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Jennie's Pov

"love, I'm with Liana here at the mall , she needs to buy something. no need to fetch us i bring my car with us ,will just see you at home."
I said to lisa on the phone.

"ok love ,i think i'll be home late tonight because i need to finish something here at the company , drive safely ok. I love you."
She replied.

"ok Love ,  i love you too."
I answered her before dropping the call.

Sometimes I feel sorry for her because she is so stressed at work, if I could only just tell her that  she doesn't need to work to that company  to give me and Liana a luxurious life,  there is no need too that because  The money  the my father left me is enough for us .

But  I can't just say that because i know that we are the reason why she go back to his father's company  she wants to be  provider for us  .

that's why she's forcing herself to work there even though she is having a hard time, and I know that I will hurt her ego if I  tell her to stop working.

"eonni, im done here but can we go to the grocery store first before we go home  i'm running out of sanitary pads."
She replied that made me think.

"you are on your  monthly period already ."
I asked her and I was wondering what date today,  because I knew my monthly period  should come first before her.

"yup, it's my second day now eonni."
She replied.

"why eonni you have a problem."
liana asked, I forced myself to smile and shook my head.

After we bought everything we needed to buy, we decided to go home and I was already anxious for the possibility that i am pregnant,
Because as far as i know my period is regular i'm already delayed and for more than a week.

I went to a store to buy a pregnancy test to make sure that my suspicion was right and luckily Liana didn't ask what did i buy .

When I got home, I immediately went into the room to try the three pregnancy tests I had bought, a few moments later I feel like my whole body is shaking and I didn't know how I should react when I saw the three tests that were all positive.

I feel happy of course because i know that this baby i'm carrying is a blessing for us , and i'm also sure that this baby is made with love. but at the same time I'm nervous about Lisa's reaction because Since then we haven't talked about having a child.

I didn't know if she wanted to have a baby already , I shook my head to dismiss the negative thoughts that i'm thinking.

I hid the pregnancy test so that I could show it to Lisa later, no matter what her reaction would be, she couldn't do anything because I was already carrying the baby.

When I finished taking a bath, I was naked in front of a large mirror. I was looking at my body my tummy is not yet obvious but I just noticed that the shape of my body seems to be different as it was before, i put on my pajamas and I decided to tell Lian about my pregnancy.

When I came out of the room, I immediately approached Liana who was watching television in the living room, I was confident that she would be happy with what I was going to tell her because she used to asked me  to adopt before because she wanted to have a baby here at home.

I sat next to her and she was shocked when I turned off the television.

"yahhhhh eonni why , i'm watching."
She complain.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now