Brand New Year

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When I point out play Corazones Invencibles by Aleks Syntek for a better experience


A couple of days later...
New year's eve...

So, Camila hasn't seen Lauren since the Christmas party, mainly because she just can't face the green-eyed girl.

She feels so guilty that she can't tell Lauren what her wife is doing behind her back because she doesn't have the power, Katherine does.

Hell knows what will happen to her if she causes Katherine's family to lose everything just because she couldn't keep shut.

Anyway, Camila did receive the car the morning after like Lauren said she would and it's a moss gray 2017 Kia Cadenza.

A great car, not too expensive but only because Lauren was able to negotiate the price and Camila thanks her for it because when Shawn saw it he didn't believe the brunette was able to buy a car like that with the salary she got but when he saw the paperwork he shut right the hell up.

Anyway, the Jauregui's are now throwing a New Year's Eve party because supposedly whoever the Christmas party lands on has to throw the New Year's Eve party as well, that's what Shawn told her but this time it's only just the closest of the social circle which will consist of, the Hansen-Kordei's, the Hernandez-Bracey's and of course the Jauregui-Kingston's, and Shawn and her,"

Shawn and Camila are already dressed up and are about to leave when the brunette feels her stomach turn.

Camila starts to gag as she's about to puke, making Shawn look at her and walk over.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asks.

The brunette gags a couple of more times before it goes away as she nods.

"You've been wanting to puke since breakfast but you just don't," Shawn says.

"Maybe just a little bit of disgust. I did tell you I didn't want to eat breakfast," Camila says.

"I'll get you some water so you can wash the feeling down," Shawn says.

After getting her a bottle of water and reaching the lobby, they walk out of the building to see Vincent waiting by the brunette's brand-new car.

"We're taking my car?" Camila looks at Shawn.

"Nope, your driving. Lauren doesn't want any helping hands at this party. It's a private one," Shawn says.

"So Vincent isn't coming?" Camila says.

"No, ma'am. Mr. Mendes gave me the night off," Vincent speaks. He walks over and hands the brunette the car key, bowing before entering the building.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late. There's traffic," Shawn says.

Camila enters the driver's side and Shawn enters the passenger side.

The brunette starts the car up and if she's being honest, she loves the sound of it.

"Let's go," Camila says, clipping on the seatbelt.

Thanks to Shawn's guidance, they were able to avoid the blocked-off Times Square and take a different road which got them to Lauren's house quicker.

After Camila turned off the car, they get out and enter Lauren's house to immediately see the kids playing monkey in the middle.

Shawn departs from Camila and enters the living room where the adults are as the brunette walks over to the teens.

"Every time I see you all, you are picking on each other," Camila speaks.

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