Special Chapter

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Third Person's POV.

"dada can you carry me please."
The three -year -old Claris said to lisa, lisa was supposed to carry her when Lucas suddenly cried and lisa immediately went to lucas to stop him from crying.

Claris pout and ran up to her room and there she cried out loud , she was very disappointed she felt like her Dada dont Love her because her dad's attention is always on her baby brother.

Liana entered Claris' room and she was surprised that her little sister was crying.

"hey baby, why are you crying."
she asked, Claris got up and hugged her eonni.

"Dada doesn't love me, she always wants to carry lucas not me."
Claris replied as she wiped away her tears.

"claris listen to eonni it's only natural because Lucas is a baby."
Liana replied calmly while fixing her sister's hair.

"I'm also a baby eonni , I'm only three years old."
Claris replied, Laina smiled while shaking because of what Claris said.

She knew that Claris could not understand the situation because she was still young, and she also don't know how to explain to her sister.

"ok baby, I'll talk to mommy and dada. so stop crying because i know that daddy loves us .
don't cry because you will be very ugly if you always cry . you dont want to be ugly right ."
She asked her sister and Claris instantly stop from crying and give her eonni a sweet smile .

After Liana calmed her sister down, she immediately went downstairs and it was right that her mom arrive she came from outside to buy their necessities.

While dada is busy playing with lucas, she throws her son  in the air and catch him  which her baby brother enjoys.

"Hi Mom."
Liana greeted her mother before she kissed and hugged her.

"hello baby, you know what until now I can't believe you're 17, look you're even more taller than me."
Jennie said and squeezed Liana's cheek.

"hi Mommy, look baby Lucas is flying."
lisa sais  as she throwing her son into the air.

" yahhh stop that  love. if you fail to catch your son and he fell down on the floor i will choke you to death. I tell you "
Jennie said, Liana laughed ,  lisa stopped what she was doing and she approached Jennie.

She kissed her wife on the lips before handing Lucas to her.

"heloow my cutie cutie, i miss you ."
Jennie said as she gave her youngest son many kisses.

"where's the other naughty kid."
jennie asked.

"oh I forgot she's in the room and earlier she was crying because she said that dada doesn't love her because dada always carrying lucas and not her."
Liana replied that surprise Lisa and Jennie.

"That's not true, I love all of you equally"
Lisa's defense.

"I know dad, but Claris doesn't want to listen to me and i don't know how to make her understand the situation ."
Liana replied.

"You better talk to her Lisa, fix that ."
jennie replied.

Laina get her little brother from her mom.

" i think you both need to talk to her because she is really upset right now ."
Liana said to her parents.

As the couple walked towards their daughter's room Lisa continued to kiss Jennie's neck as she hugged her wife from behind.

"Stop that Love, we need to talk to our daughter"
Jennie said in moaned .

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now