c 37 😋😋

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Third-person's Pov.

Because they're both curious  to know how such thing felt like,  that  eagerness pushed them to do the thing that at the young age they shouldn't be doing.

Lian is the type of person who is not afraid to try new activities or things that she has never experienced. she's the type of girl who is strong and adventurous she don't care what people may think about her as long as she's doing what you want .

While lisa is the type of person who is always skeptical , she need someone to push and encourage her to do something because of her fear of her father. And because Lian keep on pushed her to do the thing that she knew in hirself that she also wanted to do so , she had the courage to do it.

Lian was lying on the floor she is a bit nervous but at the same time she is also excited ,they are both half naked while lisa was so nervous because she was afraid that she might hurt her  friend and at the same time she was eager to experience the new thing for the first time with Lian.

"What am I going to do? should i put it in already."
She asked Lian as she rubbed her cock.

"I think so."
Lian replied.

" just tell me if it's painful ok."
lisa  said as she positioned herself between Lian's thighs, Lian smile at her and nodded,  she guid her hard cock into Lian's entrance.

She can see the pain on Lian's face as she slowly inserted her thing and Lisa was so scared when she felt something torn inside Lian's vagina  and she was nervous when she saw that Lian was having a hard time enduring the pain.

" I'm sorry should i stop."
She asked nervously as she tried not to move because she was afraid that her friend might get hurt even more.

"No no no it's ok  , I can handle the pain just Let me adjust first."
Lian said  but her face cannot be painted because of the pain she was feeling.

Lisa didn't move and she didn't know what went through her mind and she kissed Lian and her friend  immediately responded to her kiss .

As if her hand had a life of its own that her fingers deliberately went to Lian's clit and she pressed it there which made lian's back arched  because of the strange sensation it brought.

While they were enjoying each other's kiss, and  lisa keep on touching lian's sensitive part she started to moved slowly and instead of pain, a moan came out of Lian's mouth.

" oh God ammmmmmmh ."
Lian moaned loudly as Lisa kept thrusting her cock at her and giving her the new feeling she that she really wanted.

Lisa closes her eyes as she feels the tightness as she thrust herself into Lian,  her cock seemed to be choking because of the tightness of Lian's vagina but she didn't feel any pain the only thing she felt was pleasure that she wanted to feel every day of her life.

While Lian continues to moan because of the new sensation given by each time lisa's cock enters her pussy.

They both enjoying the new feeling they had just experienced for the first time and  lisa continues to pump Lian until they simultaneously released fluid inside Lian.

Lisa collaps on Lian's top and they both catch their breath.

When both were  recovered lisa pulled out her cock and lay down next to Lian.

" are you okay ."
She asked Lian as she looked at her , Lian smiled

"It's a bit painful but it's ok, i'm fine  that was amazing. It's nice to experience something new with you Lisa ."
she replied lisa smiled at her

" thank you for letting me experience that new thing with you."
lisa replied as she wrapped her hands on her friend.

" you like it too."
Lian asked her.

" yeah i really like it,  i really like how it feels Being inside you it really feels good."
lisa response honestly.

" really , ok i get that. don't worry just let me rest for now and next time i will let you inside me again."
they both smile at what Lian said ,  Lisa immediately got up she kissed Lian on the lips before she took the clean handkerchief from her bag.

She wiped it on Lian's vagina and she noticed that there was a blood in it and they're also some in her penis.

she's so  worried  , but she hold on to what her friend  said that she was just ok.

On the other hand, even though Lian's femininity is a bit  painful, she can't help but be amazed because of her first experience when it comes of having sex and she's happy because she did it with lisa .

Lisa put on Lian's  undergarments including her skirt and then she also  put on her own boxers and her skirt.

They were both lying on the floor smiling as they thought of things that had happened that they did not expect.

After  what happened when they had sex . they became even closer to each other and, lisa became more confident with herself while Lian was happy with the visible change in Lisa.

Also because of what happened ,  they repeatedly had sex almost everyday they did not think the consequences of what they do  , at their young mind the only thing that they think is they have fun and they enjoy what they do.

After a month Lisa's world suddenly collapse when she  heard that Lian's whole family had been killed and only her father's dead body was seen.

She felt like she had lost everything she had . She lost a friend and protector, she had a hard time accepting that the person who helped her to overcom her fear of judgmental societies was already gone.

She feels that everyone who is important to her is being taken away from her, she felt like she has no right to be happy.

what she did not know was that all the news that reached to  her was pure lies made by her father.

That the mourning she did to her friend was a pity because the truth is she is still alive and she was just hiding with her mom .

her father just make her believe that her friend is already dead because that was exactly what he would do when he found out to where they were hiding to kill them in exchange for the life of his son who had died.

End of Flashback

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now