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Jennie's Pov

"Love , we need to get ready before Liana wakes up."
I heard lisa whisper to me, I opened my eyes and I looked at the time and it was five o'clock in the morning.

"good morning."
I greeted her as I wrapped my hand around her waist.

"good morning my love, are you ok does your body hurt."
She asked, I smiled and I looked at her.

"I'm ok Love, can you pinch me? just to make sure I'm not dreaming."
She smiled at me and squeezed my cheek.

"i'm telling you you're not dreaming, your already mine , is it not obvious that we're both still until naked now ."
She replied, I smiled at her and she kissed me on the lips.

"your mine right, mine only."
I asked her and she smile at me and nodded .

I got up and put on my clothes because I still had to cook for Lisa and Liana's breakfast and lunch.

"You're mine too my love , i love you, I'm going to take a bath. And one more thing I'll take Liana to school and I'll also take you to your office  ."
She whispered to me and kissed me on the neck before she go  inside the bathroom.

I wondered what she meant , i just shook my head and  I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

I smiled while cooking as I remember what happened last night it was so hard to stop myself from moaning , maybe it's time  for me to make lisa's room soundproof because I don't know how long I can stop my moaning every time we have sex.

After I cooked I went to my bedroom to take a shower and get ready for work.

When i go inside, Liana immediately looked at me with a teasing smile.

I asked her, because I was not particularly comfortable knowing that she know already what's happening to me and lisa.

"oh come on eonni don't be shy , i'm your sister and I understand you. and by the way just in case you won't notice ,you need to put concealer on the big mark on your neck."
She said before leaving the room I hurried to look in the mirror and my eyes widened.

I closed my eyes in extreme embarrassment, i feel like I wanted to peel lisa because I knew she meant to mark me.

After I took a bath, I put concealer on my neck to cover the mark made by Lisa and I dressed in office clothes, I went out of the room to accompany them to eat breakfast. I arrived at the kitchen and i was surprised to see that lisa is in her office suit. I sat down in front of the two of them and I couldn't stop myself from admiring Lisa.

"is  lisa oppa that handsome eonni that you can't stop staring at her."
Liana Suddenly said that brought me back to the right thingking.

I really want to beat her up for making me feel embarrassed since earlier, Lisa smirk while winking at me.

I smiled at them and started eating. I want to ask her why she's  in an office suit but I can't speak because I'm still embarrassed i feel like i want to dig a hole in hide myself there.

After we ate, I immediately clean the plates that we use.

And whe  we came out of the house I was shocked to see a a nice an expensive car parked in front of the house and I was even more surprised when lisa opened the car.

"you have a nice car oppa,"
Liana  said before she go in the back seat of the car and lisa immediately closed it and then she opened the front seat for me.

"Love, lets go Liana will be late for school."
Lisa called me that made me  blush because because this is the first time she called me love in front of Liana.

I didn't say any word i just go inside her car.

during the whole ride to Liana's school I was just quiet i don't know why but  i really  feel shy, so i just listen to the conversation of Liana and Lisa.

She already know because lisa told her and I'm happy because I see that Liana is also happy that my relationship  with  lisa is already   official .

"bye love birds."
Liana said before she kissed me and she also kissed lisa she didn't even let us response she got out of the car.

"are you ok you've been so quiet since earlier."
Lisa asked while driving.

" it's all your fault I'm so embarrassed because  Liana saw the mark you made on my neck."
I scolded her and she laughed.

"I'm sorry love i cant help it. "
She replied.

"nevermind   , why you're in your office suit  where are you going and who's car is this"
I asked her  .

"Yesterday I talked to my parents and I'm going back to the company."
She answered and I was suddenly felt nervous but I didn't reveal it to her.

"Love is there any problem."
She asked me, I smiled at her and shook my head,  but I was really anxious knowing that Lisa would be with her father, but i force myself not to think negative things.

When we arrived in front of the company building where I work, Lisa immediately came out to open the car door for me,  I noticed that some of the employees were looking at the car.

Maybe they were wondering who was inside this expensive car so I couldn't help but be embarrassed because I saw the shock on the faces of some employees when they saw me get out of the car.

"I'll pick you up later."
Lisa said as she fixed my hair.

"ok see you later."
I responded to her and I was surprised when she claimed my lips.

This is the first time I kissed someone in front of a lot of people , even when Ivan and me are still in a relationship i never kissed him in front of others except in front of Liana.

"see you later my love, I love you."
She said when our lips parted.

"i love you too, drive safely ok."
I replied to her, she kissed me on the forehead before she go back into her car .

I waited for her to leave before I entered the company ignoring all the looks of some of the employees . I know I will be the hot topic in this whole building today, but I don't care  I love lisa, so I will show my affection for her wherever I want.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now