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Lisa's Pov

After I finished talking to my parents, my mother gave me the key of my car She also gave me my  savings card that I returned to her before left .

I'll admit I'm anxious about  my father's behavior but I'm happy with my decision,  and  now I'm excited to go  home  because Liana texted me saying that her sister was worried because I haven't been home yet.

I went to the flower shop to buy flowers for jennie and Liana and I immediately drove home.

  when I got home I immediately parked my car I took the flower and immediately entered the house.

Liana greeted me with a hug and she was very happy when I gave her the bouquet of flower.

"wow it's nice oppa, thank you. Whose  car is that "
She asked.

"its mine, I'll explain to you next time ok , i want to talk to your sister first .where is she"
I asked her.

"ok, she's in the kitchen she's washing the dishes, I'm going to go into the room oppa so I won't disturb both of you, promise me that when I wake up tomorrow she is your girlfriend already ."
She replied I smiled at her and nodded.

"and one more thing, just in case you both do it again can you please cover eonni's mouth because even if i'm already asleep I wake up because she is so noisy."
She added before she ran into jennie's room, and she left me speechless.

I shook my head because of Liana's mischief. I still can't quite imagine that she knows about such things.

I took a deep breath and headed to the kitchen as I hid the flower behind me.

I saw jennie drying the plates and she put them in the plate holder, I slowly approached her and I stole her a kiss.

She cried out in shock and turned to face me.

"Do you want to kill me with nervousness."
She said while feeling her chest.

Good thing she was talking to me now unlike earlier , I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.

"where are you from, do you know that I've been worried about you since earlier "
She asked coldly, even if she is mad at mi she still care.

"i love you"
I bluntly said and then I gave the flower to her.

She accepted it but she immediately put it on the table, I followed her and I cornered her on the table with my hands.

" thank you for the flowers ."
She said shyly and i smirk.

"I said I love you."
I fermly said while why do looking directly into her eyes, I saw that she blushed.

"Lisa, get me Go"

"i said i love you."
I repeated what I said and saw that she took a deep breath.

"fine i love you too."
She replied.

I cup her face and I kiss her and she immediately responded, I broke the kiss and fixed her hair.

"from now on you are my girlfriend."

Jennie's Pov

my heart was pumping so hard as lisa kissed me and even though i'm still upset to her I couldn't stop myself from responding to her kiss,  She separated the kiss and she fixed my hair.

"from now on you are Girlfriend."
She told me, I don't know what my reaction should be because I don't know if what I heard is right or it's just my imagination because I want to hear that word from her so badly .

I came back to my senses when she gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"What are you saying again."
I asked her to make sure that i heard it right.

" your my girlfriend"
my tears flow unconsciously as it finally sink in into me what she said.

"You're not kidding me right."
I asked her as my tears continued to flow with great joy.

"No i'm not."
She smiled at me , I slapped her lightly on the chest and she just looked at me while smiling

"so, is that a yes."
She asked as she wiped away my tears.

" it's not even a question Lisa . But Of course i want to be your Girlfriend, I love you."
I replied to her and I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.

"I'm sorry if it takes too long for me to realize everything, I'm sorry if I hurt you before I woke up to my stupidity. I love you my love ,  I love You and Liana."
She replied  as she stroked my back.

I broke the hug and cup her face.

"I'm sorry too because .."
I couldn't continue what i was going to say when she suddenly claimed my lips.

I am so happy that she is finally mine and I will do everything so that she will be mine until the end.

I responded to her kiss, I wrapped my hand loosely around her neck and I deliberately rubbed one of my legs between her thighs and I felt her cock react.

Call me pervert but i want her so badly right now , this is the night that we became official  and i want it to be special  i won't let this night end without love making .

I removed the wrap of my hand around her neck and lowered it to remove the button of her pants and I was surprised when she stopped kissing me.

"why , i want you."
i tell her in frustration.

"Promise me first that you will keep your mouth shut."
She replied I frowned because I no longer understood what she meant.

"Lian told me that she always wakes up because of your noise."
She replied and my eyes widened .

"she knows."
I asked her and she nodded, oh God what I did i do , she was so innocent for such things.

I rubbed my face in the extreme frostration and lisa took my hands.

"she is not that innocent love, i think you already start to accept that your sister is not a child anymore , she is a young lady and she already has an idea for such things."
She replied.

"never mind, tomorrow I'll think about that. I want you now don't worry I'll try my best not to moan out loud."
I replied to her and she smirked.

"ok  let's do it in my room"
She kissed me before she pulled me to her room.

And i think it's going to be a long night.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now