The Awaited Answer

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Camila finally pushes through the crowd and is in front of the elevators and she sees Lauren standing by them.

"Lauren," Camila walks over to her.

"Not here. We're going up," Lauren says.

"Oh, okay," Camila says.

Lauren presses the elevator button and soon, the doors open as both girls step in.

The green-eyed girl presses the very top button and the elevator doors close, silencing the music, talking, and laughing coming from the party.

Camila bites down on her lower lip as she and Lauren stand there in silence, the air growing heavy with sexual tension.

"I want to kiss you just as badly as you wanna kiss me," Lauren speaks.

"And why don't you do it?" Camila asks.

"Business. I won't kiss you or touch you until I receive your answer," Lauren says.

"And when can I give it?" Camila asks.

"When we're in my office. I set up something there for you if your answer is yes," Lauren says.

The two fall in silence again until the elevator stops and there's a ding, the doors opening as both girls step out.

Lauren leads Camila down the hall to her office and opens one of the doors and steps aside, letting the brunette enter first.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Shawn?" Lauren asks once she closes the door behind her when she steps in.

"Thought it'll drive you away," Camila looks around Lauren's office.

The green-eyed girl walks over to her desk and presses the lock button underneath before walking over to Camila.

"Come take a seat," Lauren motions to the sofa. 

On the coffee table, there's a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice and two glasses.

Camila walks over and takes a seat on the sofa as Lauren sits down next to her.

"We won't be signing the contract today. I need your answer, we negotiate, then we sign the final copy," Lauren speaks.

"Okay, but before I give you my answer can you do me a favor?" Camila asks.

"Say your favor," Lauren says.

"Show me what you can do," Camila says.

Lauren falls silent as she bites down on the inside of her cheek, not sure if she heard the brunette right.

"Did I hear right? You want me to..." Lauren trails off.

"Be my first," Camila says.

"Right now?" Lauren asks.

"Yes," Camila nods.

Lauren hesitates, wanting to say no but when the brunette touches her face, turning it to face her, she can't.

"I'll only give you my answer if you do this favor for me," Camila says.

"And if your answer is no and you just want to do this to pull me in deeper so I say fuck the contract and we continue this?" Lauren raises an eyebrow.

"Wow, how did you figure it out?" Camila teases.

Lauren laughs softly and turns her body to face Camila as she brings their faces closer. "I won't allow that to happen. I will be playing with you, not the other way around," Lauren whispers.

Before Camila can respond, Lauren gently presses their lips together, making both girls melt into each other as the brunette lays back on the couch with Lauren on top of her.

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