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Lisa's Pov

I can say my situation has been improved since I lived with Jennie and Liana, I feel like they are my lucky charm.

I'm still working at Jisoo's cafe, but good thing  is there are a lot of student who want me to teach them , so somehow I've saved up.

Its been two months since something happened to Jennie and me, and since that day we have become closer to each other . In fact, it didn't just end there because in two months we did it again and again, we are not in a relationship and there was no label between the two of us.

I want to ask her if I she can be my girlfriend but I feel like I'm not in a position to do that, i felt like i'm still a trash that I don't deserve her.

But I'm trying to lift myself up i'm still hoping that one day i can say to myself that i deserve them.

I know sometimes that Liana  was wondering why Jennie and i were so clingy everytime we're together. especially Jennie, she always wants to hug my arm every time we watch a movie together at home, even when we are with Liana, she has a habit of clinging to me, sometimes I get nervous because she suddenly kisses me out of nowhere.

It's not that I don't like what she's doing because I really like it when she shows her affection but I'm afraid that Liana might caught us on act.

And i know that Liana has already an idea of ​​what's going on between me and her sister , good thing she doesn't ask because i don't know how to explain the situation to her.

I came back from my deep thoughts when suddenly someone whispered on me as I was sitting on the couch and i know it's Jennie.

When I looked around I saw jennie with a very nice smile.

"hey , you're here,."
I said to her, she came home late tonight because she had to work overtime.

She didn't answer and she just pouted like a child, and I knew why she was acting like this so I stood up and approached her and kissed her on the lips before I hugged her tightly.

It's good thing that Liana is already  asleep so we are free to do such things without minding that she might see us .

She sat on the couch and leaned her back, I sat on the floor to get her shoes give her feet a light massage .

"You're tired."
I asked her, she cup my face and she gave me a peck on my lips.

"I'm not tired anymore because you're  already here."
She said, after I took off her shoes I sat down next to her.

"You're hungry."
I asked her again.

"I've  already eaten, why aren't you sleeping."
She asked me.

"I'm waiting for you to come home."
I replied to her, she smile at me hugged me tightly.

"can we stay like this for a while."
She asked, I hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

Oh God , I love her so much I don't know if we're doing is right, that we're acting as if we have a relationship even without a label, I want her to be my girlfriend but my pride pulls me. in fact, I think that I should just return to the company even if I become my father's slave, it's ok as long as I'm financially stable and i would feel that i deserve to be a part of their lives.

I no longer know the decision I will choose I am so  confused right now.

Jennie's Pov

I came home tired because of the amount of work in the office but knowing that i would go home like this I knew I would lose my tiredness.

Ok I will admit I love Lisa and I feel that she felt the same way, I like how she treats me how she takes care of Liana.

She is not financially stable but she fills us with care and love that I never experience  in any man that i been with before . I haven't felt this peace since my father passed away , I love the way she always waits for me to come home every time I work overtime, I love how she takes off my shoes when I get home, how she welcome me with kiss  hug.

The most important thing  that i love about her is that she loves Liana so much and i know that Liana love her too.

knowing Liana , she is very observant, I know that she already  has an idea that something strange is happening to me and Lisa. And I never heard any single complaint from her ,  i felt like she just lets as do what we want to do, she doesn't ask why i always go inside the room late at night,  why she sometimes wakes up that I'm not beside her in my room.

So I'm confident that  if my relationship with Lisa becomes official, we won't have a problem because I feel like Liana will be happy when that happens.

I admit sometimes that I am disapointed because until now I don’t know what the state of our relationship.

I'm not stupid not to assume  because what we are doing is not just being friends.

We always cuddle we always kiss and most especially we had sex, yes we did it for how manny times already and i Love it. I like how Lisa gives me the best  pleasure , how she makes me feel that I'm not the only one who wants to do that.

I want to ask her what we are . but I'm afraid that it  might change everything . as far as i know lisa,  her situation right now is the one that is stopping her to committed to  a relationship .

I want to tell her  that I don't care if she is not financially stable because my income is too much for us, but I also know that she will be insulted if I do that. i don't want to pull down her pride and i don't want to step on her ego.

As long as I feel that she loves me and Liana and we are both happy in the company of each other , that's more than enough for me i don't care if we don't have any label as long as we both love each other.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now