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Third Person's Pov

Lisa and Jennie can't believe that that their friends know each other , not only that they're in a relationship , jennie's friend is Rosie and rosie's girlfriend is Jisoo and Jisoo is lisa's best friend.

When Jisoo and Rosie arrived at jennie's house they were surprised to see Lisa because Rosie also knew that Lisa is jisoo's best friend  and rosie  also introduce jisoo to Jennie.

That's why when Jisoo  first saw  Liana she seemed familiar because she look  like Jennie.

After they ate dinner they all watched  movie and Liana fell asleep early so they decided to have a drink.

The four of them were sitting in the living room of jennie's house while drinking, Lisa is annoyed because she notices Jisoo's teasing look .

It's a good thing that Jennie and Rosie are busy talking so they both didn't notice that Jisoo is teasing Lisa.

As the night deepened Rosie thought of a game, she wrote something on a four piece of paper and rolled it up.

"This is what will happen. "
Rosie said to get their attention.
"I wrote something on these rolled papers,  and there is one blank piece of paper."  ok  " Whoever can pull out a blank piece of paper is the one who will ask question and  give dare . the three papers have something written on it, one has truth and dare, the other one is just truth, and the other is just dare . so just be lucky, and to make it more exciting if you get the truth you will be asked three questions. "
She explained and the three agreed.

Lisa took first followed by Rosie followed by Jennie and the last was jisoo.

They opened the rolled paper and Lisa closed her eyes in  frustration because she got the truth, rosie got the  dare  and unluckily Jennie got both dare  and truth.

Lisa felts nervous when she found out that Jisoo got  the blank paper, because knowing her best friend she knows that there's a lot of stupid idea running into her mind.

Jisoo smirked while looking at Lisa and Lisa immediately felt nervous about what Jisoo was going to asked her.

"ok lets start."
Jisoo's happy said.

"I want to start it with  Lisa followed by Jennie and you will be the last my love because I'm sure we'll go home after I tell you what I dare."
Jisoo said before she kissed rosie on the lips.

Jennie shouted while Lisa was nervous about what might happen.

"ok lisa I'll ask you first. Did you really move on from your ex."
Jisoo asked and lisa felt relieved at the first question jisoo threw at her.

"yes I can say that I have moved on 100 %."
Lisa replied, everyone was smiling at her answer.

"ok next question, when was the last time you had sex."
Jisoo asked boldly, lisa's eyes widened and Jennie and rosie laughed at her reaction.

Even if she doesn't want to answer the question, she has no choice so just SHe took a deep breath before answering the question.

"It's been six months and it's with my ex"
She replied that the embarrassment could be seen on her face.

" Ok, my last question. Is there a someone  that make your heart beat faster than its usual beating."
Jisoo asked.

Lisa was relieved when she heard jisoo's last question.

she bluntly said , because she knew that there was no next question to be ask  so she was safe.

Jisoo smirked at her answer ,
because she already know the person that really sa is referring to.

"ok, its your turn Jen, are you ready."
Jisoo asked and Jennie smiled as if she wasn't worried about what Jisoo would ask .

She replied.

"That's the spirit i want  ."
Jisoo replied while smirking at Lisa.

"ok first question. Are you Stright?"
She asked.

"no im not, i'm a bisexual."
Jennie answered confidently while smiling and Rosie gave her a high five.

"Next question. Virgin ?."
Jisoo asked bravely.

"oh common Jisoo at the age of 27 you think I'm still a virgin, of course I'm not a virgin anymore."
Jennie replied .

Lisa just pretended to chill but she was not comfortable with Jisoo's questions to Jennie, while rosie and Jisoo obviously enjoyed what was happening and Jennie was game of answering  the questions that Jisoo was throwing at her.

"ok last question. if you are given a chance to choose the person who will be your partner in life,  who you want to be with.."

"That's hard, but I think I would have choose the person who first took my virginity , I don't even know if it's possible but if i would geven a chance  i will choose that person Because that person has a big part of who i am right now  ."
Jennie replied to them seriously and the three of them listen to her.

Jisoo is disappointed with jennie's answer because the answer she expects is Lisa , while Lisa pretends that she is satisfied with jennie's answer but the truth is she hopes that Jennie will say her name.

"ok we're done with the question so we'll go to dare, ready jen."
Jisoo asked.

Jennie's confident answer.

"We're all professionals here so let's just think it's just a game. I want you to kiss Lisa on the lips for twenty seconds."
Jisoo said while smirking.

Jennie was surprised by Jisoo's dare while Lisa whas freeze for a moment as if a cold water has been poured to her that she didn't know what to do , but she pretended that she wasn't affected. While Rosie and jisoo gave a high five while smirking.

"oh come on jen its just a kiss , don't tell me you can't."
Jisoo challenged her.

To everyone's surprise, Jennie suddenly stood up and approached Lisa.

"its just a game lisa."
She said to lisa before she claimed her lips.

When their lips touched each other they felt a strange sensation that brought them to respond to each other's kiss Lisa couldn't help but deepen their kiss not minding that the two of their friends are watching.

Their lips parted as they rest on each other's forehead and they both gasped as they looked at each other with a smile.

"I said  only twenty seconds, it looks like you both enjoyed it and your kiss lasted for more than a minute."
Jisoo tease both of them.

The faces of the two could not be painted in the extreme shame of what had happened and both of them could not speak.

"ok, my love its your turn. I dare you to go home with me right now  and I want you to be the top just for  tonight."
Jisoo said and they both stood up and said goodbye to Lisa and Jennie who until at the moment was still embarrassed.

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