c 29 😋😋

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Jennie's Pov

It's already 11:00 in the evening, and lisa hasn't come home yet I'm scared because even though she didn't admit I knew she was crying when I called her , I knew something had happened to her and she didn't want me to worry so she just lied.

I was even more worried when she suddenly sent me a message that I shouldn't wait for her because she will come home late and I'm scared because it's going to be midnight and she's not here at home and she doesn't answer my call.

I went out of the room to get water for me to drink in the kitchen when I noticed lisa's bag on the couch and the shoes she was using in the office, I looked for her in the living room and kitchen but she was not here.

When I approached Liana's room I heard someone crying so I slowly put my ear to the door to listen and I was right that lisa was inside and she was crying.

"You shouldn't have done that oppa even if we say you just got angry and you did that , what you did is still wrong when eonni found out I'm sure she'll get angry and I don't know if I can defend you when that happened."
I heard that Liana scolded her, I suddenly feel uneasy by what I heard so I continued to listen to their conversation.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Liana I can't if your eonni leaves me, I love her she is my life, I made a mistake I'm afraid of what might happen when she finds out what I did . "
lisa replied as she sobbed.

Even though I can't see her, I know from her crying that she is very scared . I also started to feel scared because she did something that would make me angry and now she is afraid that I might leave her.

what did she do that she's crying and scared like that , i asked my self

"I don't know oppa but all you have to do is just tell her while it's still early because when find out it from others it will make her even more angrier."
Liana's advice to her, I decided to go back to the room because I dont want them to know i"m listening to them.

As i lay on my bed i can't help but feel anxious at what i heard ,a few minutes later i felt that door open i pretend to wake up and i immediately open the light.

I was shocked for a moment and i felt like my heart is squeezing and pain when i saw a large bruises on lisa's face and i also noticed that her eyes were swollen . i run to approach her while my tears were unconsciously flowing , i lightly touch the bruises on her face before i give her a tight hug and i heard her sobbing and i feel that her body were shaking , i broke the hug and look at her.

" what happened who did this to you."
I asked her worriedly as i pull her to sit on the bed.

She didn't answer my question she just cry and the way she cry i know that there's something bad happened to her , and i am now panicking because i don't know what to do on how to calm her down .

"i ,,,, i ,,,,,, i'm i'm."
She tried to speak but he was having difficulty because of her extreme emotion.

"shhhh, calm down first don't force yourself to speak,"
I told her, what's bothering my mind now is who hurt her why is she have a big bruise on the cheek.

I don't know what to do on how to stop her from crying. What I did was I kissed her i don't know why i did this but i felt like it will help her to come down, I could feel the saltiness of her tears but I didn't care because this was the only way I knew right know to calm her down .

And I'm right because I felt that the shivering of her body gradually disappeared and she slowly responded to my kiss.

I never thought I would experience this kind of intimate scene that I only see in dramas but I'm happy that it works with lisa, she's not crying anymore all i feel right now is that the passionate kiss that we shared becomes more intense to the point that she slowly lays me down on the bed.

I'm not complaining if this is the way to calm her down I'll do it and besides Its it's already normal thing for us to have sex.

The only difference is i'm doing it with her right now to comfort her.

She pinned me to the bed but I felt like she was trying to support her weight not to totally squeeze me because she knew that I was pregnant.

She broke the kiss and she looked at me I smiled at her to give her a signal, she smiled at me and she helped me take off my clothes before she took off hers.

"i love you"
She said to me before she kissed me on the lips.

I let out a long moan as I felt her slowly insert her cock into my entrance.

I felt how gentle she was and I knew that this was not the normal way on how she thrusted her dick inside me, and I smiled because I knew that she was careful in having sex with me now knowing that this was the first time we had sex since we found out that i'm pregnant.

As she continued to thrust I notice that she was having difficulty supporting her weight so that she wouldn't hit my tummy.

"love, I'll do it."
I whispered to her stopping her from thrusting.

She turned our position and I sat on her cock and I moved up and down on top of her while sitting, I closed my eyes because while I was pumping myself on her she got up to reach my tits and she sucked it while her finger are playing my other nipple.

I just continued to go up and down on her until I felt that my cum was forming, I accelerated my movement until I finally released my cum and a few more pumps I felt that she also released her cum.

we both gasped as she slowly guided me to lie down next to her.

I looked at her and I saw the concern in her eyes, I cup her face and I kissed her bruise.

"I love you, take a rest first if you want to tell me something we'll talk about it tomorrow ok."
I told her and I saw a bead of tears dripping from her eyes and I immediately wiped them away.

She hugged me and I felt her kiss me on the forehead.

I know she has something to say, I'm just praying that God will gives me a broader understanding so i would understand her whatever she done wrong.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now