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Jennie's Pov

"Jen, wake up, Liana might wonder that you are not there in your room "
I heard lisa say as she tapped me on the shoulder.

I'm so tired I still want to sleep, as if my head want to break an extreme pain because i drink a lot last night.

But I was taken aback when i realize what lisa said so I suddenly woke up when I remembered what happened last night.  we did it in the living room i'm afraid that Liana might see us.

I see that Lisa was surprised by my sudden action, I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that I was in lisa's room  I was still naked and Lisa is already on her pajamas.

"oh God Lisa, I thought we were still in the living room."
I told her as I caressed my chest in extreme nervousness.

"sorry jen I brought you here last night because I might wake up Liana when I brought you there in your room,  Liana's room  is also locked  and i wont't let you to sleep on the couch"
She replied shyly as she scratch her nape in extreme embarrassment.

"no its ok Lisa,  I just thought that we were still in the living room. I was scared that Liana might see me naked , you know her already she won't stop until she know what really happened."
I responded to her and I went back to lying down on her bed and close my eyes.

" are you okay ."
She asked before i felt that she sat down next to me and she cover my body with blanket, so i open my eyes and look at her.

I smiled because she couldn't look at me properly because maybe I'm still naked.

I'm not ashamed, what else i should be ashamed of when she already saw my whole body last night.

" i'm good,  it feels really good."
i responded to her and i saw the blush on her face when she heard what i said. i know that she is shy that's why she's acting like this, and so am i.   but i don't want her to see it.

I wanted to tease her so I took the blanket she covered to me .

And I pushed her and pinned her in bed.

" What are you doing ."
She asked nervously I brought our faces closer together until our lips were only an inch apart.

"why are you acting like this , do you regret that something happened to the two of us last night."
I asked her , I wanted to laugh because I saw a bead of sweat forming on her face.

"No,  ......."
I didn't let her finish  what she was about to say and I kissed her on the lips.

"Then don't be shy Lisa, we're both adults , We're no longer teenager who should be embarrassed  after what we did."
I told her before I got up and put on my clothes that were on the table.

After I got dressed I approached her and cup her face.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who enjoyed what happened to us last night."
I asked her, she smiled at me.

"I just don't enjoy it, I love what we did last night."
She replied while smiling.

I kissed her on the lips and she immediately responded, I separated the kiss and I pinched her nose and she giggled.

"I need to go back to my room before Liana wakes up."
I told her.

"ok "
She gave a short answer before she stole another quick kiss from me.

I smiled at her before I went straight out of her room.

I went through the kitchen to get a glass of water and I bring it to my room and I immediately took the after pill to the cabinet where I hid it and I immediately take it.

I smiled because I bought it just in case something happened to me and Ivan  but i never imagined that I would take it after having sex with Lisa.

Speaking of Lisa ,She did not disappoint me . What happened to us last night is beyond my expectation to her , i won't deny that she's really good in bed.

After I take the pill and I immediately lay down next to Liana because it's only five in the morning I kissed her on the forehead before I decided to go back to sleep.

Lisa's PoV

"oppa wake up we're going to eat breakfast."
I opened my eyes when I heard Liana. screaming outside my room.

I immediately got up and opened the door.

"good morning baby go first I'll just brush my teeth."
I replied to her and she smiled at me.

"good morning oppa, ok I'll be there first."
She replied before leaving.

I closed the door again and immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face before I brushed my teeth.

As I brushed my teeth I smiled as I remembered what happened to Jennie and me . that was amazing,  i can say that  it was only with jennie that I felt that kind of pleasure .

At first I was anxious because I was afraid that it might affect Jennie's treatment of me ,  But was replaced by joy when she told me that she enjoyed  what happened.

I don’t know what will happen next but jennie is right we are both adults and what  adults  does is they just do the things that they enjoy.

After I brushed my teeth, I immediately left the room and went to the kitchen, it's Sunday so it's ok even if I wake up late.

When I arrived at the dining table I noticed that only Jennie was there so I slowly approached her and I stole a kiss from her lips which surprised her.

OH God help me i can't get enough of her.

"good morning."
I greeted her before I sat on the chair in front of her and she smiled at me.

"good morning, you know what you don't have to steal a kiss from me Lisa you can do that anytime you want you have my permission."
She replied and gave me a wink.

I was about to response but  Liana suddenly appeared so we acted as if nothing had happened.

"it looks like everybody is in a good mood today, was the party fun last night."
She asked before she started eating.

Jennie gave me a meaningful look.

"yeah it's really fun  it's actually it's the best party"
I reply.

" good to now that you enjoy that much oppa , and eonni what time did you enter the room."
She asked.

"I think it's 5 am, I'm asleep on the couch because I'm so tired and a bit drunk."
Jennie replied while looking at me.

I smirked because she really fell asleep because she was so tired because of the extreme activity that we did .

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now