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Jennie's Pov

Honestly, I don't need Lisa's help because the salary given to me by the company i'm working with is more than enough for me and Liana.

And I still wonder about the bank account that my father gave us before he died, because every time i checked that bank account there's a huge amount of money added
every month and I don't know where it came from .

With the amount of money on that account i was able to open another account for Liana and with the amount of money I transferred to Liana's account, I can say that I already secured her future.

Even though my father died, I can say that he never left us because we never had a hard time when it came to finances.

I just told to Lisa  yesterday that we should help each other so that she would not hesitate to accept the help I offered, I felt sorry for her situation especially when I found out what her own father had done to her.

Liana is right if lisa's father is dangerous it doesn't mean that Lisa is also dangerous ,I know she needs help, she's just acting strong but I know she's having a hard time with her life right now.

I came back from the deep thought when i felt a hand crawling inside my shirt, I smiled because I knew that Ivan, he had stolen another moment while Liana was away because she took food from the kitchen.

We are here in the living room watching a movie ,  Just like Lian and I made a deal, Ivan will sleep here tonight , there are three rooms in the house that I rent, the big one is my room, the other is Liana's room but she doesn't use it because she sleeps in my room , and that vacant room my plan is to let  Lisa rent it , and i will let ivan use it just for tonight.

This house is a bit big but it's not really expensive  because this house is owned by the company .

"hon stop it, don't want i want Liana to see you doing that to me.."
I whispered to him because I felt his hand reach out to my left bobs.

"she's not here yet"
he told me.

"later when I give you a chance to do what you want  when Liana is asleep,  I will go to the room where you will sleep."
I whispered to him, I saw the joy on his face when he heard what I whispered.

"I can't wait"
She replied, I cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.

"be ready for later."
I whispered to him  in a sexy way and I kissed him  again .

The two of us stopped flirting when Liana came back.

While Liana was sound asleep, I slowly got up from bed and tried not to make any noise so that i won't wake her up.

When I got out of the door I hurried to the vacant room where Ivan was sleeping, when I opened the door I was surprised that he immediately dragged me and he closed the door.

He kissed me and I immediately responded to his kiss, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He walked towards the bed while he makes sure that our lips still stick together, he slowly laid me on the bed.

" are you ready ."
He asked me as he pinned me to the bed.

I cup his face and smile while nodding.

He slowly removed the covering from my body and I smirked when I saw that he was swallowing a hard lump while she was admiring every inch of my body.

Not that I'm fooling myself , i'm just really confident enough that I have a good body shape and no one will object that.

Not that I'm fooling myself , i'm just really confident enough that I have a good body shape and no one will object that

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"I know you're sexy my love but I didn't expect you to be sexier without clothes."
He said before he took off his clothes .

I watched his every move until he finally removed the last covering from his body.

He positioned himself between my thighs and  when he was about to insert his cock in my entrance,  suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"eonni, I know you're there go back to the room."
Liana shouted, I hurriedly get up and put on my clothes i was about to go out but ivan stop me.

" where are you going ."
He asked with an obvious frustration on his face.

"Liana is looking for me."
I reply.

"can you please tell your idiot sister to leave us alone."
He said i feel like i want to punch his face right now but i stop myself.

I removed his grip on my arm as I gave him a bad look.

"I'll be back."
I replied to him coldly  i'm stopping myself not to shout because i don't want Liana to know that there was a problem.

I went out the door and I saw Liana who was obviously sleepy

"baby, I'll just talk to Ivan first, I promise I'll follow you ."
I told her and she immediately turned and went back to my room.

When I returned to the room I saw Ivan still naked.

"what did you say to her  again."
I asked him as I crossed my arms.

"she is stupid, she did nothing but watch over you."
He said boldly, I could no longer control myself and I slapped him.

"I know she's stubborn but you have no right to speak ill of her."
I scolded him as I pointed my finger at his face.

"ok I'm done,  I'm tired. you  Find someone who can understand your abnormal sister "
He replied as he put on his clothes.

"i'm breaking up with you, I don't need someone as stupid  like you get out of my house .now."
I shout at him because of my anger.

"I'm sorry you never experienced the pleasure I could  given you."
He replied while smirking.

"Really,,,,,, with that small dick of yours , I would never dream of that entering me. even virgins won't feel pain when you insert your little cock into them."
I answered boldly.

To be honest, his cock isn't really that small,  I'm just disappointed because I expected it to be the same size as the one I saw in Lisa.

He was about to slap me but I pointed at the cctv camera.

"go ahead hurt me here inside my territory and I'll make sure you rot in jail."
I challenge him ,He clenched his fist and violently left the room.

Even though I'm angry I can't stop crying because love him , but I won't let him talk to Liana like that, I can still accept that he always ignore her but I won't let him say bad things to her.

Don't cry for that man, and I know you were disappointed when you saw his cock earlier. I told myself for some sort of encouragement that that man is not for me but its still hurt.

I thought I was already  ready because I knew the day will come that he will leave me, but  why is it it still so painful.

I wiped away my tears and tried to calm myself before I went to my bedroom.

When I entered I saw that Liana was sleeping soundly, I kissed her on the forehead before I lay down next to her.

"no matter what happens i will always choose you"
I whispered to her before i finally close my eyes.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now