Can't Forget Four Years

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Camila embraces the Hispanic girl who returns it, hugging the brunette close.

"It's so great to see you, Becky!" Camila says once she pulls away.

"It's great to see you too, Camilita," Becky smiles.

"What are you doing all the way over here? Your talk slash talent show is based in England," Camila says.

"Well, Normani and Dinah needed a host, and Selena recommended me and my partner Madison so..." Becky says.

"Wow... That's so cool," Camila says.

"And I heard that you were a model for the show so I just had to see you... Seems the universe wanted to reunite us," Becky says.

Camila blushes as she creates some distance between them. "Yeah but... I'm in a relationship," She says.

"With Shawn Mendes... I know," Becky smiles sadly.

Becky looks over Camila's shoulder to Lauren who is just staring at them.

"What is Lauren Jauregui doing behind you?" Becky whispers.

"It's a long story," Camila whispers back. The brunette turns to Lauren and sighs. "Lauren this is... Rebecca Gomez... My first ever love, my old four-year girlfriend from high school," Camila introduces.

"I've heard of you. Selena and Demi say they find talented singers from your show," Lauren says.

"Yeah, Selena, Demi, and I are pretty acquainted," Becky says.

She gives Camila a look that the brunette can't quite make out.

"You two are... Right?" Becky looks between the two.

"What? No! We-"

"I saw her come out of the changing room, Camila," Becky says.

"Oh... Well... Please don't tell anyone, Becky. You don't know the-"

"Your secret is safe with me, Camila. You can trust me," Becky says. She brings a hand up and runs the back of her hand along the brunette's cheek.

"I always could," Camila smiles.

Becky looks over at Lauren and then back at Camila, lowering her voice. "I just hope the people you are involved with treat you right," Becky whispers.

"Thank you, Becky," Camila says.

"You don't have to thank me, Camila... I care about you," Becky says.

Camila hugs the Hispanic girl, squeezing her softly as Becky returns it, looking over the brunette's shoulder towards Lauren.

Becky pulls away and smiles at Camila. "I have to go but I'll see you up there," She says.

"Say nice things about me... Please," Camila giggles.

"I'll try," Becky teases.

The Hispanic girl walks away and Camila turns to Lauren, who doesn't have such a nice look on her face.


"Stay away from her," Lauren interrupts the brunette.

"Lauren are you-"

"Yes, I'm serious. She's obviously wanting something with you. I bet if you weren't dating Shawn and are involved with me she would've made a move on you," Lauren says.


"Stay away from her, do I make myself clear?" Lauren's voice raises a little. She steps closer to Camila and grips her arm.

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