Kingston Country Club

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When they landed on Tuesday, Camila and Lauren went their separate ways and haven't seen each other since but now it's Wednesday morning.

Shawn and Camila are in the back seat of the car as it makes its way to the Kingston Country Club.

"You're going to enjoy the country club," Shawn speaks.

"We're not going to talk about that your family is going to be there?" Camila says.

"Simple. Do not talk to them unless they talk to you," Shawn says.


"Even my sister," Shawn cuts her off.

"I see your good mood is over," Camila rolls her eyes.

"This is my family. You were barely worth anything a few days ago and you're not worth meeting them yet," Shawn says.

Camila clenches one of her fists and her jaw, looking out the window.

When they finally get to the country club, Shawn and Camila once they got out of the far.

Shawn leads the way outside to a field that has stairs leading up to an outside patio.

"Is that a polo field?" Camila asks.

"Yeah. The Kingstons host a polo game every summer," Shawn says.

Camila looks out of the field to see four uniformed men on the field, riding horses and playing a friendly game of Polo.

"Who's out there?" Camila asks.

"Most likely my dad, Michael, Philippe, and Elijah. They always play a friendly Polo game when they gather here. Come, follow me," Shawn says.

They walk up the stairs to see the rest of the Jauregui's, Kingston's, and Mendes's.

"Shawn, honey!" A woman walks up to him.

"Hey, mother," Shawn says. He kisses her on the cheek. "I'm glad to see that you and father were able to come," Shawn says.

"You know your father can't pass up to play Polo with Michael, Elijah, and Philippe," The woman says.

"I'll usually be out there too," A young woman comes up to them.

"Aaliyah, you're excellent at Polo but you can't play with the men," The older woman says.

"Why? Cause I can kick their ass and their manly ego won't be able to handle it?" Aaliyah says.

"You can't even beat me," Shawn laughs.

"Can too," Aaliyah fires back.

Shawn pulls his sister into a hug and that's when the older woman sees Camila.

"This is Camila, right, honey?" The old woman speaks.

Shawn pulls away from the hug but keeps an arm wrapped around his sister's shoulders. "Yes, mother," He says.

"Camila Cabello, the one who is trending and showing up on all the magazines in New York as Couturelux's newest beauty," The old woman says.

"Camila, this is my mother, Karen," Shawn says.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mendes," Camila smiles.

"Call me Karen," She says.

"And I'm Aaliyah if you didn't catch it. I've been dying to meet you. Believe it or not, Shawn only told me about you way before he told mom and dad," Aaliyah says.

"He did?" Karen looks at her daughter and then at her son.

"Aaliyah, that was meant to be a secret," Shawn groans. He runs a hand over his face and looks at his mother. "You know me and Aaliyah tell each other everything," Shawn says.

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