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Jennie's Pov

"baby, are you okay, you're not by yourself since earlier, is there a problem?"
I asked her because I noticed that she's been acting weird since she wake up.

"eonni, I'm worried about Lisa Oppa."
She replied.

"why what happened to her"
I asked.

"Yesterday afternoon before we went home I went through the cafe and she was not there. Jisoo eonni said she was feeling very bad so she went home early."
She explained.

"why do you have to worry about her  like that, I'm sure someone will take care of her ."
I answer as i started preparing our breakfast.

With their  wealth, maybe they have a lot of helper to take care of her ,but I wonder why she works in a cafe, when their family is one of the richest and most successful .

"eonni, no one will take care of her because she only live alone, she's working non-stop that's why she get sick"

"You can't fool me, Lian, they are rich as hell."

"eonni, if she's rich why does she work so hard in a cafe for the small amount of salary."

"So what do you want to happen now."
I asked her.

"I want to take care of her eonni, it's Saturday I'll just do my homework there,eonnie just take me there please ."
She said, I stopped cooking and faced her.

"You can't even take care of yourself and then take care of her, and I won't let you be there alone."
I reply to her.

"if you don't want me to be alone there eonni then go with me."

"no, why should I take care of her."
I asked her.

" I'll take care of her  Just come with me, pretty please eonni."
She replied.

"No Liana."
I clearly said.

I was surprised when she suddenly cried.

"please eonnie I'm worried about lisa Oppa."
she beg me, i don't know what did Lisa do to her why she's acting like this.

"In one condition."

"Really, what a condition."

" Ivan will sleep here tomorrow. "
I told her.

"ok as long as he sleeps in the vacant room."

" is That a deal."
I asked her ,my heart felt joy because she agreed.

Even if Ivan will sleep in the  vacant room , the important thing is that we are in the same house, and it's easy  sneak out when Liana is asleep.

It's not that I really want to have sex with him, I just don't want him to think I can't provide for his needs.

She said .

"You know where Lisa lives."

"I asked Jesoo eonnie for her address, it's just near here eonnie."
She replied.

We arrived at the address Liana gave and I couldn’t believe that Lisa was renting here,
this is an old apartment building i don't think she can survive in this place , we knocked on the Unit but no one answered.

"Lian maybe we got the wrong address, nobody's answering let's just go home."
I said to her.

"eonni i'm sure that it's her unit."
She answered as she continued to knock.

We already here for a minute but still no one open the door for us, Liana turn the door knob and we were surprised that it was open.

When she open the door widely we're both shocked when we see Lisa was lying on the floor and she is unconscious.

"Lisa oppa."
Liana cried as she ran and tried to help Lisa.

I immediately helped her even if it's hard for us to carry her  we try our best to bring her inside her  room ,and we put her on the bed .

I touched her cheek and I felt the heat of her body.

"eonni please help her "
Liana said while she was crying.

"Calm down Liana , she will be fine can you please get me a small basin with clean water."
I ordered her and she immediately ran out of the room.

I looked for a clean towel and clean clothes in her closet, because she was still in her  uniform.

"eonnie, is lisa oppa ok."
she asked worriedly as she handed me a small basin with water.

"she just had a high fever , i'll take care of her Lean can you please go out for a while and I'll just wipe her body and change her clothes."

"I'll help you eonni, it's ok for me to see her naked because we're all women."
She replied.

"liana please don't be stubborn just listen to me"
I told her, I know we are all women but I know lisa’s condition , and I don’t want Liana to see it because I don't know how to explain to her why there is something  hanging between lisa's thighs.

She followed what i said and she immediately go out of the room, when i heard the door close
i started to take off all her clothes and started to wipe her body, i know it's embarrassing for me to see her body especially her thing but i don't have any choice i need to do this.

" why did you left me Lian ,,, why "
she keep on murmuring while her eyes are closed while her tears flows at the side of her eyes And  her body were shaking because of her high fever.

I looked at her as I continued to wipe her body to reduce its heat, I dont know why . but  im crying while listening to what she was saying.

After I wiped her whole body, I immediately put on her clean clothes and cover her body with thick blanket and i put a wet towel on her forehead before i left the room.

When I came out of the room, Liana approached me immediately.

"How's Lisa oppa, eonni."
She asked.

"She'll be ok baby just let her rest first,  Do your homework and I'll see what I can cook so she can eat first before taking her medicine."
I reply to her.

"thank you so much eonni."
She told as she hugged me before she started her homework.

I went to her kitchen and I immediately noticed that her electricity, water and apartment bills, which had been unpaid for two months, were pinned to the door of her refrigerator.

Is she really struggling in her life that she can't afford to pay her bills at the right time.I asked myself.

I don't know but I felt heartache while thinking about why her life is like this right now.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now