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It's nine in the morning in New York City and sidewalks are already packed with people urgently walking to get to work as they are on their phones either on phone calls or texting, while cars on the streets beep frequently as the conductors are, too, urgently trying to get to work.

On the very top floor of Jauregui Finances, the CEO, Lauren Jauregui sits at her desk's chair as she is deep in paperwork already.

There's knocks on her big office doors as she raises her voice to say 'come in'.

The doors open and Lauren looks up to see her secretary, Lucy Iglesias Vives, enter.

"Mrs. Jauregui, your wife called in, she said that she can't come to the business lunch later today," Lucy says.

Lauren sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. "Did she say why?" She asks.

"She said her father has called her into the office," Lucy says.

"Mhmm, okay. We both know too that she doesn't get along with the guy. But thank you, Mrs. Iglesias," Lauren says.

"Mrs. Jauregui, we may be best friend in-laws now but please, at work I like to be called Mrs. Vives or you can call me Lucy too," The girl says.

"I wonder how Veronica will feel about that considering she likes to mark what's hers," Lauren smiles.

"Please don't tell her. If she asks, tell her I get called Mrs. Iglesias," Lucy says.

"Lips sealed," Lauren says.

Lucy smiles at the green-eyed girl and Lauren returns it before Lucy leaves the office, closing the doors.

Lauren stands up from her desk after hitting the button underneath her desk to lock her office doors and walks over to the large windows as she looks down at the bustling streets below.

She then moves her eyes to her watch and sees she has two more hours left until that lunch business she has with her partner from Canada.

The green-eyed girl moves and goes to the mini bar, serving herself a glass of whiskey, before she goes to sit down on the black vintage couch in her office.

Lauren sets the glass down on the coffee table in front as she reaches a hand inside her suit pants. She takes her member out and slowly starts to jerk herself off.

Last night, her wife left her wanting once again, and Lauren knows that their marriage was arranged without love within it but Katherine is her wife and in that, Lauren sees it as a duty for her wife to please her.

Lauren is forty-one and it's been about fifteen years since she and her wife have last done it, and those years are about the age of their youngest son, Ray Jauregui Kingston.

Lauren grabs her glass of whiskey and takes a sip as she moans, continuing her movements down below.

Her member is hard as a rock and she needs to relieve the nerves there before she goes to this lunch business.

She sometimes wishes she can have a mistress, someone to fulfill her desires but although Lauren's marriage is arranged, she still respects the ring and the vows she made.

Lauren lets out a moan as she spreads the pre-cum around her shaft so she can jerk off easier.

The green-eyed girl downs the rest of her whiskey as she squeezes her member softly a few times before she feels herself start to release her semen.

After cleaning herself up and fixing her outfit, Lauren stands up and walks over to her desk pressing the opposite button underneath her desk to unlock her office doors.

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