Time To Shine

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Lauren looks over at the host table where Becky sits with another woman who she is guessing is Madison.

"Wow, Madison did you see how handsome those men looked in the new Carmine Spain-inspired clothing," Becky speaks into the mic.

"I did, Becky.  To be honest, I am shocked yet at the same time I'm not that Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen were able to get David Gandy to model for them at such short notice," Madison speaks.

"Mrs. Kordei and Mrs. Hansen sure did it. Have you seen the new model they just got? She's gorgeous, isn't she?" Becky says.

"Oh, she is. The reporters and paparazzi outside loved her and I think we're all ready to see her walk the stage. This could be her big moment honestly," Madison says.

"I believe that she is going to slay that stage," Becky says.

"I agree with you. And for all of you listening, if you don't know who we are talking about, we are talking about Camila Cabello, Mr. Shawn Mendes's extremely beautiful girlfriend," Madison says.

Everyone claps, cheers, and whistles, as the spotlight shines on Shawn who waves and smiles.

"Don't they make such a sexy couple, huh, Becky?" Madison looks at the Hispanic girl.

"Yeah... They do..." Becky trails off, looking down at the table.

I feel you, Becky... Lauren thought.

"Anyway, let's continue talking about this fashion show because this is why we're here, aren't we?" Becky says.

Lauren has her attention pulled away from Becky and Madison when she feels her wife kiss her cheek and rest her head against her own.

"You okay?" Lauren speaks softly.

"Yeah," Katherine says.

Lauren places a hand on her wife's thigh and squeezes it softly. "Why didn't you decide to model?" She asks.

"You kidding? My parents will have my head," Katherine says.

"You always wanted to be a model, Kat. You shouldn't have let your parents crush that for you. Every time you're at a Couturelux fashion show, you stare at the stage with this... Look on your face," Lauren says.

"Did you just call me Kat?" Katherine smiles.

"Guess I did," Lauren says.

"It's been years since I've heard that come out of your lips," Katherine says.

Before Lauren can respond, the lights turn down a little low as she hears Madison's voice on the mic.

"Now we're getting to the good stuff. Let's see if the ladies can top the men," Madison says.

"I'm sure Camila will blow everyone out of the water," Becky says.

Lauren closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, calming herself before her blood starts to boil.

"Oh, here goes the first model," Madison speaks.

As the models go down and up the runway, everyone claps and cheers.

Backstage, the line is getting shorter and Camila is getting closer to the runway.

"Don't be afraid, darling. You look so divine," Normani speaks.

"Yeah, and if you are nervous imagine the crowd naked, everyone out there is fine-looking," Dinah says.

"Dinah!" Normani strikes her on the arm.

"Ow! I'm just saying. Maybe if she sees Shawn out there, it can inspire her to strut her stuff," Dinah says.

Normani looks at Camila and walks over. "Maybe that can help but... To Lauren. Just look at her if you start getting nervous," She says.

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