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Jennie's Pov

Me and Lisa is been together for more than a month, and i can say that  i made the right decision when i decided to be with her.

Even though I know that she is stressed at work and I feel that she is already tired,  i never heard that she complain she did not fail to let us feel that we are still her priority, she never failed to let me and Liana feel that she loves us that she can do everything for us.

She always teases me that she loves Liana  more than she loves me but I'm not jealous , in fact I'm happy because apart from me I know that there is someone who loves Liana like how i do.

  It's not that i want  something bad will happened to us,  Just in case we go through a difficult situation and she need to choose between Me and Liana I want her to choose Liana. that's how important liana  in my life, dont get me wrong i love Lisa so much but i love Liana more than anyone else in this world  i love her more than my life.

And about  her  since the day that Lisa told her about our relationship , she's been sleeping in her own  room because according to her she doesn't want to disturb my  babe time with  lisa , up until now i still can't believe that she is no longer a baby .

She's not innocent anymore the way she talk to me i felt like the word that came out of her mouth is like there's a hidden meaning in it, sometimes I don't know if she's just curious thats why she ask about something  or  she's already teasing me.

After I dried my hair I lay down next to Lisa and hugged her.

"You're tired."
I asked her, she put her phone on the side of the table and she fixed our blanket.

"im fine love as long as you're here by my side always."
She said before she kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you."
I told her, she looked at me and smiled.

"I love you more, by the way what is your dream wedding."
She asked casually.

" Are you asking me to marry you."

" of course i want marry you , that's why i'm asking about your dream wedding."
She said ,how to unlove her i felt like i'm going to fall for her even more .

"my only dream is to marry you, i don't care if it's just the most simple wedding as long as the one that i'm going to marry is you."
I answer her, its true because I see nothing in my future that I can be with for the rest of my life but lisa.

She smiled at me and kissed me on the lips.

"Don't worry because your the only one I'll marry."
She replied as our lips parted.

Lisa's Pov.

As Jennie slept I couldn’t help but cry silently i always do this i cry silently every time she is  sleeping, i don't want to show to her the weak side of me i want her to know that i'm resilient.

I'm so tired of work, I can actually do the job of being CEO but the hard part is that my father always find mistake of what i'm doing, he always makes me feel that what I'm doing is wrong.

I want to give up i'm tired but every time I see Jennie and Liana I gain the strength to fight, I want to give what is best for them.

I’m actually scared because there’s something that Jennie doesn’t know.

When I accepted the position of being CEO I didn't know that my father had a personal assistant and I was surprised that it was Jezel
my ex-girlfriend. 

I tried to convince my father that I dont need her but i couldn't do anything because my father insist that i really need her.

So even though I don't want to to be with her , I spend time with Jezel every day  actually she's not helping me at all she's just making the things to hard for me.

Knowing her when she finds out that I'm the CEO, she tries to tempt and seduce me almost every day, but I'm not affected even if she get naked in front of me, I don't feel anything for her all i can feel from what she's doing is so disgusting.

I didn't tell Jennie because I don't want her  to think badly and I don't want to get into trouble.
one of jennie's behavior  that notice is her possessiveness towards me and i knew it wouldn't help my situation when she found out that jezel was my personal assistant, and i knew that would only add more problem if i let her know.

The only one who knows everything is Liana. Liana is the only one I tell all the things I can't open up to Jennie, i consider her as my best friend she knows everything and I'm happy that she's always there for me .

She's my  angel she's my partner in crime and my protector every time me and jennie have a fight she is the one who finds a way for us to be Ok.

One thing I admire about Jennie and Liana is that , they always fight because of me but I know they love each other so much , I once talked to Liana and she told me that no matter what happens I will always choose her sister  ,   even though her sister  is so possessive even though she always scolds me and Liana  , she doesn't want me to stop loving her sister.

And there is only one thing I am sure of in my life righ now,  that I love Jennie more than anything in this world, and loving her it includes Lana because i know jennie love her sister so much.

I know that I can handle any hardship as long as they are with me, they are my family, my strengths and weaknesses and I will do everything I can to protect them.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now