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Liana's Pov

I woke up early because I don't want eonni to wake me up, I'm not mad at her but I can't stop sulking because she wants me to avoid Lisa oppa.

I immediately took a shower then I went to the kitchen for breakfast, when I arrived at the kitchen I saw my sister and her boyfriend having their making out session.

I'm used to seeing the two of them kissing but I won't let anything worse happen than that , I know I'm young but I'm not that innocent.

I sat at the table while looking at them they didn't notice my presence but when i saw  the hand of that  pervert man at  my sister's ass  I immediately clear my throat to stop them.

They immediately stopped and both looked at me.

"good morrning, baby."
My sister said to me but I didn’t answer, what I did was I crossed my arms as I raised my eyebrow at the two of them.

"hon, I'm leaving, we'll see you later in the office ok , i love you."
Her monkey boyfriend said, i rolled my eyes when i heard what he said.

"ok Hon see you, i love you too."
My sister replied, he kissed my sister again on the lips before he finally left as if I was invisible in front of him , how can I respect him if what he shows me is disrespectful.

"I have to go to school, I've lost my appetite."
I told my sister.

She approached  and hugged me she was about to kiss me on the cheek but i stop her.

"don't you dare touch your lips on my skin eonni, especially that you just kissed that disgusting man."
I reply to her, I don't want to be rude to my sister but I'm so to annoy to her right  now.

Dont get me wrong I  loved my sister so much , since I was young we are really close to each other,  I am even more  closer to her than our own mommy.

I can't hide anything from her, she was my playmate and she was my bestfriend.

But I'm annoyed because i don't know what she liked about her boyfriend. Like  hellow,  even if Lisa oppa is a woman, she's even more handsome than that man.

Honestly when I first met Lisa oppa the first thing that came to my mind is my sister.  i don't know why ,   maybe because i thought that they are both look good together.

I don't know what Lisa oppa's father did to make my sister think he was dangerous man. But that's not enough reason for me to avoid Lisa oppa, she's also my friend and I'll do everything  for them to fall in love with each other.

I want her for my sister if she will be my sister's girlfriend I won't mind, I'll let them do what they want.

"ok Liana, talk to me properly even if you're mad at me  you shouldn't act like that , i'm still your eonni you should respect me ."
She scolded me, my tears started to flow .

I don't know why but whenever my sister is serious I always cry.

"sorry eonni, but if you just tell me to avoid Lisa Oppa I won't do that."
I cried , she came to me and hugged me.

"ok Fine, i let you to be friend with her,  but listen to me Liana,, promise me that you won't go anywhere with her without me knowing it, I need to know everything when you're with her, is that ok, I'm just doing it for your good Liana."
She said.

" really , thank you eonni, i promise."
I answer her.

"i love you Lian don't feel bad for eonnie, ."
She replied softly, I hugged her back.

"i love you too eonnie."

"hello Lisa oppa, let's eat I brought you lunch again"
I told her  she looked at me and I noticed that she was pale .

" ohhhhh your so sweet Lian, thank you."
She said to me.

"oppa are you ok, you look pale since yesterday"
I asked her, she smiled at me.

"I'm fine baby, I'm just tired from work, let's eat."
She replied, I can't stop my blush every time she calls me baby.

I don't know why when my sister calls me baby I'm embarrassed but when lisa oppa it's ok with me she's really sweet  that's why i really want her for my sister.

"lisa oppa is my sister beautiful."
I asked her, she stopped eating and she looked at me.

"She's beautiful. You're both beautiful. Why"
She replied.

"is she your type."
I asked her and she choked, I gave her water and she drank it immediately.

"What kind of question is that Liana."
She replied.

"oppa just answer my question."

"ok I'll be honest with you don't be angry with me ok , she's my type and it's weird, but she remind me of someone in my past "
She replied.

"really oppa."
I ask .

"yeah, but lets not talk about it."
her reply.

"if you want to court my sister I won't mind, because I want you for her."
I told her and she choked again.

"oppa why are you always choking are you really ok ."

"it's because i'm not prepared with what you're saying."

"I'm serious oppa, my sister has a boyfriend but I don't like him, because he don't like me, he always act like i'm invisible ,he don't even care about me  and i don't like the way he look at my sister he looks like a crazy dog  that's so very hungry to eat my sister."
i tell her the truth.

She looked at me with frown.

"Lian, even if you think that way about your sister's boyfriend, you still need to respect your sister's decision. And what they do is normal in a relationship."
She explained to me.

"oppa i want you for my sister please i want you to make her fall inlove with you."

"baby come here, you know even if I say that she's my type I can't, because I don't have the time for that kind of things I have to work . and besides your sister already have a boyfriend i don't want to be the reason of their breakup."
She explained.

"Fine, but  I still don't like him, promise me that when they separate, you will court my sister."
I commanded me

"You're crazy, you know what let's just eat because my break time is about to finish"
her reply.

I pout because I'm disapointed, I still won't give up, I'll try to find a way for them to fall in love with each other.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now