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Lisa's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes I tried to get up but my body could not bear it,  i was curious why i am here already inside my room.

I tried to remember what happened yesterday but the only thing I remembered was that I went home because i'm not feeling well when I arrived here in the apartment i suddenly fainted.

Why am I here in my room? who brought me here? i look at my clothes it's different from the one i was wearing yesterday  and there is a wet towel on my forehead.
Who changed my clothes? I asked myself.

I forced myself to sit down even though I had a severe headache when the door to my room suddenly opened.

I tried  to blink my eyes several times and  slap myself when I saw that Jennie, came in with a tray of food, I knew I was attracted to her but I couldn't quite imagine that she would visit me in my dream.

She approached me and placed the tray she was holding on the table next to my bed.

"If you think you're dreaming I'll tell you, your  not."
She said as she touched my forehead, I could not speak , I could not believe what was happening .

"Your fever is already low. You need to eat this so you can take your  medicine."
She mumbles softly.

"what are you doing here, and how did you get in?."
I asked her , I was surprised when she put a spoonful of soup in my mouth.

"don't talk too much just open your mouth you need to eat."
She said, I tried to take the spoon from her but I felt my whole body was numb.

"let me feed you okay , i know you don't have enough strength, if you're wondering why I'm here ? Because Liana forced me, she want to  visit you . According to her you're not feeling well yesterday so she's worried about you and i have no choice but to go with her because i don't want her to be alone here."
She explained as she feed me again with another spoonful of food.

" sorry for wasting your time, thank you i really appreciate it ."

"when we arrived here, your door is not locked when Liana open it we saw you lying on the floor unconscious, so we carried you here to your room."
She added.

"thank you."
My response to her ,my eyes widened as I realized that  it is possible that she is the one who change my clothes.

"You the one who changed my clothes."
I asked her , she feed me again before she nodded.

I feel like i want to dig a hole and hide myself because of the extreme embarrassment.

"You saw it?"
I asked her .

" yeah , sorry lisa, but I have to do that . Don't worry I understand your condition."
she replied casually  as if it's normal for her to see the thing that is hanging in the middle of my thai.

"sorry, ."
I said to her , oh my god i never been embarrassed like this in my whole life.

"no its ok Lisa,  don't worry I'm an open minded person."
She replied, i feel relieved when she said .

I know i'm open about my condition, it's just embarrassing that she don't have any idea about  it and then she suddenly saw me naked.

I don't know what's her reaction she saw that i have this kind of thing.

" thanks again."
I replied to her i can't even look straight and her eyes because of extreme embarrassment.

It's good thing that she never let me feel that i should be embarrassed.

After she finished feeding me. She gave me my medicine and helped me to drink it .

"where is Liana"
I asked her.

"In the living room, I tell her to do her homework but when I finished cooking i saw her  sleeping , i'm sorry if i invade your kitchen."
She said .

"It's ok, I should be the one to thank you and Liana  for taking care of me, i don't know how to pay both of you"
I told her sincerely.

"Liana told me you were overworked  yourself so you got sick."
She asked as she sat next to me.

"i don't have any choice, maybe you already saw the bills I have to pay that are pinned to the refrigerator, right?"

"why do you have to work hard when you're rich."
She asked.

"my parents are rich,  not me"

"It's just the same you're their heir , so you're rich too."

"No, no not anymore because i don't consider myself as their child my father made me feel that i'm useless and i'm just a trash."
I explain, she look at me with a confused look.

I don't know why like i feel that she knows something about my family,  but it's not a bad feeling about her . It's just that the way she talk to me  like she's hiding something, or maybe i'm just overthinking

"If that's the case why is it you don't  apply to other  companies, why do you make yourself work hard to a job that doesn't suit you."

" Maybe my father is a well known businessman that's why a lot of people already know about some information about the him  . Like you, i know that you know something about him but You don't know him so well,  He already blocked me from all the companies so this is me now. working my ass out for a small amount of salary but i won't give up because i want to prove to him that i can live without him."
I replied to her , i don't know why i easily open up to her .

She looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"why don't you apply to the company where I work, I'm sure you won't be blocked there because it's one of your company's toughest competitor."

"Even though I'm mad with my father, I can't do that to him .So even if it's hard for me i won't apply to the company that our company's greatest competitor."

"i think i already have an idea, let's just help each other,."
I was surprised by what she said.

" What do you mean ."
I asked her .

"You need to save right, I also need to save for Liana's future."

I ask because I don’t realy  get what she means.

"You can live in the house that i'm renting because there's still a vacant room there and don't worry I won't charge you much , somehow it be able to ease my bill, and you can save too. what do you think."
She explained, I don't know if I will accept her offer because I'm so shy but it's a big help when it  happen.

"thank you jen it's  really a big help , but let me think about it first,"
I reply to her.

"Don't worry, you can make a decision at any time and besides you're already closed to Liana so we won't have a problem."
She replied smiling.

Oh come on that smile, I'm just imagining that's what I'll see every day I feel like it's going to be the best day everyday.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now