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Third-Person's Pov

"eonnie, oppa."
Liana shouted when she opened her eyes and she started crying because Lisa and Jennie were not beside her.

The doctor didn't have any choice but to give her a sedative injection because they couldn't stop her for she broke the all the things she could see because she wanted to see Lisa and Jennie.

On the other hand even though it was difficult for jennie she tried to calm herself down because of the dangerous condition of the child she was carrying.

Even though she couldn't forget what actually happened when lisa was shot, she still tried her best to dismiss that scenario from her mind because she couldn't stop herself from being emotional and she was afraid that she might lose her baby.

Lisa's Pov

I opened my eyes and I knew I was in the hospital, and that I was worried about what had happened.

I tried to get up but I felt extreme pain in my right shoulder and I cried out,  Jisoo and rosie came to me and they helped me lie down again.

"Lisa, calm down, your wound may get worse."
worried jisoo said.

"Where are Jennie and Liana? Tell me they are safe and our baby are safe."
I cried because I was so afraid that something bad might happen to them.

"They are safe, Jennie needs to rest because the condition of the baby in her tummy is not good. She almost lost the baby , fortunately she was taken to the hospital immediately and the doctors managed to save both of them."
I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that jennie and our baby were safe.

"Liana, how is she."

"She woke up earlier and the doctor couldn't stop her because she was crying and everything she saw she threw away because she was looking for you and Jennie, so they injected her with a sedative."
Jisoo explained, I feel like my heart is broken in pain because of what happened to Liana.

"my father ."
I asked them as I wiped away my tears.

"He's gone. Your mother shot him , and now  your mother is still in the precinct,  for her statement of what happened."
Jisoo replied.

It hurts for me to lose my father but from what he did to us. I know that he deserves to die, because if something bad happens to Jennie with our baby and Liana I will make sure that I will be the one to end his life.

"But don't worry she won't be imprisoned because she just did it to save you, my father is already processing it and he made sure that your mother will not be convicted of your father's death."
Rosie replied.

" Thanks for the help ."
I told them.

"for Jennie we will do everything lisa, she is my cousin ,  even she doesn't know that. since her father died, my father has been secretly protecting them, we didn't tell her about her owning the company that my father managed to protect her ang Liana  , we also offered her a good job here to make it easier for us to protect her. "
Rosie said  I don't know how I can absorb the information I know. I'm so confused right  now .

I knew that only Jennie could answer all the questions that were troubling my mind.

"I want to see Jennie."
I asked them and they smiled and nodded.

As I was sitting next to Jennie’s bed I couldn’t help but cry because because of what happened to her, we almost lost our baby because of what my father did.

I took her hand and kissed it when she suddenly  tried to get up.

"Love, lie down  you need to rest for our baby."
I told her and I slowly laid her back on the bed.

"thank God you are safe"
She replied happily I smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead.

" Liana, how is she, is she ok, where is she."
She asked in panic, as her tears flowed.

" she's just resting ."
I told her as I calmed her down.

She looked at me and she noticed my wound on my shoulder. She gently touched it while her tears continued to flow.

"shhhhhhhhh, I'm fine don't worry."
I assured her.

"I'm sorry for hiding the truth from you Lisa  I'm just thinking about Liana's safety and thank you for saving her thank you for saving our daughter ,I hope you'll forgive me."
She said nervously.

"So is it true, that you are Lian and Liana is our daughter ."
I asked her, she looked down before she nodded.

I know we did that many times before without any protection but it never entered my mind then that what we were doing would bear fruit , and that was Liana.

"How did all this happen? I thought you were dead because that was the news of that time."
I replied while I could not believe what he said that she was my best friend then and we have a daughter.

"I don't know who came out and my mother and I died but the truth is that the night my father was killed. Me and my Mom flew to New Zealand , I was surprised that all the information in my papers , passport and all my identification card  are all change.  that i'm no longer Lian Park ,as well as my mother . My mother explained that  my Father change  everything , that it was necessary so that we would not be traced by the person who killed my Father."
she explained nervously, I am dumbfounded at what I have heard and I do not know what to say.

"A few months after we stayed there I found out I was pregnant, I didn't know what to do. I was only thirteen at the time Lisa, and I was struggling to get through the trauma that my mother and I were going through but I managed i need to be strong for the child that i'm carrying ."

" And when i give birth to a beautiful baby girl  i felt like my  life became brighter, I named her Liana because that name was me. painful things that had happened change everything including my name , so I wanted that even just in the name only  I could remember myself with her  "
she explained to me as tears flowed in her eyes.

No words wanted to come out of my mouth because I became so emotional while listening to her, so i just took her hands and kissed it.

"because of my young thinking I decided that my  mother would be known   as Liana's mom . because I was afraid that people would judge me when they found out that at my young age I already had a child. but even so I never failed to let  her feel that i love her ,  I loved her more than myself Lisa . when my mother died I tried to tell her the truth but I was afraid that she might not accept it. "
She added, I hugged her to calm her down.

"we will tell her the truth we will deal with it together, i will be with you from now on and we will try our best to be a good parent to her"
I told her as I stroked her back.

"Every time I see both of you happy together it breaks my heart because I feel like my bad mother I raised my daughter in a lie, I deprived you two of knowing the truth."
she replied .

"shhhhhhhh,  I  understand and I know that Liana will also understand you, stop crying that is not good for our baby."
I told her, we stayed in a hug and a few minutes later I heard her soft snoring.

what should have happened has already  happened and I can do nothing about it , I have no one else to blame for what happened but my father.

I slowly laid her on the bed and kissed her on the forehead.

"baby thank you for holding on don't let go ok ,we love you."
I whispered to Jennie's tummy before I kissed her baby bump.

I know Jennie went through a hard time,  so from now on I will try to make them feel that I am here to protect them.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now