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Lisa's Pov.

"Lisa we'll hang out later with the troops at the bar maybe you want to come along."
Jisoo asked.

"jisoo, you know I don't have time for such things. I need to work and make money ."
I reply to her.

"Lisa, don't kill yourself at work you also need to enjoy once in a while."

"Then I'll be able to enjoy when I don't have to worry about paying the rent for my apartment."

"I'll pay."

"You know I won't accept that. I'm still strong enough to accept donations."
I said, my friends always offer me for help but i always reject them.

" are you sure ."

"Just enjoy yourself Jisoo "
I answer her .

I know they care about me but I’m here for the fact that my life isn’t like it used to be as before that everything I wanted I got it.

While I was busy clearing the table I turned  because someone tapped me from behind and I saw Liana she was smiling.

"hellow oppa, have you eaten your lunch already."
She asked.

"hi Liana, i'm going to finish my work first before eating, how about you."
I asked her.

"Good, can i  eat with you oppa, by the way, my eonni is giving you something."
She said softly, I smiled because I noticed that she was happy unlike the previous days when you could see the sadness in her eyes.

After I cleaned the tables I approached her and she handed me a container that had some food.

"wow thanks you , you don't need to do this but i really appreciate it."
I told her  .

"oppa taste it it's delicious"
She said before she ate her food, I smiled at her before I tasted the food she brought for me.

"wow its really delicious  "
I told her honestly.

"My eonni cooked that and she said Hi to you ."
She replied.

"you are lucky and you have eonni who is good at cooking, please tell her that i like it and thank you.."
I said to her before i started eating again.

After we ate our conversation continued because I still had time left in my break time.

"so Liana can you me tell about yourself."
I asked her, she look at me and smile before she started talking.

" we are from New Zealand my sister and i moved here  when our mommy died,  because  my eonni had a good job opportunity here"
She told me.

"I notice that you are always alone, are you really a shy type of person that you always want yourself to be alone."
I asked, I saw that the expression on her face was suddenly become sad.

"This is the first time I went to a regular school because when we were still in New Zealand since I was a child, I was always stay at home because my mom dont want me to go out . My mommy, my sister, and the teacher are the only people i used to be with  , so I'm so shy  now because I don't know how to make friends,  i don't know how to include myself in this kind of environment. "
She explained sadly .

"You know what  you just always show your beautiful smile so that the people around you won't hesitate to approach you. Sometimes when you're serious they're scared so they don't want to talk to you."
I replied to her, I saw that she smiled at me.

"You know what Oppa what you said is the same as Eonni said to me this morning ."
she happily response.

"Really, so that's what you should do for you  to have a lot of friends."
I reply to her.

"thank you oppa, can i hug you."
She asked and I just nodded.

She approached me and wrapped her hand around my waist and I smiled at what she did.

"You see the group students look at you. You  try to smile and wave at them."
I ordered her  and I was surprised that she followed what I said.

She smiled and waved, the group student  also smiled back and approached where we were.

I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at me.

"I'm going back to my work, remember don't forget to smile, ok "
I told her and she nodded.

I went back to my work I smiled as I looked in her direction, I was happy to see that she was with someone and happily talking to her new friends.

I jumped in shock when Jisoo suddenly spoke next to me.

"you really want me to die ,aren't you."
I asked her.

"I know you've already  moved on with your ex  but I don't expect you to  fall in love with a kid. oh my god lisa stop that she's too young for you, If you're accused of child abuse, I'm sorry I won't help you."
She said seriously.

I hit her on the head and she screamed in pain.

"I know already that your brain is dirty but I don't expect you to think that I will like that kid .
seriously Jisoo ,I am just close to her and I just want to help her."
I explain to her.

"I was just joking Lisa , calm your ass"
Her defense.

"not a good joke Jisoo."
I reply.

"Wait, who is that kid she looks familiar."
She asked.

"I just saw that she was sad and alone so I talked to her yesterday, because I felt sorry for her because I feel like she wants someone to talk to. And based on her story she having a hard time getting along with the people around her, so I just helped her and look at her now ,yesterday she was sad because she feels that no one wants to be friends with her. And now you can see in her eyes that she is happy."
I reply to her.

"So you're a hero."
She answered seriously, sometimes if my patience was short, maybe I would have strangled her

Sometimes I don't know if she's joking or she is serious because her reaction is the same.

" or maybe because you wanted to have a  younger sister so you feel comfortable with her."
She said .

" maybe."
i reply to her and continue my work, actually she remind me of someone in my past,  my close friend  her name is also Lian we are very close to each other that even after so many years I know that I will never forget her and all the good memories we have.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now