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Third Person's Pov

When Jisoo and rosie were finally able to leave, Jennie and Lisa immediately clean the mess that they made. both of them ignored each other because of what happened, they were both uncomfortable after the kiss.

After Jennie clean the whole living area, Jennie had the courage to talk to lisa , because she didn't want to sleep with something heavy in her heart because she know that lisa feel uncomfortable of what she did.

She went to the kitchen and she saw that Lisa had not yet finished washing the plates so she approached her and she leaned her back on the sink and Lisa looked at her.

" Lisa are you mad at me ."
Jennie asked , lisa stopped what she was doing and leaned her back on the sink as well.

"no,,,, I just don't know what to say Jen"
Lisa replied shyly.

"sorry if you weren't comfortable with what I did."
Jennie's response to lisa and they looked at each other.

"it's fine jen like what Jisoo said, lets be professional and didn't you say before you kissed me .it's just a game."
Lisa said while smiling.

"We have no problem right."
jennie asked her.

"yeah its ok jen , i think we both like that kiss . aren't we."
Lisa try to tease jennie to lighten the mood.

But Jennie's face suddenly became serious when she heard what lisa said, while lisa felt nervous because of jennie's reaction. but she could feel the relief whe she saw Jennie shaking her head while smiling.

"I guess I don't like that kiss."
jennie bluntly said.

"oh i'm sorry i'm just joking jen."
lisa replied as she scratched her neck out of embarrassment.

"I don't like it because I love it Lisa, ok I'll admit you're a good kisser ."

Lisa was shocked by what Jennie said because she didn't expect it, and she was even more surprised when Jennie suddenly approached her and immediately wrapped her hand around her neck.

Lisa couldn't move when jennie's body suddenly touched hers.

"can you kiss me again lisa."
Jennie asked her because she really want to kiss lisa again .

On the other hand Lisa is hesitant if she would kiss Jennie because there was a part in her heart that said she wanted to do it but her mind thought that it would affect the friendship they have .

But when she saw the disapointment on jennie's face when she didn't answer.She thought that she would accept the consequences of whatever will happens than to see disappointment on jennie's face.

That the important thing is what she wants right now, if there will be a problem tomorrow, she will just face it tomorrow but for now she will let herself to do what she wants .

She wrapped her hands around Jennie's waist and claimed her lips without hesitation and Jennie responded immediately, they both kissing each other slowly and gently until they both separated they kiss because they need air.

Their lips attached agian because jennie can't get enough of lisa , but this time it's not a slow kiss .It turn to rougher and hungrier, Jennie instinctively wrapped her arm to lisa loosely around lisa's neck while Lisa held her back firmly for support.

Lisa licked her lower lip and jennie immediately open her mouth and instantly Lisa slid her tongue in it that made jennie moaned softly. They are both brought to the senation that they feel not minding what might happen if they both can't stop.

Lisa lifted jennie's leg and jennie immediately wrapped her legs around lisa's waist while the two of them continued to kiss, lisa slowly walked towards the living room and slowly laid jennie on the couch.

Their lips parted and lust could be seen in both of their eyes, jennie held her hand on lisa's cheek while lisa closed her eyes when she felt jennie's palms touch her while she is still on top of jennie.

"I want you Lisa, please tell me you want me to."
Jennie said.

Lisa didn't answer she just kissed jennie on the forehead, and dropped her kiss on the tip of her nose, she gave a quick kiss to jennie's lips before she went down her neck.

And jennie smiled because she already knew the answer to her question ..

Lisa continued to give wet kisses to Jennie until she slowly removed the wraps from her body. when she totally undress Jennie , Lisa couldn't help but marvel at jennie's body in front of her.

Jennie sat down to help remove the wraps around Lisa's body until they were both naked.

Lisa slowly push her on my couch i started kissing her from her forehead down to the tip of her nose, jennie can feel the air from her mouth going against my skin.

Jennie is looking at her while Lisa touching her breast as she licks her nipple, she closed her eyes as she bite her lower lip to stop herself from moaning when lisa suddenly suck her nipple before she moved on the other side to give equal attention.

"are you sure about this jen."
Lisa asked her and jennie just nooded while smiling .

" Ohhh lisaaaaaa."
Jennie cried lisa's name when lisa inserted her cock in jennie's wet sex as gentle as she could .

" i can't believe this you're so tight ."
Lisa whispered to jennie as she was feeling the heat of jennie's tight hole choking her cock.

" you're just big lisa , wait don't move first let me adjust."
jennie said to lisa , that made lisa more confident to satisfy Jennie.

lisa slowly move her body when she noticed that jennie is fully adjusted on her size.

"just like that Lisa, ammmmm."
Jennie moan as Lisa thrusting in and out inside of her as they both feeling the pleasure .

Jennie hugged her to pull her body closer to lisa , as she arch her back due to the extreme sensation that lisa gives her

Jennie bit her lower lip to stop herself from moaning because she remembered that Liana is just in her room.

Lisa's pump becomming fast and that made jennie's boobs are bouncing rhythm becasuse she's thrusting harder, as she kiss her lips to prevent jennie to let out a loud moans

" i'm cummmmm ."
Jennie said to her, That made Lisa thrust deeper and her grips to jennie's body are becomming tighter.

" just cum jen and i will pull out after."
Lisa said as she wrap jennie's body as she pump's harder.

Jennie dig her nails on lisa's back, few more thrust Jennie toes crul as she release her mind blowing cum.

when lisa is about to pull out because she don't want to cum inside her , jennie immediately wrap her legs around lisa that made lisa released her liquid inside jennie .

lisa collaps on jennie's top after the intense sex they shared.

" why did you do that ."
lisa asked jennie because she didn't expect what she did to stop lisa from cumming inside her.

"Don't worry I have after pill in my room I'll take it later."
jennie replied, lisa smiled and kissed jennie on the lips before getting up to pick up their scattered clothes.

Jennie fell asleep so lisa had no choice but to take jennie to her room because she couldn't just let jennie sleep on the couch and she didn't want Liana to wake up when she brought jennie to her room.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now