High Meets Low

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The next morning, Camila got a text from her job that they won't need her until the afternoon but they didn't tell her why the change of schedule.

Camila sits up in bed and grabs her phone on her nightstand to see that it's nine in the morning. She throws the duvet off of her and shivers. "It's fucking freezing," Camila mumbles.

She walks over to her desk and grabs her hoodie that's hung on her desk chair, throwing it on.

She puts her phone in her hoodie pocket and opens her bedroom door, walking down the stairs.

When Camila gets into the dining room, she sees that there's a grand breakfast set up.

"Rosario! This looks amazing," I speak up.

"Oh, señora! Good morning," Rosario, the maid, says. She straightens up and curtsies. (Miss)

"There's no need for that, Rosario," Camila holds her hand up.

Rosario nods, as she has already had this conversation with Miss Camila but she can't help it, she has been a maid for a long time, and between Miss Camila and Mr. Mendes, she can't keep up since the two are very different.

"Did the señor order for this?" Camila asks. (Mister)

"Yes, he ordered for us to make you a grand, delicious breakfast," Rosario says.

Camila sighs, knowing this is a routine of theirs, whenever Shawn loses his shit and does what he did last night, the next morning he orders the staff to make a grand breakfast.

The brunette honestly hates him but at least he makes some sort of effort.

Later, Camila is in the car as she is on her way to the restaurant.

After a few minutes, the car comes to a stop and Camila swings her bag over her shoulder as she waits for the chauffeur to open the door for her.

The backseat door finally opens and Camila takes the chauffeur's hand as he helps her out, closing the door behind her.

"I'll be here when your shift is over Miss Camila," The chauffeur says.

"Thank you, Vincent," Camila says.

She walks over to the back entrance, opening the door, and enters as she sees the staff huddled together in the kitchen.

"What is going on?" Camila speaks up.

"Oh, Camila! Come over, we are having a staff meeting," The cook from the other day says.

Camila puts her stuff away and enters the circle as she sees that the rest of the staff looks nervous.

"So what's going on? It seems every single worker is here," Camila says.

"We were all called here because a very important client is dining with us this afternoon," The cook says.

"Who Sir Francesco?" Camila asks.

"She's the most influential, powerful businesswoman in all of the Americas as well as in Europe. Her name is Lauren Jauregui," Francesco says.

Camila furrows her eyebrows as she looks down at the ground, could it be the same Lauren who called Shawn last night?

"We need to impress her because all of our careers are on the line, especially you, Camila because you will be attending her," Francesco speaks.

That catches Camila's attention as her jaw falls in shock and her palms begin to sweat, a nervous habit.

"Me, why... Why me?" Camila stutters.

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