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Jennie's Pov

"Lisa oh hi, how are you it's been awhile."
Greetings from a socialite woman to lisa as they Hug each other
I pretend that I don't care about them and I continue to choose some personal items I need.

" oh hi, im fine."
Lisa answer shortly , I walked away because I didn't want to hear what they were talking about .

I really get annoyed every time there are women who approach Lisa because I have no right to be jealous  we don't have a relationship. so I just choose to stay away so I won't hear anything because I'm scared that  i might kill someone in no time.

We are here at the mall right now because we're running out of food stock and some of personal things for me and Liana.

It's only me  and Lisa because Liana will spend a night at her friend's house, I allowed her because they are all girls.

While I was taking sanitary pads, lisa approached me with the woman still with her.

"Jen this is Ireen, she's Seulgi's girlfriend, my friend that I introduced last week."
Lisa said, I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that she Seulgi's girlfriend.

I smiled at her and held out my hand and she immediately accepted it.

"hi i'm jennie."
I introduce myself to her she also smiled at me , we are having a nice conversation when suddenly someone spoke behind us.

The both of them were shocked when another woman suddenly appeared she dress like a slut.

I saw that Lisa seemed uncomfortable when the woman came while Ireen seemed want to scratch the woman's face.

"oh hi Ireen how are you,"
She asked ireen , but ireen didn't answer and she just raised an eyebrow at her.

"jezel, sorry but we don't have time to talk to you ."
Lisa replied to her.

Based on the name, I know that she is lisa's ex because she mentioned it to me before .

"oh come on lisa, don't tell me you're still mad at me. You haven't even introduced me to your new girlfriend."
The woman responded  as she look at me and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Lisa looked at me i suddenly feel a pang in my chest  when she didn't say any word I averted my gaze from her and I left the three of them as I continued to choose my purchases.

I wanted to cry I was hurt i try my best to hide it so I acted like that i am not affected with what happened.

During the whole time Me and Lisa were walking around the mall, I didn't talk to her because I felt like when I uttered a word my tears would immediately drip and I didn't want to cry in front of a lot of people so I just chose to keep quiet.

When we got home, I immediately arranged the groceries we bought in the kitchen when Lisa suddenly hugged me from behind, and I couldn't stop my tears anymore from flowing because i'm preventing myself not to cry since earlier.

I shed my tears because I feel like my heart will drown in extreme pain, i'm  hurt  not because I am jealous I am hurt because until now lisa still can't introduce me as her girlfriend.

Why should I be hurt if it's true that we don't have a relationship.

She introduced me to her friends that i was her new friend I was hurt  that time but I endured it .

But why now it seems like my heart is being crushed into piece when she look at me in the front of her ex girlfriend without uttering any word.

As she hugged me I felt that she was also crying when she heard me sobbing , I wiped away my tears and I removed her hug but she took my hand and pulled me.

"sorry jen, I'm sorry."
She told me as her tears continued to flow, i don't want to see her like this but what can i do i'm so hurt right now that i can't force myself to comfort her , knowing that i also need someone to comfort me.

"no . it's ok  i'm fine I'll don't worry i'll get used to this situation  Lisa just give me some time ,"
I tell her i try my best to calm down because i'm afraid that i might shout .

" i just don't know how to introduce you to her believe me i didn't mean to hurt you."
She responds she hold my hands tightly.

" i'm your friend right that's what  you introduce me to your friends , And it's ok with me . that every time we meet someone you introduce me as your friend  , if you want next time you can introduce me as fuck buddy , i won't mind because we are like that right , we just fuck Lisa "
I answered her  sarcastically before I removed her hands .

"i love you jen and it's not my intention to make you feel this way."
She told me and I was even more hurt .

It was the first time she said those words , i should be happy because i'm waiting for her to say those words to me but why is it that im not happy that she finally said it.

I look at her as I let my tears flow.

"i love you too lisa i really do, do you know that I've wanted to hear those words for a long time, every time we hug, every time we kiss and you don't have any idea  how much i want to hear that three words from you every time we are having sex and we both  cum together . Why  is it now lisa , now that I'm hurting so much ? did you just said that to make me feel better"
I asked her.

" No , i love you it's just i felt like i don't deserve you. "
She responded weakly while crying.

"You know what  i don't want to hear any of your explanation right now what I want to hear from you  is  hey jen please be my girlfriend. That's what I want to hear but you can't jus say that,  because of that pride of yours.  I can't reach it  , it's so high Lisa [pandak ka kasi charr.] that  I do not know how I can pull it down , and i'm telling you right now that i'm hurt but i try my best to be fine Lisa. don't worry  i'm just here willing to wait for you to be ready to commit into a relationship again but please don't make me wait for too long because i'm also human who gets tired . i love you  "
I replied to her i wipe away her tears  and i kissed her on the lips before I  go inside my room.

I'm sitting on the bed  I poured out everything I felt through crying it's good thing that Liana is not here.

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now