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Lisa's Pov

Liana shouted when I opened the door , she got up from lying down and she run to hugged me.

I couldn't hold back my tears as I hugged her back, I couldn't quite imagine that she was my daughter.

I pulled her back to her bed and we both sat there.

"oppa, why do you have a wound what happened i thought it was my end already , Jennie eonni how is she and the baby ."
she asked worriedly as her tears flowed, I smiled at her and wiped it with my thumb.

"I'm fine, Jennie is fine and the baby is ok. so stop crying we are all safe and I won't let anyone hurt you again, promise."
I told her  .

"sorry if i pointed the gun on you baby, sorry."
I apologized to her, if Jennie hadn't said she was my daughter I probably would have pulled the trigger and I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I did that.

She smiled at me and wiped away my tears.

"It's ok oppa I know that if you only have a choice you won't do that, I understand. and besides you promised me that you will always choose my sister, I will be angry with you if you choose to save me. so thank you for keeping your promise."
She replied I broke the hug and I looked at her.

"Thank you i promise it won't happen again. And you know what , as far as i remember you already call me dada before you lose your consciousness, why is it your calling me oppa again, don't tell me that you've changed your mind and you don't want me to be your dada anymore."
I told her , now that i know that she is my daughter it's a bit awkward but i love the way she call me dada.

I saw that she was so shy of what I said.

"I want. , , , ,  it's just i'm so shy because i don't know if you want me to call you dada or not"
she replied shyly.

I cup her face and i kiss her on the forehead.

"I want you to call me dada."
I told her, she smiled at me and hugged me again.

i hope she will accept the truth that we are her real parents

Jennie's Pov

I woke up with lisa no longer here by my side, I touched my baby bump while smiling.

"hi Baby thank you and you didn't give up, thank you for not leaving mommy, i Love you so much."
I said as I rubbed my tummy.

I am happy because  my family is safe and I am happy that lisa accepted liana as her child without hesitation.

I used to remember Me and my mother's situation before, we were both afraid to go out of the house that time. She didn't talk to me she was always stunned, it's a good thing we have more than enough money that even if we don't work and stay at home for a few months or years we won't go hungry, and until now that's what I've been wondering where the money comes from.

I also wondered that time why my tummy grow bigger  and I also noticed that my period was no longer coming .

My mother took me to the doctor and there we found out that I was five months pregnant, my mother had no reaction at that time.  while me ? could not believe that at my young age I was already  pregnant, at first I was angry  because  I knew that lisa's father killed my father and now i'm pregnat with her,  but I realize that Lisa was innocent we both didn't know what happened, the baby I was carrying was even more innocent so even though it was difficult for me, i continue the pregnancy.

And i'm happy that i made a right decision to give life to Liana because she became the new light for me and my mother.

When Liana  introduced Lisa  to me , I didn't recognize her right away because she had changed so much, I haven't seen her in more than thirteen years. I wanted to hug her at the time that I confirmed that she was my friend Lisa ,  my friend who was with me when we both  loss of our innocence.

But I hated her father so much to the point that  I wanted to take Liana away from her .

But it was destiny that found a way for us to get closer to each other and our daughter found her. And when I saw how close they were to each other  I already gave up on keeping them away because I knew that even if they didn't know the truth they still felt their connection.

I came back from deep thought when Laina suddenly entered with lisa.

She run closer to me and she immediately sat on the bed next to me and hugged me while crying.

I looked at Lisa and she smiled at me. I touched both her shoulders to loosen the hug and then I wiped her tears.

"Don't cry baby , look we are all safe."
I told her she looked at me and tried to stop her crying.

Until now I still can't believe that the baby from my tummy is already big girl, she's no longer the young Laina who just wanted me to accompany her to play  games with her small toys.

Lisa came to me and she kissed me on  forehead and that she was also sitting next to Lian and me, she gave me a meaningful look and I nodded at her.

I felt nervous and scared but I knew that Liana had the right to know the truth about her, all I was praying for now was that she would accept the fact that Me and Lisa are her real parents.

"baby we have something to tell you."
Lisa said to Liana and she immediately turned her attention to lisa.

"What's that dada."
she said shyly that surprise me.

I know I heard that Liana called Lisa dada  before she fainted yesterday and now she calls her dada again today. oh gosh i don't know what's happening already.

Lisa fexed her hair.

"whatever you will  know, I hope it won't change everything and the way you look at us. you always remember we love you ok."
Lisa said to her,  liana looked at me and smiled and she turned her gaze back to lisa and she nodded with a smile.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now