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Lisa's Pov.

I woke up with my head is so heavy because I cried so much last night, i can't even tell if i really sleep because I felt like even when my eyes are already closed I was still thinking about what Jennie said to me.

It also hurts for me to see that Jennie is crying I feel like someone stabbed me many times knowing that she is crying because of  me.

I can't stand to see her being so emotional so I have decided that I will make our relationship official and I will return to the company. I don't care what my father was about say what is more important to me now is Jennie and Liana.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I left the room when I heard that Liana had arrived from her Overnight at her friend's house, i'm supposed to be with Jennie when she her pick up  but because of what happened last night Jennie didn't wake me up.

"oenni where are you going are you not coming inside."
i heard Liana ask her sister .

" I will just go somewhere ."
Jennie replied and I heard the door close.

I left the room and Liana greeted me with a hug .

"good morning oppa i miss you, why didn't you come with eonni when she picked me up."
She asked and i was about to answer when she cut me off.

"Wait, I noticed that eonni's eye is swollen and now your eye is also swollen. Did you two fight last night while I was not here."
She asked me .

I pulled her over and we both sat on the couch.

"Can you help me, i want to ask your sister to be my girlfriend."
I told her and she frowned.

"what !!!! She's not your girlfriend,  are you two not together"
SHe asked, I shook my head and saw how her eyes widened and I was surprised when she slapped me on the shoulder.

"ouch ,,,, what is that for."
I asked her.

"i let you two flirt in front of me oppa . And i also let you and my sister do it because i thought you are both in a relationship and it's normal for a couple to do that. now you will tell me that she's not your girlfriend."
She answered and I frowned because i don't understand what she is talking about.

" What do you mean ."
I asked her , because as far as i know me and jennie didn't do anything in front of Liana except for hugging.

"the night of my birthday I looked for eonnie because i woke up that she's not by my side and when i go out to the room i saw that you carrying her to your  bedroom , and eonni was naked  that time , and please don't tell me that nothing happened .  I'm not that  innocent as you think oppa  ."
She said to me, my eyes widened in shock.

"You also saw me naked."
I asked her, I was very nervous.

I can't do anything if she knows that something happened to Me and jennie because I know that at her age she already has an idea of ​​such thing, what I'm afraid of is that she also saw me naked.

"see i knew it , it already came from you that your also  naked that night oppa, but I didn't see you naked you're already on your clothes  when i saw you carrying my sister into your room."
She replied, I breathed a sigh of relief at what she said.

"ok,  please don't tell just your sister, do you understand me Liana."
I told her and she nodded.

"oppa you should take responsibility for my eonni."
She replied sadly, I pulled her for a hug.

"Don't worry later I'll make sure she'll be my girlfriend. Don't be sad I love you and I love your sister ok ."
I replied to her, and I saw that her face lit up.

"really oppa you also love me."
I nodded at her."i love you too oppa."
her happy response.

It's late afternoon when Jennie comes home and I already  expect that she will ignore me, and I understand why she treats me coldly.

Before i get ready i inform her that i'm going somewhere she didn't answer she just act like i'm not around, Liana try help me she tease me and her eonni but it's not working.

Now I am here at my parents' house as I walk towards the living room where my mother and father are waiting for me i can't stop my nervousness,  but i'm trying my best not to show it because i'm here for Jennie and Liana .

I know that they already have a good life but i want to give them better, and i know that i can only do that when i work back to my father's company.

"lisa oh God i miss you "
My mother said as she greeted me with a hug, while my father just looked at me and smirked like a demon.

After we broke our hug my mother pull me to sit on the couch in front of my father.

"So, what is my very good daughter doing here, are you tired of the life you have chosen,  Or  your tired of being a burden to the woman that gives you home."
He asked, I clenched my fist because what my father said is true.

I feel like i'm a burden to Jennie that's why i'm doing this because i want to be their provider.

"if that's what you're thinking dad, I can't do anything . I'm here because I need a job."
My bold response.

"ok, I'm easy to talk to lisa. You can start tomorrow, I'm already old  just go to the company tomorrow anf  I'll give you the CEO position."
He said said that made me and my mother surprise .

I know my ability and I know that I deserve that position, I'm just  wondering why he suddenly decided to give me that position.

I know my father he is an evil one , I have never experienced good treatment from him. But there is a part of my heart that is happy because this is the first time he talked to me casually,  no scolding no shouting it's a bit weird but i don't want to think negative so i just think that maybe he already change.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now