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Lisa's Pov.

"good morning Ms. Manoban."
the employees greeted me with mixed astonishment on their faces maybe because i bring Jennie with me.

This is the first time I brought Jennie here in the company, and I know that bringing her here will be a hot topic of all the employees here. Especially since Jennie's pregnancy can't be hidden and I know that everyone who works here knows about my condition so they would definitely think that I'm the one who made Jennie pregnat.

Honestly i want to inform all of them that jennie is my soon to be wife but I won't do that because I don't want Jennie to have a clue about my surprise propose to her.

And besides they would probably know it after i propose because it will be on the news.

In a few days rosie's father will announce the only heir and owner of the Park's corporation and that's Lian Park , also known as Jennie Kim.

The big announcement will be at  their company event and i know that they invited a lot of media on that event. Jennie had no idea what was going to happen the only person that knows about this is rosie's father , rosie and me. I also talked to them that i will going to proposed to jennie after the announcement.

I hold Jennie's hand and on my other hand I hold her bag, while Jennie smiles at every employee that greet us .

I don't let her work today because she felt dizzy earlier  so I just bring her with me to make sure she was safe.

I already texted liana's driver to take Liana here here directly from the beach they spend the night with.

Until now I am still worried about Liana,  if I can just pay the people around her so that they will stop saying negative things about me and the family I have. I did that already because I was the one hurting for my daughter.But I also believe that we have to go through all this so I just pray that liana will continue to accept everything.

As soon as we arrived at the floor where my office was, I immediately told my secretary not to disturb me if it's  was not  needed and important.

As I was signing the papers I needed to sign I noticed that Jennie was uncomfortable so I stopped what I was doing and i sit next to her.

"You want me to rub your tummy."
I asked her because that's what she always made me do.

She shook her head as she pouted like a child.

"what my children's mommy wants."
I asked in my baby voice.

"I want to cum."
she replied shyly.

I didn't expect that but I wasn't shocked or surprise because since she was get pregnant she couldn't control her hormones,  so whenever she wanted to do it I made a way for her to release her fluid because if I didn't do that she would ignored me so I have no choice but to follow what she wants.

I kissed her on the lips before I slowly took off her her underwear it's good thing that she's wearing  dressed so It  wouldn't be  hard for me.

"That's right, love ammmmmmm."
She moaned she felt my finger inside her.

this is what I always do , it's not that I don't want to insert my cock in her , I'm afraid that I might poke my baby inside so as long as I can restrain i use my own fingers.

I fucked her with my finger until she released all her cum, I returned her underwear and I kissed her again.

" feel better ."
I asked her, she smiled at me and nodded.

I was about to kiss her again when suddenly the phone of my office rang, I stood up and answered it.

"Ms. Manoban, someone is looking for you at the lobby she is scolding the receptionist right now because they won't  allowed her  to come up to your office."
my secretary said.

"how many times do i have to remind you that if there is no appointment there is no business."
I answered before I dropped the phone.

I went back next to Jennie when suddenly my phone rang, I answered it immediately because it was Liana who was calling.


"baby your face dada, what's the reason Of sending me here if you don't want to be disturb , and all your stuff is laughing at me right now  they won't allow me to go up there and they won't believe that i'm you daughter."
She replied sarcastically, my eyes widened.

"sorry baby wait a minute."
I immediately turned off the call and I immediately called my secretary again.

"Why didn't you tell me that my daughter is the one that is  looking for me."
I scolded her.

"Ms. Manoban, I'm sorry I didn't know she was your child."
She  said nervously .

"Let her come  here , now."
I said before dropping the phone.

Jennie asked.

"Liana is in the lobby,and i'm afraid that she's not in the mood "
I replied and stood beside her.

Jennie and I hugged on the sofa while i rubbed her tummy when Liana that obviously not in the good mood.

" who are you ."
I asked her to annoy her even more.

"yaaaaah , it's not funny dada,"
She shouted making me and jennie laugh.

She approached us and kissed us on the cheek.

"Can you let my sister out first before you make a baby  again."
she said sarcastically before she sit down between Me and her Mom.

"what's with that face."
Jennie asked her.

"nothing mom i was  just annoy  that they don't want to believe that I'm dada's  daughter maybe because I'm still a Kim until now."
She response sadly.

"really, you told them you were Daughter."
I asked her because I didn't expect her to brag that she was my daughter.

she cup my face and and smile at me.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and from now on I promise that I will never be ashamed that you are my dada because my dada is the most hot and handsome of all."
She said before she hugged me I couldn't stop the flow of my tears of  happiness.

I looked at jennie and she was also crying while smiling looking at us.

"thank you baby you don't know how happy i was right now , ilove you so much and don't worry I've already processed your papers ."
I told her before I hugged her again.

"Baby, it's not that easy to change your last name, so just be patient."
Jennie explained to her.

"I'm so excited to change my last name into Manoban dada sorry mom , I love you but i like it when  my name is  Liana Manoban more than Liana Kim."
She said to her mother and Jennie rolled her eyes.

"fine if that's what you want."
she pretend to be annoy.

"don't worry love I'll change your last name too."
I told her before I kissed her on the lips.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now