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Third-person's Pov

They were all silent for a moment while Liana waited for them to say something, Jennie took a deep breath before she spoke.

"Baby, i want to apologize to you because I hid  the truth  that i should have told you about this for so long already but i had lack of courage because of the possibility that you would hate me."
Jennie said tearfully,  that she can't even look well at Liana because she's afraid she might get angry.

Lisa approached her and held her hand to comfort her and let her feel that they would face whatever happens together.

While Liana automatically cries because she sees Jennie crying.

"what's that eonni."
Liana ask her emotionally.

"baby I'm not just your sister, i know it's hard for you to believe but the truth is I'm your real mom."
Jennie said boldly making Liana cry hysterically.

Jennie hugged her  while Lisa continued to rub Jennie and Liana's shoulders to calm them down.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you the truth because I was afraid you might not accept that I was your mother."
Jennie said to Liana as their hugs parted as she wiped away her tears.

"I tho,,,,, tho, ,,,,,ught, I ,,,,thought."
Liana want to say something but she could no longer speak properly because of her emotion.

" shssssssss baby calm down ."
lisa hugged her while jennie continued to cry as she watched both of them .

Jennie couldn't stop herself from being hurt by Liana's reaction.

A few minutes later, lisa successfully calm her down, Liana let go of her hug with lisa and she immediately wiped Jennie's tears as she hugged her. While Jennie felt relieved when she felt her hugged .

When their embrace parted Jennie held Liana's hand.

"I so sorry hope you forgive me for what I did."
she said, Liana's tears were dripping but it could be seen in her eyes that she was happy.

"I thought my true identity would forever be a question mark for me, I've wanted to ask you for a long time. but I just dismissed it in my mind because I might have just misheard at that time."
her shy response that surprised Lisa and Jennie they looked at each other.

"you know."
Jennie asked her  and  she immediately nodded.

"when mom was still alive I heard you two are talking and she said that you should tell me the truth that you are my real mother, it realy made a big  question in my heart. But I didn’t want to have hope that what I heard was true because if I think about it was very impossible, so I erased that from my mind."
Liana explained carefully to jennie and lisa as she looked down and played with her finger in extreme nervousness.

While Jennie feels all sorts of emotions, she can't quite imagine that Liana has an idea about her true identity but she never tried to ask her, on the other hand lisa is confused about who she should give comfort first her Daughter or Jennie because they are both emotional

" The day before we were abducted I saw a photo hidden in your cabinet. on that photo You are in a hospital bed and You look very young and you are carrying a newborn baby ,  there is something written at the back of that picture"

This is the  moment that I told myself that I am proud of you , for being a brave woman that at a young age you made the right decision to to continue your pregnancy and give birth to a beautiful baby.

Welcome to the outside world baby Liana, and welcome to the world of motherhood my dear daughter

love, mommy.

"And there it proved that what I heard long time ago was right, I was so happy I didn't care what  are the reasons that you hid the truth from me. all i know is i'm happy you're my real mommy."
Laina said  shyly to the two of them , while Jennie's emotions continued to pour out when she heard that Liana was happy that she was her real mother.

Lisa couldn't control her emotions either because of the wonderful interaction between the two.

"I have no bad intentions in hiding the truth from you. I'm just afraid that you might get angry and change the way you look at me, I love you."
said jennie as she kissed her daughter's hand.

"Is it ok  to call you mommy from now on."
she replied shyly.

Jennie cup her face and kiss her on the forehead.

"I would love to hear you call me mommy."
Jennie replied.

"I love you mommy."
said Liana while hugging Jennie.

"i love you too baby , mommy love's you."
jennie replied.

"I can join."
lisa said suddenly as she pouted.

"Come here dada."
liana said that Jennie  was curious why liana call lisa dada so before lisa  could approach them Jennie suddenly asked.

"You already know that she is your real dada."

Liana asked in shock.

Jennie and Lisa looked at each other, because she unconsciously tell the truth to liana about lisa being her other Mother and her father figure,  so jennie has no choice but to reveal the whole truth . jennie took a deep breath.

"ok listen, Me and Lisa were best friends  when we were the same age as you, and out of curiosity we made you . and she had no idea that i was her best friend because because my father which is your grandfather change my whole identity before me and mom fly to new zealand  and i just told her the truth earlier.  I was  just scared baby and I only did it so I can protect you. "
Jennie explained to her and lisa was afraid of Liana's reaction will be.

Liana smiled and hugged lisa.

"Now I know why when i  saw you for the first time I felt a connection because you are my real Dada."
Liana said that made Lisa burst into tears ,  Jennie join in their embrace.

"Promise me that there are no more secrets in our family ok. I love you mommy and dada, this is the happiest day of my life."
said Liana and they all became all emotional because of the happiness they felt.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now