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Jennie's Pov

Even though I was feeling heavy because of what happened last night, I forced myself to get up because I need to prepare Liana's breakfast and lunch.

I always want her to bring lunch with her because I didn't want her to get used of eating unhealthy foods that could be bought outside.

I wanted to cry because I woke up knowing that Ivan and I were already separated. I was hurting so much I felt like my heart was crashing into pieces,    but I  convinced myself not to cry because  I know my decision was right.

The  cycle of life didn’t stop just because the two of us were no longer in a relationship.

I came back from thinking because of the sound of my phone,, I looked at it and saw that there was a message from   unknown number.

Hi jen, good morning I hope you had a good sleep this is Lisa by the way .  about the help that you offered me. Can we talk about it later?

I smiled when I read her message, i remember that i give her my number before we left her house last saturday, 
I knew she needed help so I would be happy if she accepted my offer to her. And I know that Liana, will be happy when she finds out that Lisa will live here with us.

Okay this afternoon before I pick up Liana, I'll talk to you at the cafe.

After sending the message I started to prepare the table when suddenly my phone sound again.

Thanks jen , have a good day.

She replied, I didn't replay anymore and I went to the bedroom to wake up Liana.

"oh ,your awake."
I mumbled when I entered the room, she was already wearing her uniform.

She looked at me with a smile but it immediately disappear when she noticed that my eyes were swollen due to crying so much last night, she approached me with pity in her eyes.

"Hey !!what's wrong eonni."
She asked  and gave me a hug.

"I'll be fine Lian,  but for now just let me to let out the pain ok "
I reply to her.

"What's wrong did he hurt you "
She asked as she pulled us apart.

"I break up with him."
I answered and I couldn't stop the flow of my tears.

She wiped away my tears and kissed me on the cheek and I saw that she was also crying.

"I thought I would be happy when you the two of you separated eonni,  but why now it hurts me to see you crying. I'm sorry eonni am i a bad sister?"
She asked , I also wiped her tears and gave her my warmest smile.

"Don't blame yourself, I broke up with him because I realized that he didn't deserve us."
I explain to her.

"What do you want me  to do to get rid of the pain you're feeling eonni?"
She's pouting like a baby. She's my forever baby.

"Just Smile and give me a kiss."
I told her as I pout waiting for her to kiss me.

She smiled and kissed me several times on my cheek before she kissed me on the lips.

"i love you eonni."
She said and hugged me.

"I love you more baby."
I reply to her.

Lisa's Pov

Since earlier I was anxious because when I woke up I received a notice from the owner of the apartment that if I did not pay until the next day I would be evicted from that Unit. So, even though it was embarrassing I had the courage to accept Jennie's help I know that's really a big help for me because my rent for that rotten apartment is very expensive.

I hope her offer is still open because if its not i don't have any choice but to borrow money from Jisoo again to pay for my apartment rent.

as if my soul almost parted from my body in shock when liana, suddenly spoke next to me.

"oh God liana, dont do that again ."
I told her as I caress my chest.

"sorry oppa."
She said sadly.

"hey it's ok, what's with that sad face all about?"
I asked her.

"eonni and his boyfriend broke up."

"and why is it your sad right now? as far as i remember you almost pray for them to broke up."
I asked her.

"It hurt me to see that my  eonni is in pain "
She replied, I smiled at her.

"It's normal to be hurt by love baby , especially when you're with the wrong person. Don't worry, your eonni can handle that she's a strong woman."
I explain to her .

We started having lunch while I explained to her  the situation of her eonni.

"oppa help me make Eonni happy."
She said , I smiled at her and squeezed her cheek.

"I don't know how but I'll try."
I replied to her and she smiled.

Jennie greeted me as I approached the table where she was seated.

I noticed the sadness in her eyes but she forced herself to give me a sweet smile.

"hi, can i sit down."
I asked her .

" Just Sit down Lisa no need to asked  ."
She replied,  I was sitting in front of her I dont know what to say, she noticed that I was not comfortable.

"Don't be shy, Lisa, didn't I tell you that I also need someone to help me reduce my bill."
She told me.

"thank you Jen, I have no choice so now i'm so desperate to accept your help"
I was embarrassed but i need this .

"its ok Lisa, you can move with us any time you want."

"thank you so much Jen, I look  this help as a huge gratitude jen thank you"
I told her sincerely, she smiled at me.

"If you want you can come with us later so you can see what your new home will be like."

"thank you so much jen I don't know what to do without you. I really consider you and Liana as my angels."
I restrained myself from being emotional.

"How many times have you been saying thank you  Lisa? i already told you that i also need your help."
She responded and tapped me on the shoulder.

If my situation is still the same as it was before , maybe I already  courted her  but i don't think i can do that now .

pecially now that i'm going to leave with them i don't want her to think that i'm just using her for me to survive in this world that is full of shit.

but I can't deny that I like her except that she's beautiful and sexy I know she has a good heart, but I'm so unlucky because i met her at this time that i don't have anything.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now