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Lisa's Pov

"hello, love."
Jennie said on the other line, I didn't know what to do right now so I called her wanting to hear even just her voice to alleviate the pain I feel now.

I didn't sleep all night for that report but I still didn't get what my father wanted, he said so many hurtful and insulting words to me. I could do nothing but hold back the tears from my eyes because I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Love, are you Ok."
I heard jennie say again on the other line, I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"I'm fine Love I just miss you. I want to hear your voice."
I reply to her.

" hey are you crying ."
She asked.

"no, why should I cry."
i lied to her because I don't want her to worry.

"are you sure love ,  are you not feeling well."
She asked again.

"no love im ok , how about you are you still feeling dizzy ."
I asked her.

"im ok love i'm not feeling dizzy  i think our baby listen to what you said  earlier that don't make it hard for me. "
She replied , I smiled at the thought that our baby was listening to me

"All right, love, be careful ok. I need to go back to work, I love you."
I told her .

"we love you too love. Bye"
She answered before she turned off the call.

When the call went off, my tears immediately flowed because of the extreme pain I was feeling, I wanted to prove myself to my father but I didn't know how because he dont seem to see anything right in what I was doing.

He always criticizes everything that i do ,he still let me feel that i don't deserve anything that i have. but I will not give up because I know that one day all my hardships will have a good reward.

I came back from deep thought when suddenly the door of my office opened and I was surprised that my father entered with my mother.

i compose myself to show them that i'm not affected with what had happened, my father smirked while and my mother seemed to feel sorry for me.

"what else do you need here isn't enough that you insulted me earlier"
I boldly asked him.

"You haven't changed Lisa I don't know what went through my mind why I gave you the position of being a CEO which I know I can't count on you. you can't even to a simple things that i give to you."
He replied to me, I clenched my fist because of the anger I feel now.

"That's really how you think of me since before,  you   don't see anything right in what I'm doing . you make me feel that i'm just a trash ."
i said bluntly to him while walking and front of them.

My mother shouted to rebuke me, I saw my father's smirk that pushed me harder to bring out everything I wanted to say.

"it still about my brother right ? until now you're still blaming me of what had happened to him isn't it. That you can't accept that he was the one who died and not me. That that he is the one that hit by that stupid Car and not me. How I wish  that I was the one who died that time because I feel like you've been punishing me for that accident. "
I shouted at him and I saw the change in his expression and I was shocked that his punch landed on my right cheek.

I felt the blood flow in my nose because of the force of his blow, my mother stopped him from throwing another blow and I saw the tears of my mothers flow  .

I just let my blood flow I didn't show fear of him I wasn't hurt physically because I feel like my body is numb with anger, but it feels like my heart is being stabbed many times with the pain I feel emotionally.

" You're right,how i wish that you're the one who died. because you must have really died at that time and not your brother."
He shouted back at me and i can really see the anger and his facial expression.

" hon please stop ."
my mother beg him to stop and he just smirk.

"but you are right, you should not be the one to be punished in fact i like your suggestion. the person who is the reason of your brothers death is  already gone but I don't think that's enough compensation, my son's life was taken from me so  i think his daughter's life is also the replacement. "
he said angrily as he remove the grip of my mother's hand on his arms. i just look at him with no emotion.

" and one more thing my dear daughter don't blame me of what will happen, i love you so much that i follow your great idea and i promise you that i will let you do everything what you want after after i take revenge on your brother's death."
he said while laughing like a devil while storming out of my office.

Whatever he does I don't care as long as he just let me live without him interfering with me and the family that I'm building.

When he came out of the door, my mother immediately hugged me and I could not stop the flow of my tears.

"Lisa listen to me, guard Jennie and her child be careful if there is a possibility of getting away from here do it, you don't know what your father can do Lisa. When he says he will do it he doesn't know how to feel sorry, do you understand. "
My mother said the fear could be seen on her face before she went out to follow my father.

I don't know what she meant by what she said, but I felt scared because of my mother's warning , but i know that there's nothing to be scared i am here to protect them i will do everything that i can, i  won't let anyone hurt them.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now