An Offical Couturelux Model

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Camila places the pen down and looks at Dinah and Normani.

"Is something wrong?" Normani asks.

"No... Everything is just fine," Camila shakes her head softly. She looks back down at the contract and scans it.

Her eyes land on the salary and her eyes widen a little at the amount.

"The salary is crazy..." Camila says.

"That's what you will make on casual, small modeling shows," Normani says.

"How much will I make on big modeling shows?" Camila asks.

"Double your salary," Normani answers.

"Plus bonus, depending on if you do good," Dinah says.

"I've never... Holy... It's been a good while since I've seen a lot of money like this. I mean... The job I'm currently working at... I make this in two years," Camila says.

"Welcome to the high life, baby," Lauren whispers in the brunette's ear. She rests a hand on Camila's thigh and squeezes it softly.

"Well, you'll be an official Couturelux model once you sign at the bottom," Normani says.

"I'll be a lunatic if I turn this down," Camila says.

"Just an insider, sweetheart. You're being paid more than three-fours of the models here. The people loved you last night," Dinah says.

Camila signs her name at the bottom and slides the contract to Normani.

"Welcome to Couturelux, Camila," Normani smiles as she picks the contract up.

"Thank you," Camila smiles brightly.

"Dinah, can you get Camila's payment for yesterday and the bonus," Normani says.

"Of course," Dinah says.

Dinah leaves the room and Normani gets up disappearing into the other part of the office.

Lauren leans close to the brunette and starts kissing the side of her neck, going down to her chest.

"Lauren..." Camila gasps, placing a hand behind the green-eyed girl's head.

"Shh..." Lauren shushes.

The green-eyed girl cups Camila's clothed center as she attaches her lips to the brunette's collarbone and sucks softly.

"Lauren! Don't leave a mark," Camila hisses lowly.

"You can't give orders out," Lauren mumbles.

Camila jumps when the green-eyed girl bites her collarbone, pushing the older girl away.

Lauren chuckles and leans over, pecking the brunette's lips over and over again.

"Lauren..." Camila giggles.

"Oh how I love that giggle," Lauren whispers.

"Just my giggle?" Camila bites back a smile.

"Your body too," Lauren says.

"Just that?" Camila raises an eyebrow, her heart beating just a little quicker.

Lauren stares into the brunette's eyes and pulls back. "Your eyes too," She says.

Camila looks away, frowning. Wait... Why is she frowning? Did she want to hear something more from the green-eyed girl?

Is Camila feeling something towards her? She's not going to lie at the beginning, maybe, but after the contract was presented and she signed it, she pushed all of that away.

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