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Lisa's Pov

"Do you really mean to waste and squeeze my patience jezel, is it really hard to understand what i said. how many times do i have to tell you that Don't .......Touch .....My  ......Things."
I shouted at her emphasizing every word because I was so angry,  all the reports that i work  hard  for a few days everything was erased because she tampered with my laptop.

"sorry lisa i..........."
I cut off what she was about to say.

"boss , ,,,,,, call me boss because i'm the boss here, do you understand me. I don't know what my father saw in you to hire you as my personal assistant if you did nothing but make the problem more worse."
I scolded her and I didn’t care if my scream was heard all over the floor of this building because I was so mad at her.

"I didn't mean  it Lisa sorry."
She replied and this was the first time I saw that she was scared of me , because what she usually does is she intentionally makes me angry she knows I can't fire her because only my father can do that.

"I'm sorry,.............. Oh come on  is that story of yours can
return the deleted report that I worked so hard for? No right . Can't you tell me what I'm going to present to my father tomorrow."
I asked her, rubbing my face in the extreme frustration.

"I don't want to see your face."
I shouted at her and she sluggishly came out of my office.

I cried as I threw away the vase and I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

I'm tired of proving myself already and now this is what happened, i did my best for that report and i know that my father who will be mad at me knowing him he won't accept any reason.

When I look at the clock I close my eyes because I didn't notice the time and I was late to pick up Jennie and Liana , I immediately picked up my phone to call Jennie.

"hello love."
I said as she answered the call.

"Love, we're here already here at home. Rosie sent  me home and Liana just took a taxi ."
Jennie said and i facepalmed myself.

"I'm sorry."
response weakly.

"no love its fine we know that you're busy so don't worry and we're safe ."
She replied.

"How are you and Our baby bean."
I  asked her .

"We're fine LOve, we miss you what time are you coming home."
She answered me and I smiled.

"I think I'm going home now Looks like I need to recharge myself first."
I respond to her.

"ok love, see you,  drive safely ok we love you."
She said.

"I love you more, see you in a few minutes."
I answered and turned off the call, I'm tired and I need to hug and Jennie  she is my stress reliever , I'll just try to do the report again later when jennie is asleep.

Jennie's Pov

I was so anxious since earlier , I went home early  i can't work properly because of my dizziness in the office and Rosie took me home.

I was resting at home when someone knocked on my door and when I opened it, my whole body was shaking because I saw Lisa's father.

I was angry because of what he did to my father but I tried to be calm so that he would not notice that I was nervous, even if it's against my will I let him  in into our house.

He talked to me about my relationship with Lisa and I told him the truth except to the fact that I was pregnant, actually we had a good conversation maybe if i don't know that he is the mastermind of my fathers death i would probably think that he is a good person.

He told me about Lisa being the CEO, And one of the things that i worried was when he told me that Lisa was having a hard time luckily her personal assistant is always there to help her, and I wanted to cry when I found out who the personal assistant he was referring to .

We ended our conversation well he didn't say anything bad to me but I feel like he meant to let me know about lisa's personal assistant, and i admit that i'm hurt because Lisa didn't say anything about her ex girlfriend  but i know Lisa loves me and I know she has a reason why she didn't tell me about it.

I was deep in thought when I suddenly someone hugged me, and based on the scent I knew it was Lisa.

" have you eaten already."
I asked her, she let go of the hug and she threw herself on the couch next to me before she  kissed me.

" i want to eat you "
She said and i look at her immediately.

" love i'm asking you a proper question, dont worry you can do that to me later."
i tell her while cupping her face, she smiled at me and give me a quick kiss on my lips

" i'm just kidding you love ,I'm not hungry "
She replied before she put her hands on my tummy.

"baby bean, dada loves you and also Liana And mommy."
She said before she kissed my tummy.

"are you ok, is there any problem."
I asked her because I would notice that she was so stressed.

"no love im fine, I was just annoyed with my personal assistant because she deleted my report."
She replied.

"are you sure."
I asked her.

"Actually love i'm stress with her if I could just fire her I would have done it,  but I can't because my dad is her protector, I don't even know why my father hired her , knowing that she's not capable with her job."
She replied as she continued to hug me.

I breathed a sigh of relief at what she said ,  it meant that her daddy wanted that woman to work for her and He also meant to tell me that so that I would have doubts about Lisa.

Now it's clear to me that Lisa didn't tell me that her ex-girlfriend is working with her  because she knew I would be jealous and she couldn't fire that woman because her father gave that woman  the job, Her father told me about it because he wanted to destroy my relationship with Lisa.

He's wrong because I'm the type of person who doesn't just judge without basis, yes I admit  i'm a jealous type of person but I dont made decision based on what I found out at this point, I'm the type of person who knows everything first before I made the decision.

"Don't stress yourself so much, ok."
I told her, I wanted to ask her about her personal assistant but I didn't because I wanted her to tell me herself.

"Don't mind me my Love, you are the one that need to take care of because you're carrying our baby."
She replied, I smiled at her before I hugged her again.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now