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Lisa's Pov

I feel like my head is going to break in extreme pain since earlier and i'm not feeling well because of the stress at the office and at home but i know that  i can still handle myself.

It's been more than a week since Jennie found out about what happened and until now she still ignores me and she doesn't talk to me, Liana also tried her best  to talk to her but still doesn't work.

A day after I was trying to be sweet  to soften her  but I also stopped because she gets very emotional every time I try to talk to her, even though it's hard to for me i distance myself i even sleep on my own room and let her heal herself  first because I know if that happened to me i would be hurt also.

I'm still lucky because even though she's mad at me she never push me away, Even though she's ignoring me i know that she still care about me,   she always packed a lunch for me and she never forget put vitamins inside my bag .

Liana always call me everytime i went home late because her eonni is so worried about me .

And even though she's not talking to me, i know that every night when she thought that i'm already asleep i know that she always go inside my room and kiss me.

I'm not totally happy when she  do that because i know that every time she go inside my room even though my eyes were closed because i always pretend to be asleep i can feel that she's quietly crying.

I feel like I'm being beaten emotionally every time I feel her crying.

It hurts me that I can't hug her, I can't hold her but I have no right to complain because it's all my fault.

It hurts me that i just look at her while i know myself that i really want to to hold and kiss her little baby bump and i want to talk to our baby, i miss her but who am i to demand knowing that because of my stupidity i hurt her .

And it hurt me hundred folds knowing that she became like that because of me, i feel like i'm the worst person.

I'm so stupid to the point that i let my anger  eat me and I did it to Jezel , it's a good thing that i suddenly walk up from my stupidity and I stopped what I was doing because she might accused me of rape  because of what I was about to do .

I don't know how it happened that  it has a clear shot photo of what the happen at that time it's really bothering me because i know that it's only  me and jezel are the  people at  my  office that time , And made me think even more when  jezel did not return to work after that incident.

My father is also not bothering me for over a week, it's not that i want him to bother me it's just a bit suspicious that everything suddenly changed.

And what make me feel anxious is what my mother said that time , i don't know why but every time i remember what she said i always feel nervous .

I came back from my deep thoughts when suddenly someone knock on my car door and i immediately open it when i saw Liana ,  I always bring and pick her up at school and Jennie brings her own car to work she don't want me to bring her to work because we're not in good term.

"you're in your deep thoughts again oppa."
She said when she got in the car before she kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled at her and messed up her hair.

"How's school."
I asked her before I started the car.

"same as usual, borring,are you ok you look pale oppa"
She asked before she turned her attention to her phone and I also started driving.

" I'm fine dont worry about me , You know what when I was the same age as you that's what I always answer  to my mom when she asks me."
I reply to her.

" Why doesn't she just text you directly and why is it  always pass by me first ."
she annoyingly said.

" who is that ."
I asked her.

"Who else  your moody girlfriend, she's asking if you're ok and if you're already with me."
She replied and I smiled.

"you can take my phone in my bag please send her a message that I'm ok and I love her."
I ordered her and I saw in my peripheral vision that she  rolled her eyes but she obeyed my order.

"She's lucky because you don't get tired of coaxing her"
She said .

" No  i'm lucky to have her, part of what i did she never leave me and
you know how much I love your eonni right and I'll do everything i can so we could go back to normal as before."
I reply to her.

"even if it hurts, and you already ask for forgiveness."
She asked.

"We won't understand her side because we're not in her position baby , and you already know that she's pregnant right  and i want you to know that pregnant women can't handle their emotion properly. And i don't have right to complain because
I hurt her first even though I didn't mean to, i can't change the fact that i hurt her so I deserve whatever she treats me now. And besides she doesn't treat me badly she just ignores me but I know she loves me, let's just let the time heal her, the  day will come everything will be ok. "
I explained to her .

"thanks for understanding my sister oppa, there's only one thing I can say I'm not mistaken when i tell to myself that you're the one for her."
She replied making me smile while driving.

"i miss her, i miss kissing her tummy i miss talking to our baby i miss everything about her."
I told her .

"oppa no matter what happens promise me you will always choose my sister."
She said I smiled at her.

I replied.

We arrive at home around five o'clock in the afternoon and it was just right that Jennie also came, Liana approached her and kissed her while I was just looking at them I didn't try to approched her because she might turn emotional again and I don't want that to happen because I know that it's not good for our baby that she is carrying.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now