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Lisa's Pov.

It was 9 o'clock in the evening when I arrived at Jennie's house . I went straight to my student house after my shift at the cafe.

It seems like my day is getting better,  because somehow i have some extra money left . I am now paid more than the rate of my teaching because according to the parents of those students  i was teaching , they see a big improvement in their kids so they increased the fee to me.

I hope this luck will continue, I want to  feel that i made a right choice of leaving my father's comfort.

I entered the house I noticed that all the lights were turned off except the one from the kitchen, I went to it because i thought that they only forgot to turn it off but when I got there I saw Jennie, she's designing a cake. she looks so beautiful and her pink apron she felt my present so she look at me with a smile.

"good evening."
I greeted her as I walked closer to her .

" Good evening Lisa,Good thing  you're already here,  how was your day."
She asked me she still wearing her beautiful smile, i think her smile is my new weakness.

"oh i think today is my lucky day because something great happened . for  whom is that?"
I asked her.

"oh thats good to hear , i'm happy for you lisa . Oh and before I forgot do you have a work tomorrow? It's Liana's birthday and this cake is for her."
She replied.

" really it's  her birthday ? good thing I don't have work tomorrow , it's Saturday . Are you planning for something tomorow  i'm willing to help if you want."
I replied to her.

" God thank you ,  i think i need a hand cuz i need to prepare something special for tomorrow ,  My friends are going to have dinner here."
She tells me .

"Sure just tell me what I can do to help"
I replied, she smiled at me and my heart beat faster as I saw her beautiful smile.

"thank you lisa, you know what  I'm really blessed to have you here because somehow  there's someone who's willing to help me , and you know i also need someone to keep an eye on Liana when she's at school."
She replied, as she adjusted the design of the cake.

"It's ok, it's a small help it's nothing to compare for the help you gave me."
i reply sincerely.

"oh come on Lisa it's not about how big  or small  help  as long as you help with gladness and joy in your heart nothing compared to that ,"
She said.

Oh God does Jennie have a negative traits ? Show to me it now to prevent my feeling to fall deeply  for her .

Jennie's Pov

I woke up early even though I had a headache because we drank so much beer last night, after I made Liana's cake I invited lisa to drink with me again and we were both carried away by the good   conversation we had so we didn't notice that we already drink a lot .

I admit that I enjoy her presence she's not boring type of person and what i like about her is she is a good listener, I released all the pain I felt last night to her and she never  let me felt that she's already tired of listening to my stupidities and I can say that I feel better right now .

I got up from the bed and slowly went out of the room I tried not to wake up Liana, I went through lisa's room to wake her up and a few minutes later she came out with a smile.

"good morning .."
i greeted her with a smile.

"good morning, how was your sleep"
She asked me.

" i woke up with a beat headache but i'm fine ."

" i'm so sorry then i should have stop your last night."
she response while scratching her neck, i look at her and tap her on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't be so sorry Lisa, in fact I should be thankful because you listened to the stories of my stupidity and now I feel better, thank you Lisa."
i replied to her as we took the cake in the kitchen.

We went to the bedroom she lit the candle.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

Happy birthday

Happy birthday Liana

The two of us sang together, and suddenly Lian sit up with a smile on her lips.

"I think this is my best birthday ever , good morning Lisa oppa , Nini eonni. Thank you so much."
She said happily, she closed her eyes and wished before she blew out the candle.

"what is your wish."
I asked her before I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her, she didn't answer my question she look to Lisa.

"Lisa oppa where's my birthday kiss and hug."
She asked, as she opened her arms to welcome Lisa's hug.

I smiled when Lisa hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

" happy birthday baby Liana, i'm afraid that you won't allow me to call you baby anymore because you're already a teenager."
Lisa said while pouting .

"no it's ok you can call me baby if you want oppa i won't mind ."
She said as she hug Lisa.

"hey hey you , isn't that unfair you don't want to call me to call you baby but if it's lisa it's ok."
asked her pretending to be annoyed.

They both looked at each other and cover their mouth while giggling.

" ok fine , you can call me baby to eonni if you want ."
said Liana as she rolled her eyes.

Lisa and I laugh together at Liana's reaction.

"my is wish you two would be happy."
Liana replied.

I smiled because every birthday she always wishes me to be happy and now she still wants the same but I was surprised that she included Lisa on her wish.

Again! I'm not jealous, honestly i'm happy to see that aside from me, there is someone that Liana can trust and I feel that Lisa feels the same way, i know that she really cares about Liana so I'm confident that Lisa won't let anyone hurt her.

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