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Lisa's Pov.

I know I don't feel well right now  but I still try my best  to go work because I need  to .

I tried to pretend that I was ok, but because Liana was a very observant  she noticed that I was not feeling well,
I can tell from her actions that she is worried .

I'm happy for  her because since the day I started talking to her, she became comfortable with me and she always brings me lunch made by her sister.

I'm also happy to see that she's already has friends and I also see that she's no longer a quiet type of person I notice that she is the talkative one.

I came back from deep thought when a customer suddenly came in , I continued what I was doing for a few more minutes I was surprised when Liana suddenly appeared next to me.

"oppa come here I'll introduce you my eonni."
She said as she pulled me to the table where her sister was.

"eonni she's Lisa Oppa she's my first friend here and she's also the one who eats the lunch I alwace bring, and Lisa oppa she's Jennie eonni my sister."
She introduced us to each other.

I noticed that her sister was surprised when she saw me but she immediately returned to her normal expression.

"Nice to meet you Jennie, thank you for the delicious food."
I said as I held out my hand, she's beautiful now I know who Liana inherited her beauty from.

"Nice to meet you too, is it possible that you are Lalisa Manoban."
She asked seriously   that surprised me .

She accepted my hand.

"oh,,,,,,,, I didn't expect you to know me."
I told her , I noticed that she was smiling but the it's weird because there seemed to be anger in her eyes.

"yeah, I know you, aren't you the heir of the Manoban group of companies, and it's impossible for me not to know your last name."
She said seriously, I don't know but I was suddenly felt nervous when she said my last name.

"wow so you know her Eonni, so cool ."
Liana  said.

"yup i know her, sorry Lisa but we have to go"
Jennie said.

"eonni, can we stay for awhile, we don't have anything to do at home."
Lian begged but I saw that Jennie gave her a scary look so she did nothing but follow.

I don't know if it's just my illusion, or i really saw that there was anger in her eyes when she confirmed that I was Lalisa Manoban, she's beautiful but a bit scary.

Lian hugged me before she followed her sister.

Jennie's Pov.

"eonnie, are you mad at me."
Liana asked me.

"Why do you think I'm mad at you."

"because you didn't talk to me since we left the cafe."

" I'm just thinking of something ."

"Do you have a problem eonni."
She asked, I took a deep breath.

"Let's talk later when we get home, let me focus on driving first."
I told her and I saw my peripheral vision that her face fell and become sad.

I noticed the sadness in Liana's eyes since earlier because of the sudden change of my mood.

I'm not mad at her it's just i don't know how to act normal and front of her knowing that i'm already stressed and worried about what is going to happen.

My Anger, nervousness, and fear mixed in my heart that I felt like I didn’t know what to do.


As we both lay on the bed I felt her sob as she turned her back on me.

"Liana baby , why are you crying"
I asked her as I tried to make her face me.

"sorry eonni, if I did something wrong then you're mad at me."
She replied.

"baby eonni isn't mad at you."

" Why are you not talking to me ."
She replied.

"sorry Liana , I'm just thinking something but I'm not mad at you."
I responded to her as I wiped away her tears.

"eonni, you won't leave me, will you?"

"No , Why would I leave you."
I asked her.

She said.

" promise. By the way, how did you meet  that Lisa, and why are you calling  her oppa."
I asked her.

"because she looks like an oppa she is beautiful and handsome  and she was so kind to me  she helped me on how to make friends."
she responds happily.

"I can ask you a favor."
I asked her.

"what is it eonni."

"Can you avoid her from now on."
I asked her.

"why eonni."
She asked, and I could see the frown on her face

"Don't tell this to others, but her father is a dangerous Man Lian."
I don't know if I'm doing is right but this is the only way we can avoid any danger.

"eonni, if her father is dangerous i won't mind because it's her father not Lisa oppa herself,  I'm close  to Lisa oppa i know she is a good person ."

How can I tell her that lisa's father is the one I suspect for my father's death,  his name is the last word that that my father said before he finally died.

"Liana, can you just  listen to me even just for now."
I reply to her.

"No eonni ,  Lisa Oppa is my friend so even if you don't like her she is still my friend and you cant stop me . Just like you , even if I don't like your boyfriend he's still your boyfriend You also dont listen to me  so we're just the same now ."
She complained before she turned hee back on me.

I want to tell her everything that happened but I don't want her to live in fear so it's good that she doesn't know.

Honestly, all the fears I have before  seem to be coming back, but I have to be strong,   I won't just hide for the rest of my life.

With Liana's stubbornness, I know that I can't do anything , she will do whatever she  want. All I need now is to protect her from anyone who might hurt her.

I will do everything I can to protect her , I can't do anything about what will happen in the future the important thing is i see that Liana is happy .

Out of Curiosity ( Completed ) Lisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now