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Third-person's Pov.

"hey you freak, show us your little dick  . Hahahahaha."
command by the one of a group of boy students to a girl who was sitting on the ground while crying.

" stop."
she cried as she covered her two ears.

"ohhh she's scared this freak is scared."
one of them  shouted while his other friends laughed.

"i'm not, i'm not a freak go away, i'm not doing anything bad to all of you , so stop."
the girl cries .

"You freak, freak, freak, freak."
they all shout as they surround her.

"Hey,,,,,, stop that if you don't want me to report all of you  to the principal."
they were all shocked when suddenly someone shouted at their back while filming them.

"are you All not ashamed of yourselves your all boys but your bullying innocent girl like her"
She added, the group of boy student were frightened they didn't say any word and they just left right away.

She approached the girl who was still crying .

" are you ok. "
She asked her and she was surprised when the girl suddenly stand up and run away  while crying.

She was worried  so she followed her and because of that , she ended up in an abandoned classroom at the back of the school.

She felt scared because it's her first time to entered in such place.

"hey where are you , please come out don't be scared  . i promise i won't hurt you"
She shouted.

She screamed on the top of her lungs when suddenly someone pulled her and she just stopped screaming when she saw that it was the girl she was following so she just she let the girl pull her.

They stopped in an empty part of the classroom and they were both sitting on the floor.

They were just looking at each other, they were both quiet until one of them tried to break the silence.

"thank you."
The  taller girl said because she was grateful that the girl saved her from those who bullied her.

"don't mind it I just did what was right.  by the way may i know your name "
the shorter girl ask as she try to fix the girls bangs that covers her eyes.

"I'm Lisa, how about you what's your name."
lisa asked shyly and she blushed because of what the girl did.

"I'm Lian, why did they call you a freak."
Lian asked she's just curious.

"because I'm intersex."
She replied shyly.

"what is intersex."
Lian asked as she thinking what does it mean.

"I'm a woman but I have a penis."
Lisa replied and her tears started dripping  because she was scared at the girl in front of her will judge her .

Lian wiped her tears which surprised Lisa because she thought that the girl would freak out when she find out about her condition .

"You're not afraid of me."
She asked Lian and Lian smiled at her and shook her head.

"Why should I be scared i think you can't even kill a cockroach ,maybe i will feel scared if you tell me that you are biting."
Lian replied she try to be funny to lighten the mood and she succeed Lisa smiled at her .

" ok let's change the topic , it's already lunch did you eat already."
Lian asked kindly.

" not yet ."
lisa replied.

Lian took her lunch bag  prepared by her mother and placed it in front of her and lisa.

"Let's just share this ."
She said .

As they shared the food that Lian had brought, lisa noticed that Lian was staring  around the room where they were.

"You're scared."
lisa asked her.

"It's really scary, why did I think of going here?"
Lian asked.

"for someone like me who is always  judged by others , here is a safe place for me. so i hang out here  because I know that no one would dare to come in this place . dont worry the ghost are not real during the time I hang out here I didn't feel anything. "
lisa replied.

"Okay, by the way how old are you."
Lian asked.

"I'm 13, how about you how old are you"
Lisa asked her.

" i'm 12 but next month I'll be 13 too."
Lian replied.

"Oh, so you also freshman."
lisa replied, their conversation continued until they became comfortable with each other.

And because  of their good conversation they both decided not to attend their afternoon class and they stayed in that place.

"So how many of you are in the family."
lisa asked if she was shy earlier now she feels like she wants to know more about  Lian.

"We are only three in our family , Me my mother and father."
Lian replied.

"Isn't life is sad when you're the only child? Because me  I want to have a lot siblings i want to have ah one big happy family."
lisa replied.

" I dony think so , Even if I'm just the only child  i'm still happy because I know that my father and mother love me, how about you how many are you in your family."
Lian asked, and Lisa's expression suddenly turned sad.

" we're actually four  but now we  are only three  because my brother died, he saved me and he was the one who was run over by the car a week ago."
lisa's sad response.

" sorry to hear that ."
Lian suddenly felt guilty because she asked about it.

"only oppa is  my one in only friend and now that he's gone I'm only one, since he died my father has always ignored me and I'm hurt because he always make me feel that i'm the reason why my brother died."
Lisa replied as her tears flowed.

Lian hugged her and stroked her back to calm her down, as she broke  the hug she wipe away  Lisa's tears.

"promise from now on I'm just here I will be your friend and protector."
She assured lisa before she hugged her again.

Lisa can't describe what she's feeling right now she feels that she found a new ally and friend and she's happy that it was Lian.

On the other hand Lian is also happy that she has a new friend and she knows that Lisa needs sympathy and a true friend.  Lian know that Lisa is having a hard time with her condition and  the way her father treats her is not helping her situation.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now