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Jennie's Pov.

I look at myself in the mirror while wearing the maternity gown that lisa bought for me, it's really beautiful i feel like it really made for me .

I just told her i don't have anything to wear at the company event of the company I work with
then she suddenly came home with this beautiful gown.

Rosie said that i need to wear a gown and i need to be beautiful because there are a lot of media attending the event, I actually did not want to attend, because I am not interested in this events but I have no choice because rosie forced me.

When I went down to the event hall, my fellow employees looked at me, I felt ashamed when I noticed that I was the only one in the gown and they were just in dressed.

I want to beat Rosie, because she said to wear a gown and then now I'm the only one wearing a gown here.

"There's Ms. Kim, she's beautiful but look at her  why is she wearing a gown . She's really an attention seeker."
I heard one of the employees say.

"Jen, I think you went to different party."
my idiot ex said and everyone laughed at me I wanted to cry but I stopped because I didn't want to show them that I was affected.

I was looking for Rosie when I caught her with my  sight  good thing that she's also wearing a gown , but what surprised me is to see Laina
while Lisa was talking to Rosie's father.

Why are they here, I asked myself.

Liana noticed me and ran towards me.

"wow, your so beautiful Mom."
She said loudly that it grabbed the attention of other employees and Ivan.

"she's your child."
he asked, liana's eyebrows rose.

"You have any  problem if she's my mother."
Liana asked.

" she's my Daughter."
I also replied  to him, I saw the smirk on his lips.

"It's a good thing I break up with you. I didn't think thar she is your child   . and how old is she already how old are you when get pregnant? "
he asked with a smirk.

if it wasn't for this party that I would have a scene I would have punched him since earlier.

" excuse me let me correct you , i am the one who end our relationship, why do you care ? as far as i know it's none of your business anymore. "
i respond sarcastically.

"It's good thing that my mom broke up with you  because  only my Dada deserve to be with my mommy ."
Liana said to him .

"Is there a problem here."
The CEO asked, Lisa approached me and kissed me on the lips.

"No Mr. Park."
Ivan's frightened response.

I smirked because I knew he was scared.

I wrapped my hand around lisa's waist I knew that the people here and the media would look at us because Lisa is already a well -known personality as she is the CEO of a most successful company and I wonder why they are here right now but i don't care i'm glad to show all of them that she's mine . Lisa is mine.

"why are you and Liana here."
I whispered to her, she didn't answer and she just smiled at me.

We were sitting at the VIP table with me Rosie, Liana and Lisa while listening to Rosie's father's speech and I knew he had an important announcement today so there were media  invited to this event.

After his long speech that I didn't hear much because I wasn't interested I was suddenly nervous when the CEO smiled at me.

"I am pleased to introduce the one and only child of my late Brother the founder of this Company, Ms. Lian Park also known as Jennie Kim,  she is the sole heir of this company."
my eyes widened because I couldn't believe what I heard, I looked at Rosie and she hugged me while smiling.

everyone stood up and clap their hands  i could see the shock on their faces at the unexpected announcement, Lisa and Liana hugged me before Lisa guided me as I go up at the stage and I was greeted by A tight hug of Rosie's father.

"I'm sorry if I just told the truth now, I just did it to protect you and your daughter ."
he said to me and suddenly sinks in all the questions that I have been thinking about for a long time, that's why they treat me differently and that's why there is always a large amount of money coming into the account that my father Give me because it came from the company.

I didn’t know how to process the information I found out because i'm so shocked , I looked around and I also saw the shocked on the faces of all the employees because of what had happened.

I don't know how I will react when lisa suddenly speaks into the microphone with Liana and I don't even see them go up on stage.

"My Love, our Love story has come a long way. Until now I still can't believe that you were the child who saved me when I was bullied by our fellow students, You were My first friend that accepted me with who i am  without hesitation and disgust. "
She said while looking at me, I smiled at her.

"Destiny has separated us for more than thirteen years but destiny has also found a way for us to meet through our beautiful daughter Liana."
Lisa said as she wink to our daughter , I couldn't hold back my tears as I smiled, Liana came to me and hugged me .

"now I won't let us be apart again knowing that we will have another beautiful daughter , My love."
She smiled at me before she took the small box out of her pocket and knelt in front of me.

I covered my mouth as my tears continued to flow with a mixture of excitement and joy.

"Will You Marry Me."
She asked, I can't answer because of my excessive emotions.

“Mom, Dada is waiting."
said Liana That made people laugh at this event.

" Yes my Love. of course it's a yes"
I said she put the ring on my finger before she stood up and she claimed the lips.

We stopped kissing because of people applauding and due to camera flash f the media  to capture the event.

Lisa hugged me and reached for Liana to join our hug.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now